david.c.lush@boeing.com This first link gives an excellent overview and analysis of the Law of Phase Harmony (pdf)
In the de Broglie - Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics, the electron is stationary in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, because the quantum force exactly cancels the Coulomb attraction of the electron to the proton. In this paper it is shown that classical electrodynamics similarly predicts the Coulomb force can be effectively canceled by part of the magnetic force that occurs between two similar particles each consisting of a point charge moving with circulatory motion at the speed of light. Supposition of such motion is the basis of the {\em Zitterbewegung} interpretation of quantum mechanics. The magnetic force between two luminally-circulating charges for separation large compared to their circulatory motions contains a radial inverse square law part with magnitude equal to the Coulomb force, sinusoidally modulated by the phase difference between the circulatory motions. When the particles have equal mass and their circulatory motions are aligned but out of phase, part of the magnetic force is equal but opposite the Coulomb force. This raises a possibility that the quantum force of Bohmian mechanics may be attributable to the magnetic force of classical electrodynamics. It is further shown that non-relativistic relative motion between the particles leads to modulation of the magnetic force with spatial period equal to the de Broglie wavelength.
David C. Lush and Dean A. Hudson. Boeing Aerospace and Electronics. P.O. Box 3999, MS 20-43. Seattle, Washington, 98124. Abstract. An efficient method is
So his technical expertise seems to be radar signal processing...
Spin-Spin Interaction as Quantum Phase Measurement and the Mechanism of Atom Formation
Comments: 44 pages, no figures. Preliminary replacement for 1609.04446v7, which had errors. Please see the footnote on page 17 for details
Subjects: Classical Physics (physics.class-ph); History and Philosophy of Physics (physics.hist-ph); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Magnetic interactions between relativistically-moving charges are similar in strength to the electric interaction between static charges. If the electron always moves luminally, as the Dirac theory implies, and so moving gives rise to the intrinsic magnetic moment, then magnetic spin-spin interactions stronger than currently recognized are to be expected. It is proposed that spin-spin interactions as expected according to this line of reasoning can properly account for the formation of atoms, if quarks and leptons are composed of more-fundamental spin-half particles.Oh I get it - he REVISED his earlier paper from 2016.
Well obviously this topic gets real complicated REAL fast. My last blogpost I think I hinted at the secret meaning of the Law of PHase Harmony - although some of my details may have been wrong.
So here we have some academics thanking David C. Lush....
Ah via the US Naval Academy
So then the secret here is that the "hidden momentum" of the electron-proton spin dynamics needs to be included - not just the "radial" (orbital angular momentum) quantum energy. And this "hidden momentum" DOES NOT just cancel itself out, in contrast to radial "inverse square" dynamics.
in the presence of Thomas precession, the total angular momentum is not generally conserved. The total angular momentum precesses for non-aligned spin and orbit, even in the absence of externally-applied magnetic field.
Again I don't understand all the scientific minutiae but I do understand that this is a radical reinterpretation of the resonance of reality!!
So the internal frequency goes up as being superluminal phase!!
And keep in mind this is based on the observation of the scientist....
So this is the secret of how a person in meditation can "capture" or resonate the virtual information field back into the classical or materialistic energy.
I'm not gonna go into any details - because again the details are too complicated and the goal is not to "practice" science but rather to extract the principles of reality as truth, corroborated by science.
So this Quantum Force can by parallel or anti-parallel such that the spins do not cancel each other out....
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