The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Will the Chaos Scientist acknowledge the truth of reality? TING as internal listening in Neigong is based on noncommutative phase
Thank you for your explanation. Now I would like to share that the same explanation exists again from music theory itself, just as Connes has explained. So when he uses "notes" and 2 note "chords" - he is not speaking as an analogy.
so first I'll find part of that Connes quotes again.
So as Connes states, as I already quoted, the "law" or "mathematical structure" as noncommutative phase is actually provided by music theory - as the formal logic.
So Professor Richard McKirahan did an analysis of Philolaus showing that Philolaus introduced the mathematical term for geometric magnitude into music theory. So when Philolaus did this, he was relying on his "lyre" to set up the acoustic scale.
So you mention the values of the zeroes - so then the issue in music theory, as it is normally learned, relying on the symmetric commutative math (that originated from music theory), is that Philolaus flipped his lyre around in order to lie about the value of the zeroes. So in other words in order to create the first logarithmic equation with the Perfect Fifth plus the Perfect Fourth = the Octave then Philolaus had to use a "double octave" that covered up the noncommutative phase.
So what was established was that the octave as 0 to 12 then has 8/12 as 2/3 wavelength with 3/2 frequency while then 0 to 8 has the 3/4 wavelength as 6/8 with the frequency as 4/3 or 8/6. So then the geometric magnitude could be set up as commutative by then stating 4/3 (8/6) PLUS 3/2 (8/12) = 2 (12/6).
So then now as it is taught - normally - I call this the "bait and switch." But the overtone series is different than the harmonic series. So you can have 3/2 as an overtone but if you use 4/3 as an overtone of the same "root tone" or root tonic - then the problem is that the 3 in the denominator is not a harmonic of the 1 as the root tonic based on the same pitch. So the harmonic series already relies on the assumed logarithmic geometric ratios but the overtone series does not.
So in music theory this is also called the "Phantom Tonic" because if you look at the geometric ratios then the 2/3 as subharmonic is also a Perfect Fifth but it is the geometric ratio of F to C while 3/2 is the Perfect Fifth as C to G overtone harmonic. So then when Philolaus "doubled" the 3/4 of 6/8 he was using a different value of zero as zero to 8 for the geometric wavelength in order to create the geometric magnitude of 4/3 for the octave value of 6 to 12 as the 2. So that is how the commutative logic of Western math was created.
So then Math professor Luigi Borzacchini states in his 2007 published article, that he first developed in an academic math forum in 1999, that there is a "cognitive bias" against music theory as the origin of Western math - or "logistics." And at first the music theory as noncommutative phase was the empirical truth but was a "negative judgment paradox" and so it could not be talked about since there was no external visual measurement to confirm it. So then once the transfer to geometric ratios as magnitude was established then the music theory origin was covered up. Professor Borzacchini (he's now retired but I sent him a math equation back in 2001 - based on music ratios - and he said the math was good). So Borzacchini states in his published article that the vanishing of the music origin of Western math is "astonishing" and "really shocking."
As I already stated - he calls this music origin from noncommutative phase into the commutative math to be a "deep pre-established disharmony" due to this negative judgement paradox that created the infamous paradoxes in mathematical logic (that remain unsolved). And so then he calls this "Plato's Computer" as the "evolutive guiding principle" of science - to artificial intelligence.
So music theory as listening to music is actually meditation - what you have referred to as TING in DAoist Taiji training. If you study... the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - it states that the left ear is yang qi while the left eye is yin qi. So this is because in meditation the left ear listening is right brain dominant. So quantum physicist Manfred Euler has modeled the phase coherence between the right and left ear listening as being the same as the double slit experiment as the foundation of quantum physics. Science has proven that humans can hear up to 10 times faster than Fourier Uncertainty - and so this phase coherence is not just nonlinear but also noncommutative phase. The highest pitch we hear externally then "shifts" a perfect fifth in the root tonic perception - as has been proven recently. And then this pitch when listened to internally then resonates the brain as Ultrasound as a whole - as the Hameroff Model has emphasized. The ultrasound frequency then is the strongest amplitude resonance of the microtubules that are piezoelectric. So the ultrasound frequency has 3000 times greater electromagnetic amplitude of the microtubules, as corroboration of Hameroff's model. I've corresponded with Dr. Hameroff and and with the Indian physicist in Japan who did that study on the microtubules.
So my point is that the Daoist Neigong as Ting - meditation - this is actually the empirical truth of reality and was known by the ancients and also relied on quantum biological negentropy or relativistic quantum biology. My contention of this was then corroborated by Eddie Oshins - or rather I discovered he had made the same claim - when he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. And so then I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman - I posted the link to youtube on the "Dirac Dance" - which Kauffman first filmed with Eddie Oshins as a "handshake" of the 720 spin. So Oshins argued that in fact the movements in the training of internal martial arts are in fact based on noncommutative phase resonance from the foundation of reality.
That was also my contention - based on studying the book Taoist yOga: Alchemy and Immortality. So for example there is an exercise called "moving of yin and yang" and the key is to put the left hand facing the lower body and the right hand facing the upper body. So since the left hand for males is yang and lower body is yin and the right hand is yin for males and upper body is yang - this completes the 720 degree noncommutative phase spin to activate the Yuan Qi energy of the Universe.
that's just one example. Another is in full lotus for males the left leg should be on top in order to store up the energy.
So then Yiquan is another example - the secret of the standing position in Yiquan is that you visualize the energy from the right hand to the left foot and left hand to the right foot. I discovered the WEsterners were teaching this Yiquan standing training WITHOUT teaching the noncommutative phase secret of what to visualize! haha.
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