Tuesday, April 30, 2019

There is no dirty qi or NOT dirty energy: Master of Qi conference qigong master Chunyi Lin video excerpts


Chunyi Lin Energy is energy, there is no dirty energy or not dirty energy. I don't understand the concept of "dirty energy".
 (Brad and Hillary Keeney, Sacred Ecstatics, p. 22-23)
 "The sacred vibration takes you past the desire for more psychological self-awareness, contemplative understanding, religious doctrine, and secular commentary. Once you receive it, you automatically step into a radically different way of being in the world. Here the highest meaning of life is not found in spiritual discussion, but in the ecstatic drumbeat of soulful percussion. The spiritual revolution that awaits you is the journey from psychological talk to an ecstatic walkabout in the wilderness of mystery.

The sacred vibration is inseparable from your Kalahari-inspired rope to God, and it instills a new kind of compass or reference point. You naturally gravitate toward people, places, and performance situations that are alive and crackling with vibrant spiritual energy. Like the Kalahari foragers of old, you become a hunter-gatherer of the sacred vibration, someone skilled in the original way of tracking God." -
 When pressed to define n/om, we say that it is a blend of deep sacred emotion, spontaneous movement, and song. It is not one of these things, but all of them together at once. The Bushmen never say the word “n/om” whenever they actually feel it. Instead they use another word as a “respect name.” They warn that saying the primary word at such a time can make n/om so powerful that it might kill them. The unspoken but likely more important truth is that saying it also risks killing the n/om—turning its fire into ice.
For the second time when I have gone north to the mini-forest for several days, then when I return home I need to do healing work extra for the home environment - so yesterday I got special healing tea to treat my mom, as when I returned, she had picked up a strong chest cough blockage. So now she is better.

 When I am here then I am constantly doing qi healing - this is preventative healing and so it is subtle energy and not very noticeable. My eyeballs pulsate as the qi goes out from my heart and pineal gland into my mom. Then she remains strong and healthy. But when I go away then she gets a stronger blockage and so I am forced to use a stronger treatment that is not preventative, but rather is a jing treatment - in this case I used:

Breathe Easy, traditionial medicinals seasonal teas

combines the best of Western herbalism with ancient Traditional Chinese wisdom resulting in a unique blend that warms and engages the senses. Eucalyptus, fennel and licorice are combined with Bi Yan Pian extract, a traditional Chinese formula of 11 different herbs. We love this aromatic and fragrant blend that soothes with its warm and spicy taste.

It's the solution based on celibacy that is not known about. ALL males were required to train for a month of fasting and trance dancing - at the height of puberty. This is to activate the vagus nerve on the right side - connected to the reproductive organs via the back lower side - the spine. So the San Bushmen say to visualize fire at the base of the spine. This is the secret alchemy of fire that then boils the water to create healing steam at N/om. The N/om then percolates back down the front after being purified through the brain (like a micropore biochar filter). So that way the lower negative emotions become fuel to create light as spiritual fire - and it is then stored back into the pit of the stomach into the small intestines, considered the greatest location of N/om in the body (qi or prana). So we modern humans have never even experienced what it is to be real humans - this strong qi or prana is actually a spacetime ether energy of the Cosmic Mother directly - N/om. It can see the future and heal the past.

 yes I have detailed research on this - the cerebrospinal fluid is largely made of lecithin which is also the main component of ejaculate. So the Daoists call it "feeding the brain" - the lecithin myelinates the neurons to hold charge - and this is precisely how an electric eel holds charge. Then as the pressure builds up in the skull cavity the CSF overflows out of the sinus cavity. But with meditation the biophotons that normally leave the eyes are then "turned around" and supercharge the lecithin and CSF via the piezoelectric charge of the pineal gland (and the collagen also from standing active exercises like trance dance or Tai Chi). So the collagen is 90% aligned vertically. This is why the oldest spiritual training is the Eland Bull Dance at first female menstruation - and the female has the strongest N/om at this time, just as a male Eland Bull has the greatest amount of fat around the heart.

So once the right side vagus nerve energy fills up the right side of the skull with CSF then it goes into the left side of the brain and clears out the conceptual mind - and then the left side vagus nerve goes down the front. Then as it keeps cycling the right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart for the deep awakening. So then on a deep level - the vagus nerve charge is so strong that the heart actually stops but death is transcended since the person is resonating with the Cosmic Mother energy directly beyond death.

Lignin Lightning: Potentially Doubling my first Soltree Shiitake Shroom harvest?!

So after a helpful chat with Field and Forest mushrooms - I discovered Shiitake DO GROW on Birch!! What a pleasant surprise. And after subsequent research, I learned Shiitake grow FASTER on Birch (makes sense as it's softer wood). The Shiitake shroom eats the Lignin

Lignin is an organic substance binding the cells, fibres and vessels which constitute wood and the lignified elements of plants, as in straw. After cellulose, it is the most abundant renewable carbon source on Earth. ... It is the sulphur bearing lignins which have to date been commercialized.
 So then I realized I need to order another 5.5 lb block of Shiitake sawdust spawn (mycelium). Since each one is for up to 25 tree logs - and I already inoculated some Birch but I have a lot more to do. Plus all the 25 new logs I cut that are just 3 inches (maybe 3 1/2 and one 4 inch diameter)...

