So I went "native." After reading your comment I am trying to think back to my environmental activist days. Obviously when I studied "environmental racism" from Winona LaDuke at U of MN - she continues on the struggle, in "defense" of the Native lands where people can still drink pure water. Northern Minnesota is blessed with this - due to the BCWA, etc. So yes it is quite heart-wrenching as the last vestiges of wildlife get torn asunder. And as we are part of Western civilization - now dominant around the globe - this trajectory was "built in" long term - since Plato, based on the wrong mathematics.
So essentially I was an "environmental activist" but I figured out we were doomed by 1996 - and so when I went into graduate school, my quest was to dig out the "rotten root" that caused this problem. So I actually dropped out of my degree - with only one class left. So my parents desperately wanted me to "finish" my master's degree. So then I said - OK find but only if I can do the intensive qigong meditation. Then I set it up through the African Studies department with PRofessor Rose Brewer - as self-designed research based on the book "the Racial Contract."
So then in 2000 I did intensive meditation at age 29 - for 6 months - and through and so amazingly my energy kept increasing. I had been vegetarian mainly for about 15 years and anyway - then when I started experiencing strong "qi" energy then I fasted as meditation. It's called "bigu" or energy feasting. So that was the REAL TEST - because Western modern culture completely negates this idea of a living Universal energy that supports us as the Cosmic Mother. But sure enough as I fasted - instead of being hungry or weak - my energy kept increasing! And this is where people will not believe me of course.
My energy got so strong that - after I had some serious experiences - then the next week I was at the "practice group" at University of St. Thomas - on the weekend. This elderly lady then asked me to practice healing on her. So she sat down in a chair and I stood to her side. She could not see what I was doing but it was a standard procedure. Only I did not realize how strong my qi was compared to her energy! And I forgot that I should never "pull energy blockages" out of the "top center of the skull." When I did this - with out touching her - I never touched her and she still could not see what I was doing. Suddenly I felt this heavy electromagnetic blob get pulled out of the top of her skull.
As soon as I felt that heavy electromagnetic blob get pulled out of the top center of her skull she just BURST OUT BAWLING and she kept bawling nonstop for 15 minutes. Now everyone was leaving and I went downstairs and I saw my University friend. And I said, "you're not going to believe what just happened. And by now it had been at least five minutes - and then suddenly she walked towards us and someone had their arm around her to comfort her and she was STILL BAWLING. And so I had accidentally pulled her spirit right out of her body. But when I saw her at a later qigong event then she gave me a nice smile as she realized I had made an honest mistake.
A Qi-talk by the Original Qigong Master!!
Yeah so I think there's a lot of stress undergoing in the entire world and our busy lives. Lots of EMOTIONAL activity among people, like for instance, in our days, people are SO BUSY doing things; they try to go ALL OUT to get to take as much as they can. And they forgot one thing! The most powerful thing you need to help yourself to live a happy, joyful and loving and blessing life is FROM WITHIN.
A Qi-talk by the Original Qigong Master!!
Yeah so I think there's a lot of stress undergoing in the entire world and our busy lives. Lots of EMOTIONAL activity among people, like for instance, in our days, people are SO BUSY doing things; they try to go ALL OUT to get to take as much as they can. And they forgot one thing! The most powerful thing you need to help yourself to live a happy, joyful and loving and blessing life is FROM WITHIN.
And so I think that people need to focus more, bring the focus, the energy, focus on, how POWERFUL you are. How a powerful healer you are, from WITHIN.
Just now I talked about the things people are trying to get from outside. People have a belief, the harder you work outside, the more you bring in and more successful you are. They try to use these very very limited of hours of your life, to get the UNLIMITED things from outside. So this is IMPOSSIBLE. But when you try so hard, by doing so, you got so stressed out. And stress is the NUMBER ONE cause of any, of any illnesses in our body.
And then so because of these stresses, you create lots of negative EMOTIONS in your life. And EMOTION is the number one cause of chronic problems in the body like diabetes and heart attack and cancer. So ALL these things have a direct relationship with negative emotions.
