So the lake now looks like a "museum" and since it is in a rich neighborhood - this took priority. Meanwhile in the working class neighborhood at the SAME time, the city completely clearcut a spiritual forest of Old Growth Maple-Basswood (Big Woods) forest. This was were the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers had their confluence and it had been a spiritual gathering site for hundreds if not thousands of years - probably thousands - as the "origin of creation" site based on a rainbow spirit of the water.
Oh yes I had this dream of a white bear standing up against one of the big old oak trees in our lawn (that I grew up on). And so I went back - sure enough that tree had just been cut down! And around the same time before that I had a dream of another oak tree in the same yard - nearby - only the tree had a rainbow aura around it. So I believe that the big old oak tree SPIRITS were watching over me when I was a child always playing in that yard. Since at this time I was meditating all the time - then I looked up the bear - and in circumpolar cultures, the bear is considered a messenger for the spirit world.
Also in 1995 - I had this dream MORE REAL than being awake. And it was at 2:30 am and I had been keeping a journal next to my bed. I immediately wrote the dream down - it was of my Earth First! activist friends with native indigenous activists - standing on the roof of a house - holding a banner to protect a forest. Now that is a very specific image and I even wrote: "I think this dream is predicting the future."
So then three years later I had completely forgotten about that dream - but I was looking at a photocopy on an activist flier - for where I did civil disobedience and I wrote a graduate research paper for Winona LaDuke's "environmental racism" class. And the photo was from a newspaper article - and it was the EXACT same image. Suddenly I got this uncanny sensation and I drove up to my parent's house - where my journal was stored. I dug up that passage from THREE YEARS before. Sure enough the newspaper photo was precisely the same as my dream image.
The Alchemy of DeNile is hard-wired as an "evolution of technology" based on left-brain dominance and right-hand dominance. Human language evolved as dependent on right-hand dominant technology as prof. Michael Corballis has discovered. Ecology is right-brain dominant based on left-handed amino acids. So our visual light measurements literally go against left-handed dominant life on Earth. So keep in mind that an extreme rational mind can also be a psychopath, planning their massacres with gory cold-logic, an extreme intelligence.
But Nature as ecology is infinitely more intelligent than whatever any human is spewing out via words and technology. We can trust that Mother Nature will take care of the problem - life on Earth will rebound as the Moon controls life on Earth via the water cycle as electrogravitic macroquantum energy. This is what Dr. Gerald Pollack was hinting at when he was on a discussion panel with Prof. Emeritus Gee McFearSun. Yes water is the "pivot point" for the cycling of the elements with metal and fire now dominant over wood and earth. But as we run out of water - fresh water - the deep salt water can still maintain extremophile life. And it may take hundreds of millions of years but linear time is an illusion of left-brain dominance.
Like when we are in deep dreamless sleep - who is our real consciousness? Does our mind just turn off and we wake up as a biological machine? Or is consciousness itself something deeper than our left-brain dominance? The nonwestern cultures state the later while Western culture tries to avoid the deeper meaning of dreams and dreamless sleep - preferring to consider life as a machine that "turns on" upon waking up. Fortunately the truth is not a popularity contest and Justice is Blind but Justice is also LISTENING, in silence. That is the secret solution to the alchemical Oedipal Complex that creates the Edifice Complex as Missile Envy politico-economic Chimp-modern male battles.
The bonobo male lives with his mom for his whole life and her life - but in Modern male culture - living in your "mom's basement" is considered the ultimate put down aka "crasy azz mudder-foker." So of course Randall Carlson can go off about his propaganda while he knows NOTHING about the original human culture that was 90% of human history - the San Bushmen culture. Same with James Corbett also. The secret of water could be a good starting point for Corbett - like Victor Schauber for example or Dr. Andrija Puharich (a CIA Mkultra research scientist). People can design elaborate models of reality - as Corbett and Carlson have done - but a person is a hypocrite and an Idiot - except only when in deep dreamless sleep, something that everyone needs as natural meditation - during which neither time nor space is perceived.
Water is a macroquantum negentropic molecule - so it accesses this nonlocal realm of reality - the foundation of truth - as a room temperature "vibration." A good book on this is by Professor JohnJoe McFadden - "Life on the Edge." Without studying quantum biology then a true understanding of abrupt global warming is denied. So clearly Corbett and Carlson need to hit the books more - they think they can "outwit" Mother Nature? they will remain Half-Wits as will the rest of us.
The Alchemy of DeNile is hard-wired as an "evolution of technology" based on left-brain dominance and right-hand dominance. Human language evolved as dependent on right-hand dominant technology as prof. Michael Corballis has discovered. Ecology is right-brain dominant based on left-handed amino acids. So our visual light measurements literally go against left-handed dominant life on Earth. So keep in mind that an extreme rational mind can also be a psychopath, planning their massacres with gory cold-logic, an extreme intelligence.
But Nature as ecology is infinitely more intelligent than whatever any human is spewing out via words and technology. We can trust that Mother Nature will take care of the problem - life on Earth will rebound as the Moon controls life on Earth via the water cycle as electrogravitic macroquantum energy. This is what Dr. Gerald Pollack was hinting at when he was on a discussion panel with Prof. Emeritus Gee McFearSun. Yes water is the "pivot point" for the cycling of the elements with metal and fire now dominant over wood and earth. But as we run out of water - fresh water - the deep salt water can still maintain extremophile life. And it may take hundreds of millions of years but linear time is an illusion of left-brain dominance.
Like when we are in deep dreamless sleep - who is our real consciousness? Does our mind just turn off and we wake up as a biological machine? Or is consciousness itself something deeper than our left-brain dominance? The nonwestern cultures state the later while Western culture tries to avoid the deeper meaning of dreams and dreamless sleep - preferring to consider life as a machine that "turns on" upon waking up. Fortunately the truth is not a popularity contest and Justice is Blind but Justice is also LISTENING, in silence. That is the secret solution to the alchemical Oedipal Complex that creates the Edifice Complex as Missile Envy politico-economic Chimp-modern male battles.
The bonobo male lives with his mom for his whole life and her life - but in Modern male culture - living in your "mom's basement" is considered the ultimate put down aka "crasy azz mudder-foker." So of course Randall Carlson can go off about his propaganda while he knows NOTHING about the original human culture that was 90% of human history - the San Bushmen culture. Same with James Corbett also. The secret of water could be a good starting point for Corbett - like Victor Schauber for example or Dr. Andrija Puharich (a CIA Mkultra research scientist). People can design elaborate models of reality - as Corbett and Carlson have done - but a person is a hypocrite and an Idiot - except only when in deep dreamless sleep, something that everyone needs as natural meditation - during which neither time nor space is perceived.
Water is a macroquantum negentropic molecule - so it accesses this nonlocal realm of reality - the foundation of truth - as a room temperature "vibration." A good book on this is by Professor JohnJoe McFadden - "Life on the Edge." Without studying quantum biology then a true understanding of abrupt global warming is denied. So clearly Corbett and Carlson need to hit the books more - they think they can "outwit" Mother Nature? they will remain Half-Wits as will the rest of us.
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