So because the Shiitake grow faster on the Birch - and some of the Birch are smaller diameter - that even better ensures me a harvest this fall, as I hopefully will get - a "sample" harvest.

The idea is to keep building up harvests - so you can "rotate" your logs. But since I'm dealing with overall a small diameter tree then the harvest will only be a couple years at most - maybe three years. So I'm at a three year rotation of my total tree harvest.

So that's only just still a small harvest - let's say $7 a pound - just to be generous - wholesale price. Let's say 5 pounds per 25 logs. So then $35 x 3 = $105 - so just as I figured - it just covers gas money a bit. haha.

But with the Birch trees I cut - that potentially doubles my harvest, so up to now $200 a year in net profit. I think that's about what I figured. I am "selling" my trees to myself - as a supply. I am using the accrual accounting method. So my income is actually "anticipated revenue" over the total tree harvest that I valued at $1100.

So the total market value for the total 3 year harvest....is based on not the net profit but the gross revenue. I'm not in the mood to massage numbers. haha. Before I was working on a 5 year harvest rotation I think?

Anyway doubling the harvest to 50 logs a year is a good thing to be sure.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Trumpeter Swans Honking Overhead: Successful 5 Day Spring Fast while preparing Soltree Shiitake Shrooms!

I had food on Wednesday but just a few small "blood oranges" and a grapefruit on Thursday. On Friday I had mainly birch tree sap and pine needles and one small "blood orange." On Saturday no orange. Just the birch sap and spruce needles. Oh I had a bit of spirulina on Thursday and Friday. So then it was a four day fast over five days of the trip.

So I saw a pair of large Trumpeter Swans fly low over the mini-forest, while honking (trumpeting) loudly.
 Trumpeter Swans fly with rapid, shallow wingbeats, often traveling in pairs or family groups and flying lower than other swan and duck species.
By the 1880s, trumpeter swans disappeared from Minnesota.
The Minnesota flock of trumpeter swans now consists of more than 2000 individuals.
 People who shoot swans in Minnesota face stiff fines, possible confiscation of their shotguns, restitution charges of up to $1000 and loss of hunting license.

These were way bigger than "snow geese" - had the much longer neck of the Trumpeter Swan!

 the largest extant species of waterfowl with a wingspan that may exceed 10 ft
So first thing I did was "modify" the "wilderness lodge" tent I had set up. I lowered it back down halfway on its posts - and then I tied a rope to the center of that poly-silicone tarp - and pulled it over the nylon roof (that had already stretched out from previous rains). So the Poly-silicone tarp "breathes" but also does not "stretch" and also adds weight and stability to the tent. This Poly-silicone tarp also had tons of guy holes or whatever they're called.

 an equal number of guy holes on each side so the tarp will not favor

So I tied up all of them - including the end center lines way up high on trees - to take some weight off the tent and also to support the tarp, free standing a bit.

We'll see if the tent survives the snow predicted for tonight!!

Someone comments on this vid - they really do sound like Trumpets! Trumpeter Swan vid

So last night the coyote pack was out again running through the fields while yapping. The local dogs had been barking in anticipation.

Here's more like what I heard - vid as the Trumpeter Swans flew overhead

So the trees I cut last winter - I realized on Saturday - that alas - they were NOT "Speckled Alder" - the species required for the Shiitake! Oops. I was just having "wishful thinking" that the speckled alder "bushes" or "groves" grew up into big trees also. Nope. I had overestimated or underestimated the size.

Anyway luckily I have plenty of actual Speckled Alder groves - and so I spent this morning going about cutting the 25 trees necessary. And I thought I was not getting the 4 inch diameter recommended - which was frustrating. But when I got home - I got out the tape measure. Sure enough I had overestimated what 4 inches was. So I had cut the biggest alders I could find and they were indeed the necessary 4 inch diameter. Also required was that the "buds" are not green - and they were not green. Dormant still as required.

So before I realized that the trees I cut in the winter were the wrong trees - I had "tested" out my method of inoculation and waxing. So I had planned on using the generator to put a mini-crock pot to heat up the food-grade wax that covers up the shiitake sawdust spawn - after the "palm" held inoculator device pushes in an inch of sawdust spawn - after the hole is drilled with the special Shiitake 1 inch bit (from Japan)....via the cordless drill.

OK so I decided instead to try out the Solar Cooking oven - that I had not even assembled yet. I took awhile to figure it out but once I set it up - luckily I had TWO pieces of cookware that were recommended - one was a lid for the black 3 quart graniteware pot - and the other was the 9 inch Lodge cast iron pan. When I tried to switch back to the generator with mini-crockpot then the wax just hardened up and took way too long to melt - not even melting properly. So ONLY the Solar Oven worked! I was surprised!