So your relationship is gonna get bad, in the family, with friends. So if we can quiet our mind down, bring the focus from WITHIN and discover how powerful you are; And DISCOVER how wonderful we are. We appreciate EVERYTHING we have in our lives; and then when we get sick, when we get stressed out, when we are having our emotional MOMENT, we use these simple techniques to help us, to bring the energy into our heart; to discover the HEALER FROM WITHIN. And take that energy out, which is the most powerful healing energy in the world, the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to help you and to help others to heal.
So that is what I see, Qigong is a wonderful tool, to help you to gain back the balance.
Qi means Energy. Gong means Work. Working with the body's energy, that's what all qigong is about. Everything you can see and you DON'T see is a form of energy. Einstein said, "Energy can not be created; it has always been. And Energy can not be destroyed, it will always be. But energy can be transformed."
Literally our body, the energy, is constantly in the process of transforming. The question is, is it transforming for better or for worse? Now here in Spring Forest Qigong we give you a tool, how to use the energy of your MIND, the energy of your BODY and the energy of your HEART - to put these three parts together. By using the beautiful gifts you have, like your BREATH, your MOVEMENTS and the POWER OF YOUR MIND: Together you can make a difference in your life. It can help you to transform something you don't need in your body, into something beautiful and healing.
OK so well I think the first thing is you need to remember to BREATHE. Breathe deeply and gently, whenever you get stressed out. Just slow yourself down for a few minutes and take three gentle deep breathes. Because breathing is very very important. To me, 80% of the energy you need to survive everyday is from breathe. For instance you can go without food for 3 days, with water you are able to survive. How about stop breathing for 20 minutes? That's no fun at all! haha. Always remember to breathe gently and slowly. The techniques I share with people is you focus on your SKIN to breathe. So can we give it a try?
So I want you now to just close your eyes and relax. First of all drop your shoulders. Then focus on your belly button. Now you also focus on your skin too at this moment. Inhale, you visualize slowly, you visualize energy coming in, through every cell in the body, through the skin. Then collects in your belly button. We call it the lower tan t'ien. The lower energy center. Then exhale you visualize all the stresses, all the aches and pains, you don't need in your body anymore. Transforming into smoke shooting out from the skins to the ends of the Universe. And Feel that. Drop your shoulders. Then Inhale again and energy coming in through the skin. And collects in your lower tan t'ien, the navel. And do it gently, slowly and put a smile on your face. And then exhale, visualize all the stresses, tiredness, aches and pain, cancers, tumors, whatever, changing into smoke, shooting out from every part of the body to the ends of the Universe. Then one more time: Inhale, energy coming in through the skin. You feel so loved, so blessed with this beautiful light coming in from the Universe, coming in through every cell and collects in the lower tan t'ien. Then exhale, you feel so much joy, inviting all these stresses, aches and pains, unnecessary forms of energy in your body, changing into smoke, shooting out from every power of the body to the ends of the Universe.
All right. So very good. Now bring your focus back to the lower tan t'ien again. So that feels good? Take just three gentle deep breaths like that. It can help yourself to bring the energy to every cell to your body - so quick. And these exercises not only can help you to get more oxygen, which is the basic FUEL of your body, to every cell. It also helps you to have a beautiful look on your skin, because every part of your skin got nurtured. So when you do this, for a little bit longer period of time, then you look younger than your age. It is a beautiful exercise which has been kept secret in China by Daoists for thousands of years.
Generally speaking if you do this for 100 days, you don't have to take a special time set aside to do this. You can do this while you're walking, while your watching t.v., while you're doing something not very important. Even you can take a few breathes while your driving. Of course don't close your eyes. haha. Use all these little, little times, one breath, three breathes for 2 minutes or 5 minutes. And you can do this at any time. Anytime you feel you need more energy, you just slow yourself down and do it like this. It is just so convenient for you to do. Some people do it within just a couple weeks, they already see a MAJOR difference with stress and reduction of migraine headaches, aches and pains in the body and arthritis. Lots of great things.
