The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Someone asks, "Who am I?" and a few other key questions!
Thank you for the kudos from Hungary (my neighbor, a University professor, was from Hungary). Also thank you for the questions. I was precognitively thinking of your question about a week ago while in the EcoEcho mini-forest. This question came to me about the Klein Bottle, in my meditation - instead of the torus. So inherently you can not visualize a Klein Bottle (even though you can construct one). Our Westernized minds are dependent on visualization while the nonwestern worldview realizes that we have to LISTEN to the 5th "dimension" - it is more time-like than space-like. We can "logically infer" the Emptiness and it is this "process" of eternal listening that then "creates" the Klein Bottle. So we in the West view reality as a quest for perfect symmetry when in fact the truth is an inherent asymmetry as a process.
I actually critiqued Ken Wilber in my master's thesis and then I tried to contact him for a reaction to my critique of him. Instead his webmaster - "Eli" - decided to just publish my whole master's thesis on their website. That was back around 2000. So then I was contacted by a physics major who had created his own publishing company on music and physics. He also wanted to publish my master's thesis as a book - only he could NOT understand how I described this emptiness origin from "waves" - as you mention. So I decided to look at his book, "Fractals and Music" - Charles Madden. I realized I had a major error in my master's thesis as I had argued the Tai Chi symbol was based on logistic math but Madden points out that the Taiji symbol is inherently asymmetric (and therefore NOT logistics math).
So that was a long time ago - I then went on a quest to study science more - and I had read Alain Connes (who was referring to music theory the same way I was). I was not sure if he was just being metaphorical until he did his lecture on music theory directly. So Connes though is still trying to promote a Western perspective despite being the only Westerner to acknowledge that the truth of music theory is noncommutative phase (or asymmetric time-frequency resonance). You simply will NOT find this simple truth in any of the New Age physics-math analysis (not from the Resonance Project, not from anyone). So I realized, what I had been calling "complementary opposite" harmonics - and Connes called "noncommutative phase" was actually now corroborated as the truth of the origin of reality.
I had connected this truth as the basis for Daoist alchemy training and Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy - and later the "three gunas" of India. But I realized SOMEONE must have also discovered this same truth as I was just a self-taught thinker (despite having a master's degree I have never "published" in academia). So I just kept searching and searching - realizing that it was up to me to find this "someone." FINALLY I discovered Eddie Oshins who had been at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and he had precisely made the same discovery about noncommutative phase logic as the secret of nonwestern "neigong" (alchemy) mind-body transformation training.
So I have since contacted and communicated with his former collaborate (math professor Louis Kauffman) and a few other high level professors (Brian Josephson, etc.). I have mentioned this on thedaobums. But in reality none of this can even "touch" the experiential truth of the shamanic meditation training itself as it has been accomplished by the few qigong masters I have interacted with - namely Chunyi Lin of and Effie P. Chow in San Francisco - So I made lots of errors in my training as I did not have the money to continue the qigong classes and instead I was fixated on a conceptual analysis of how to translate my meditation experiences "back" into Western science (as much as possibly). I feel like I did succeed in that goal and Master Nan, Huai-chin did argue that this type of 6th level of conceptual consciousness analysis of the state of the Dharma was a necessary project. Of course Ken Wilber is considered to have "achieved" this goal - as I mentioned I disagreed with him on a profound level back 20 years ago! haha.
Yes I have enjoyed a permanent altered state of consciousness for the past 19 years since my "enlightenment experience." so to go back into enlightenment (after I did and continue to do years of "free" psychic healing) - this is a very difficult task indeed. I would recommend the book "Tao and Longevity" by Master Nan, Huai-chin (free online) as a good overview of the training process for the psychophysiological transformations necessary. That's in answer to your question, "And what separates an illusory experience from an objective antigravitational experience?"
So as Master Nan acknowledges - you at least need to be able to sit in full lotus in ease with no pain for two hours nonstop as the first preliminary stages. He then makes fun of monks who can not even sit a full day in full lotus nonstop in meditation. I have not even achieved this level. Then of course a full week is next. Chunyi Lin then did 49 days of nonstop meditation in full lotus yoga, with no sleep. So then he did achieve levitation soon after that experience.
The Siddhi you refer to - I actually have a video in my "bioenergy playlist" on my youtube channel - displaying this ability from a shaolin monk. So essentially at first, once the third eye is open, then you feel it "pull" the body up against gravity. As I have mentioned - there is a spacetime vortex that kicks in. I have compared this as the difference between general and special relativity. So as the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" explains - it is necessary to build up and store enough Yuan Qi in the body (as a kind of spacetime buffer) that then surrounds and protects the Shen spirit as it "leaves" the body. In effect the "ether" (as Ramana Maharshi calls it) - is both inside and outside the body.
So in actually as the Matrix boy states, "rather realize there is no spoon" or in our case - realize the mind is an illusion. So when the light as spirit is "turned back around" to harmonize with its own self - this forces, so to speak, an anti-gravity momentum as an energy-information force from the future. Professor Basil J. Hiley (with whom I've corresponded) calls this a NEWLY discovered SELF-force that "guides" reality from the future.
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