yes Ian Stewart is a quantum chaos mathematician. I call Strogatz a
quantum chaos math professor, by default, since quantum physics has been
the foundation of science since the early 1900s.
Strogatz emphasizes, for example, that a fractal broccoli is actually
not a real fractal and therefore not really chaotic. A chaotic system
depends on logistic symmetric math logic whereas quantum physics is
inherently asymmetric or noncommutative. I have corresponded with
quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley about this, also Dr. Ruth E.
Kastner and also Nobel physicist Brian Josephson.
you state that supercomputers are the "best" means - using chaos math -
yes I recommend the book by Professor, coauthor with quantum physicist
Menfas Kafatos, Professor Robert Nadeau, called "Environmental Endgame."
If you read back in the thread - I discuss this book. But you'll note
that the Economist review of the book refused to even acknowledge that
the subject of the book was chaos math of the supercomputers modeling
global "heating" as you want to call it.
So in
terms of the quantum chaos aspect - the key feature is that as the CO2
increases then the quantum phase boundaries overlap creating a larger
"frequency" range for photon absorption by the CO2 molecules - I noted
this above already. My point being that quantum biology is a new field -
and was considered "woo woo" even by biology professor PZ Myers - just
back in 2006 - when I was promoting Professor JohnJoe McFadden on the
"top" science blog by Myers. So yes "supercomputer iterations" are the
"best" that science can do, but as Number Theory points out (Schroeder)
- chaos math is simply the irrational decimals being shifted from the
right to the left as the initial conditions are changed.
yes as you point out - chaos is about time while fractals are about
space - but quantum physics as the foundation of reality inherently has
time NOT as an outside parameter, but instead as a "linear operator"
thereby creating the inherent limit of science as "time-frequency
uncertainty" or Fourier Uncertainty, bound by Planck's Constant. So
science studies this boundary in quantum chaos - with the assumption
that the inherent quantum indeterminacy thereby does not allow the
inherent uncertainty to resonant to macro-quantum levels.
of course, depends on the inherent dependency of scientists using
external measurements - and so some scientists believe that quantum
chaos will enable AI to be the next level of evolution, via synthetic
biology or synthetic ecology or "digital biology" using quantum
computing and nanobiomotors, for example. But this ignores the entropy
inherent to the symmetric math relied on thus far in science - whereby
any external measurement has to be converted from the noncommutative
phase into a closed Pauli Exclusion Principle (using 720 degree phase as
spin via the Poisson Bracket).
So whether
something is nonlinear or linear is not the real issue. Reality is
noncommutative phase, as math professor Alain Connes has pointed out -
this goes against all the symmetric math thus far, that even most
quantum physics relies on. I don't agree with Connes' quantum computing
AI future - or as math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls it the "deep
pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evolutive principle"
of science. In other words - Borzacchini calls it "Plato's Computer" - I
have corresponded with Borzacchini also but he's retired now and his
book remains in Italian. But the point being that the "authoritarian"
math that Strogatz warned about in 2006 - from chaos supercomputers is
not a new thing at all. Philosophy of science professor Oliver L. Reiser
called it "the music logarithmic spiral." There is a structural
deterministic drive to science, inherent in the symmetric mathematical
logic. This is expounded by Ian Stewart for example in his book "Why
Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry."
So if you
think Western science can "save" ecology from abrupt global warming -
and that the supercomputers really "care" about the future of life on
Earth - I do not agree. The US military has issued a big study on
Nanobiomotors - as the final dialectic of Man vs Nature vs Machine. Now
what I think is left out is the 5th dimension as the foundation of
reality - this is what noncommutative phase refers to or what the
relativistic quantum physicists also discovered as the corroboration of
Daoist Neigong alchemy - Eddie Oshins at Standford Linear Accelerator
Chaos science is based on a Platonic ideal that does not exist in Nature.
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