So then you can do some movements. I want you to take a deep breath and inhale through the nose and then take another one. Alright so here I want you to do: Stretch your LEFT arm straight forward with the palm facing up. And then use your RIGHT hand to cup, to pat, from the shoulders down, to the wrists. And do it like five seconds. OK. Cup it form - and do it just like what I do. Two, three, four, five. Alright. Now you do the same thing to the right arm, stretch your right arm forward, palm facing up. Now cup, five seconds. Two. And cup it form. Four, and five. Alright. So I want you to take a deep breath. Through your nose and see how you feel? haha. Alright!
So do you feel the difference!? Because all the channels through the lungs and chest are part of the arm. When you cup the inside part of the arm and skin, breathing has a lot to do with the skin. And Skin belongs to the breathing system. When you massage the skin it helps enhance the circulation in the lungs. Especially when you cup this part to your arm. It can help STIMULATE lots of energy to flow into your chest and lungs and open up your lung channels. It shows out through the nose. When you have a stuffy nose, through the sinuses, that's because of the lungs. Once you open up the channels to the lungs, then your sinuses work much better. This is why I have lots of people who have asthma or any lung blockages or coughing, by cupping the inside part of the arms, they can help to stop the coughing. They can help to clear the blockages in the lungs. I have LOTS of stories, like that.
So that's the second part. By cupping yourself on your arms, you can help to clear the blockages. Just ten seconds you can help to clear the blockages in your lungs. You put five seconds here, five seconds there, throughout the day, then OF COURSE you can help yourself to keep the channels open. BIG TIME, internally. So that's the second part of the technique we are sharing with people. And it is just like that simple. That's why I said: Everybody was born a healer. Everybody was born with a beautiful gift you can help yourself to heal and help others to heal.
And the THIRD part of Spring Forest Qigong is in the power of the MIND. The Power of the Mind, our mind is very very powerful. And whatever you wish, whatever you think, if you are serious about that, your body is gonna listen to you.
So now here I want to do a finger growing game - to see how powerful your mind is. So what I want you to do, I want you to put your hands open. Then you look at the bottom of your palm and find the first line in the bottom of the palm. Like the left hand first and then go LOOK at the right hand and find the same line. The first line under the palm. And match these two lines together by putting the hands together. Stretch your fingers open and then close your hands just like you make a prayer. And compare your fingers and see with hands your fingers are longer than the other ones. So like my hands, my right hand side of the fingers is a little bit shorter than the left side. And I put up my right hand and put the other hand down. If your hands are the same length, put up either hand. That will do.
So now you put up the shorter hand. Put a smile on your face. Drop the shoulders. Close your eyes. Say in your mind repeatedly: "My fingers are growing Longer, longer, longer longer. My fingers are becoming longer, longer, longer, longer, longer, longer. My fingers are really becoming longer, longer, longer, longer, longer, longer. And I feel my fingers are becoming longer, longer, longer, longer, longer. Alright NOW you can open your eyes and compare your hands!! Yeah that's the power of your mind!
Just in ten seconds you are able to bring your fingers that long, how about the channels in your body? If the channels got blocked, as aches and pains in the body, here and there. And you invite these pains, these blockages to go away, by repeating, "So please go away." And ,"Open, open, open," Just like you did in the previous call - my heart is open, my channels open, my mind is open. Open. Open. Open. Open. When you talk like that. It is just so powerful, helping you to open up the channels. Open up your energy centers. Open up the energy blockages. So that you can be healed.
Here I would like to share with you a friend of mine.....
