2016 pdf
So Academia.edu - the quasi-academic aka business promotional site - features a fascinating quirky claim by Robert Pope - pdf
Oh wait - I think that's on research gate.
He makes similar claims as I do - on quantum biology and asymmetry.
He lacks the details of the training but gets the general idea. ONly he claims that this asymmetry is lurking in Plato and that Kant rediscovered it - in the aesthetics arguments of Plato...
and so.....
So Pope appears to have spent most of his life promoting Plato as symmetric fractals - and now is claiming there is a hidden asymmetric drive underlying it all....
Einstein's mathematics was based upon his symmetrical world-view, which was inconsistent with the dynamics upholding the natural living system. On the other hand Plato's asymmetrical world-view embraced mathematics consistent with the evolution of natural living systems.ok.... I'm looking for the specifics in Plato that corroborate this claim....
At the 1979 Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, China’s highest awarded physicist, Kun Huang, discussed with the Science-Art Research Centre from Australia about how to measure the direction that Plato’s sacred geometry was evolving toward. Huang felt certain that it was a mathematics moving in the opposite direction to Einstein’s destructive entropic worldview.fascinating.
That emotional concept of aesthetic beauty is the fundamental illusion controlling the tribal science held by the mathematicians within Plato’s allegory of The Cave, held prisoners for being untutored in asymmetrical electromagnetic thought-form theory.
Again this is the first time I've heard of this. He, Robert Pope, still does not give any direct evidence, but hints that it's found in Kun Huang's work.
Plato’s long lost spiritual message in flat plane geometry has generated endless philosophic conjecture regarding the fate of the human species.OK - we're getting closer?
And so....
The secret is in the seashell?
So Robert Pope then refers to Timothy Morton whom I've found also to be overly abstract.
So let's go back to the seashell....
Kun Huang, gave me the research methodology to measure seashell growthok...Pope scatters hints over many different papers...
In 2002 asymmetrical electromagnetic stereoscopic glasses were patented. By viewing paintings through them, the evolutionary functioning of Immanuel Kant's asymmetrical electromagnetic field of creativity became obvious.And now?
llert, C. 1987, The New Physics of Ultrathin Elastic Conoids, Il Nuovo Cimento, and Formation and Solution of the Classical Seashell problem II Tubular Three Dimensional Seashell Surfaces. Il Nuovo Cimento, 1989. The Science-Art Centre... selected from the World literature for reprinting in Spie Milestone Series, Vol. MS 15, selected papers on Natural Optical Activity, pages 12-23 and 24-33, section one. Chirality and Optical Activity, 1990.OK...
In 1995 the Institute for Basic Research in America transposed the optical mathematics into a physics format. Attempts to use quantum mechanical mathematics to generate healthy seashell life-form simulations through time, resulted in biological distortions verifying Szent-Gyorgyi's observation that tribal science is a form of cancer.
The philosopher of science, Timothy Morton, Professor and Chair of English at Rice University in Texas argues that Plato's demonizing of aesthetics has taken us into a new electromagnetic era, which he refers to in his paper 'Art in the Age of Asymmetry'. Kant's anticipation of an ethical, spiritual, asymmetrical, electromagnetic technology was also echoed by Charles Proteus Steinmetz. He was a principal figure in the electrification of the United States of America, who stated that the development of a spiritual, asymmetrical, electromagnetic technology would have been far superior, and more morally beneficial, than the one he had been paid to help invent.and....
healthy optical information flows counter-wise to the energies of extinction reveals that our thermodynamic culture has a serious 3D information problem. That this epidemic is related to the deceitful use of mathematics within the ancient Babylonian legal system used to control the populace, was noted by the ‘Champion of American democracy’, Ralph Waldo Emerson. He led the Transcendentalist Movement of the mid-19th Century, arguing that the plunging of the American people into perpetual financial debt by Plutocratic government administration could be resolved by new technologies associated with Sanskrit mathematics taking the living process to infinity.and.....
Within Plato’s conversation between Socrates and Ion about the demonisation of artistic rhetoric, the electromagnetic properties of magnets are used to explain the symmetrical artistic commitment to destruction. Plato proposes the future existence of a spiritual artistic wisdom to remedy this problem. The philosopher, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), used the difference between aesthetics as artistic appreciation and artistic wisdom in order to provide the foundation for the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science. His research into Plato’s ethical science concluded that Plato was referring to an asymmetrical electromagnetic field evolving within the creative artistic mind, belonging to the workings of an infinite universe. Charles Steinmetz, founder of the asymmetrical electromagnetic research basic to the physical development of the electric power industry in the USA, wrote that asymmetrical “spiritual” technology would be superior to the physical one he was paid to invent.Ah now it's clear....
The philosopher, Professor Timothy Morton at Rice University, Texas, in his paper ‘Art In The Age of Asymmetry’ on page 135 under the heading ART AS A DEMONIC FORCE refers to Art in the Asymmetric Phase as being the channeling of a demonic force. His reference to Plato’s search for an evolving spiritual artistic wisdom is about asymmetrical living information from a nonhuman cosmic microwave environment influencing the evolution of consciousness. His conception of the electromagnetic wave structure entangling with the reality of quantum mechanics symmetrical structure, echoes similar research conclusions by many physicists. The journal of philosophy that published his astute reasoning, ‘Eventual Aesthetics’ , appears to reflect the commonly held concept that aesthetics can change its form to become ethical.Right - this is what I have called "The Capitalist Aesthetic" based on self-similar symmetry.
Illert, C. 1987, The New Physics of Ultrathin Elastic Conoids, Il Nuovo Cimento, and Formation of the Classical seashell Problem II Tubular Three Dimensional Seashell Surfaces. Il Nuovo Cimento, 1989 The Science-Art Centre...selected from the World literature for reprinting in Spie milestone Series, Vol, MS 15, selected papers on Natural Optical Activity, pages 12-23 and 24-33, section one. Chirality and Optical Activity, 1990.
OK so NOW we can check out the secret of the seashells pdf link
(Information Theory and the Living System, (1971) Lila Gatlin,
Gatlin Time Propagator from the future.... in seashells
Gatlin, L. L. (1980). Time-reversed information transmission. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 19(1), 25–29. doi:10.1007/bf00670211
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