Love every part of your body, and you allow your organs, especially the part you have energy blockages, to FEEL how much your love it? And consider each part of your body as your MOST DEVOTED FRIEND, and you send your love to them. Actually that is so true! No matter life is up or down, even at the point you feel the whole world is turning round, you are just so lonely, so isolated - but your ORGANS, your lungs, your heart, they are always there, with you. Supporting you, loving you, blessing you. Even the aches and pains in your body - some people HATE that. In my classes I ask people to do this. You don't HATE your pain. You don't HATE your tumors. Because they are all your friends. What you do, you say something like this: In your heart. Truly from your heart! My tumor, my pain, my arthritis, I LOVE you. I LOVE you so very much, for helping you guiding me back to the right track of my life. Now I am back in the right track. It is time for you to go, and if you go away, I love you even more! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Say something like that, you know? And by saying so, you can invite even you FEAR to go way. FEAR that is a BIG thing in our lives. Because FEAR affects our vitality, our energy. When we have our FEAR to control ourselves, we forget about ourselves, we forget about HOW much LOVE we have inside. HOW a blessed life we already have. So if you do something like this, saying, you know, "I love you and if you go away I love you even more!" You even can invite the FEAR to go away. And you FEEL then every step of healing is a joy. And you enjoy the process of healing yourself.
The physical organ is missing from the body but the energy system remains. This energy in the body that we call QI has the original signal, messages, information, to build up a perfect healthy healing body for you. So when you activate THAT energy in your body, it can help you to restore the energy to that part of the body, so beautifully. You might not be able to REGROW a kidney or, ha, or a lung, that kind of thing, in the body. But the energy can help you to cope with the channels in your body, so that you have the same amount of energy, with the other remaining organs to help you to live a happy, healthy and good life. That's number one - so we have people with like one kidney that live up to 90. That's how the energy works. That's number one.
Number two, if the damage only .... [interrupted]
When I came to the United States, I am five feet, and 8 inches, maybe. So I was not qualified to play in the NBA, so I decided to become a qigong healer. hahahaha. that is a joke. When I played basketball I had lots of damages to my knees. The one accident, I REALLY messed up the cartilage in my knees... the doctor said surgery would not help... later I walked BONE on BONE!! I tried everything thing! It would not work. One day a qigong master guided a meditation, I sat 7 and a half hours, on the ground. The qigong master guided simple movements. When I came out of the meditation, 80% of the pain in my knees is gone. And the following 2 months of practice, one and half to two hours MAX everyday is that I practiced, I healed my cartilage and the arthritis is completely healed. And now my knees have even more flexibility than ever. At that time I was in my 20s and now I am 56. I am just doing so well.
Lots of people have similar situations and they healed up real well, within a very short period of time. So it depends. When you do this exercise, if you focus on the FEELING of the body, feel how good you feel, and follow the guidance in learning materials, just feel the MOMENT. Activate that Unconditional Love from your heart and put that energy in action - to help you heal. And you can heal yourself many times faster.
The healing process, and how much time it will take and how long it will take. It depends on the situation. If it is VERY SERIOUS it might take a little bit longer of time. If it is not that serious - like migraine headaches, that kind of thing, then generally speaking, then within three days to one week or two weeks, you will feel a big difference. Then you keep these exercises a half hour a day and HIGHLY recommend everybody to do a 100 days program. Do it for 100 days. And then you help yourself to put your body back to its normal mode. Heal the body, and heal the organs and heal, bring balance to the channels, to the energy centers. And then so you help yourself to maintain a good health.
OH yes absolutely. When we are SO BUSY our mind goes in one direction and our body tries so hard to catch up with our mind, and then your spirit, your heart is another place. Your body is separated: BIG TIME. So now with this simple breathing exercises, qigong movements, you are able to bring all these four parts to reunited. You become so centered. You become so center, when you focus more into your HEART then you are able to activate the love energy from within side us. The love energy activated from inside, you start thinking about: What is the purpose of your life?
When you live a purposeful life, you're able to direct your energy to a healthy, happy direction. Because our life here is for joy, for happiness. For something good. If that is my goal, that's my purpose, then what kind of things can help me to bring this joy and happiness in my life, and healthy life. So now this is the job I want to do. So you work on a computer, as a teacher, work as a carpenter. No matter what your heart is, you focus on that and bring how much joy, you're gonna bring through your work, to others.
So when you focus on that, you feel you're not stressful anymore. Every bit of your life is just filled with joy. So when you're filled with joy in your daily life, you have this positive energy, running through your body, everyday. And then you have no energy blockages or less energy blockages got created in your body. With these exercises, then you FIND the most beautiful thing of this, you find the real connection between you and your God, between you and your Master or between you and the Divine. You always stay with that connection. When you connect yourself to the Divine, you have more energy to support you, because you have the Whole Universe to support you.
there's lots of studies show if you focus, opening your heart, connecting yourself to the Universe, comparing to slowly focus on your body, on the different energy chakra in the body, without thinking about the Universe, you have MORE energy by focusing on connecting, the connection between you and the Divine. So qigong, here specifically Spring Forest Qigong, at the very beginning helping you connect yourself to the Divine by the breathing. Inhaling energy coming in through the Universe, through every pore, every cell, and put in the lower dan t'ien in the navel. And you exhale - visualize all these stresses, these aches and pains, and smoke shooting out, from every part of the body, returning back to the Universe.
When you return this energy back to the Universe - this is not BAD energy - it is just EXTRA energy in your body. You don't need it anymore, you just return it back to the Universe. So everything is positive.
Old Masters talk about everything as Love-Light.
The Chinese have been practicing Qigong over 5,000 years. Now in many hospitals in China we offer Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Qigong to patients. In China, almost every family knows some techniques of self-healing such as herbal medicine, Tui Na, Guasha, massage and Qigong. Many health problems are taken care of before they grow bigger and people through practicing Qigong prevent illness from happening and when they are sick they get healed faster and more completely, physically and spiritually without side effects, anxiety and pain.
As a Qigong master, through my many years of experience, the purpose, the dream for me to come over here to this country, the development of a Spring Forest Qigong, that is my technique, is a healer in a family and a world without pain.
Through the last five years teaching at Anoka-Ramsey Community College -- now here I am going to give you some numbers. In 1995-96 academic year I have only 100 students. Then the next year 113. Then in 1997-98 I have 1,250. In 1998-99 I have 1,525. And in the last year I have 2,400 students. So in the past few years, Spring Forest Qigong has already helped lots of people and healed their pains and aches.
So -- and here is my suggestion:
I recommend that as all cultures be respect in this country, all forms of healing be acknowledged and allowed in this country, too.
I recommend that all forms of healing be encouraged and free so that individuals can utilize for their own health and self-healing so that people be allowed to take responsibility of their own health and self-healing.
I recommend that we have a positive cultural climate and information with other cultures and reap the benefits of wisdom for all cultures.
And I recommend that the government not put legal barriers up regarding Qigong so all persons can always teach and practice Qigong.
MASTER LIN: As far as I know, in the United States there is only one title like mine. In the United States in the university level, the director of Qigong Program in a college. I think this is very important and helps people to understand Qigong, help people to understand these modalities of healing, through the college curriculum, educate people and have people be aware -- more aware of these modalities of healing, helping society to stay healthy. I think that is the number one important thing.
The second is teach doctors, nurses, help them to understand these different types of modalities of healing, like a Qigong and Tibetan medicine, and medicine from different cultures. I think that is also important, too.
Then the freedom of medicine practice will come.
Yes. I would like to move from funding to freedom since this is supposed to be the land on which that ideal is being espoused and apparently one of the current laws in this state is designed specifically to provide freedom for nonlicensed practitioners to allow them to practice. And I would be very interested if the panel would comment on whether they think this law is of benefit to them, their particular group and particular practice, or not?
Mr. Reyes?
MR. REYES: I have not seen this law. I have heard about it but I have not seen the law. I have not read it so I do not know what it really says about how free we are to practice so I could not really comment on it.
COMMISSIONER JONAS: We could provide you with a copy and a discussion. I would be very interested in your opinion. There are some regulations involved. Obviously it is not completely open. However, it is different than what some of the current licensing laws are for saying you are now licensed to be a practitioner.
Any other reactions to the law in terms of how this may or may not have any impact on your cultural practices?
MASTER LIN: From my classes I heard more people talking about this law, doctors who refer them to Qigong classes, to take classes, and to help them manage their pain and stress. Before that I did not hear too much about people coming -- like doctors or professionals from the medical field referring people to a class like this.
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