That was a pleasant surprise as they (the black cookware I already had) was required to make the Solar or SOLCOOK oven "work." And I was supplied with the insulating bag to retain the heat - the "R" in the acronym "Collect, Absorb, Retain and - Direct or CARD. Sure enough I used the sundial device to slowly rotate the cooker, as I filled the logs with mycelium sawdust spawn and the took the wax dauber into the melted liquid wax. You have to be quick since the wax quickly cools.

And so also the Big Dipper was very bright - right straight above my tipi - at night when I went out to piss. And so that definitely proved I was "north." And then during the mornings and evenings I did some "sun gazing" and when I closed my eyes then I saw bright blue and green with red around it - from the pineal gland being activated.

Yes filtering water was at first not very easy. But first I did the Sawyer squeeze filter - which is kind of slow. But it does not take out bad taste. So then I put it in the Berkey Purifier - and this clogs up easily since it has such small pores. But sure enough it did filter the water - once pre-filtered. It was slow but it worked. And the water did taste really good!

So I discovered that my mini-forest is more "diverse" than I thought - there's Poplar (quaking aspen) , Paper Birch, Tamarack, Speckled Alder, Black Spruce and Willow. That's what I know so far.

Since these newly cut Alders are now drying up off the ground - then they'll be ready in two weeks for inoculation. I think I'll call the mushroom spawn business - to see which shiitake spawn they recommend. Because I already opened the bag and used some of the current order. They say 25 tree logs per one bag. But I'm concerned my current bag will get too dried out and also will not be enough - and also might not be the best choice for that climate.

So by yesterday on the third day of the Fast - then I distinctly felt my Heart energy center open up with a warm loving qi energy. And then I got in a good full lotus meditation last night. Then this morning I started out very early - to make sure to cut the Alders before their sap went back into the trees. I have to review my research to remember the details.
DO cut the trees while dormant.  This is the period where water in the inner bark is low, insuring tight bark retention for the life of the log, and the amount of carbohydrates is high.  Bud swell is a visual indication of dormancy breaking. To the unpracticed eyes, dormancy means no leaves, even itty bitty ones. In fact it means little green in the buds at all; the buds being tight.
Anyway then I went off - and I decided to have a meal for the road to make sure I was not light headed while driving. But it did not kick in fast enough. I was so enthralled by the concept of food - completely lost in the ecstasy of eating that I had absolutely no concept of the speedometer. I got pulled over by an officer. He was the nicest "cop" I had ever met - and I truly think because I had my heart energy open, then he was more empathic to me. Also I showed him my "Pine Martin" tail that I keep in the car, as I gave him my license. And I explained I had been camping since Wednesday and I had "culture shock." haha. Then he asked me several more questions and I sincerely answered them and he brought back a warning to slow down. The rest of the trip I refused to speed and cars were constantly passing me - I would just pull into the shoulder a bit so they could get by easier. So what if the speeding drivers were pissed a bit? haha.

So clearly if I use a Solar Oven to heat up the wax and I have to rotate the oven to align with the Sun - and the tree logs are next to the Solar oven as I inoculate the logs and then cover the holes with wax - is this not the epitome of Offgrid Sustainable Soltree Shiitake Shrooms?

Oh yes and after that big car meal - then when I got home I weighed myself and I weighed FIVE POUNDS LESS than before the Spring Fast while preparing Soltree Shiitake Shrooms!

So once the fast kicked in then then tummo heat also got stronger as ketosis energy creates more heat. And I even felt a bit slimmer.

  it's called "energy feasting" in Chinese meditation - aka "Bigu" - Chemistry professor Rustum Roy held an academic conference documenting Bigu to be very real. So some scientists speculate it's from gamma radiation able to transform light into new matter. The Yogis call it "Amrita" or Ambrosia - an Elixir that flows down from the pineal gland out of the sinus cavity. That fluid is charged with the Etheric Energy of reality (the Qi or Prana). You then Swallow this fluid - and it creates great heat in the pit of the stomach (called tummo or boiling energy as N/om, the original human culture word) - as it is absorbed into the small intestines gut (the 2nd brain with more neurons than the heart). You can then store up your energy this way - and by meditation you directly access that Etheric energy. We have biophotons that normally LEAVE our eyes when they are open. So by closing the eyes - then we "turn the light around" and since light has zero rest mass - the light still has "relativistic mass" of the Ether or spacetime field itself (Emptiness, Cosmic Mother, God, etc.) So the powers are from resonating more with the Emptiness and so the more you Embody the Emptiness then the more powers manifest - but it's not you that has the powers. You are just a channel for the Emptiness that is already inside you.

yes you want to keep the tongue against the roof of the mouth as this activates the vagus nerve that then causes the saliva to flow. The "ambrosia" or amrita aka elixir is actually cerebrospinal fluid that has been charged by the biophoton and piezoelectric energy (from the standing exercises) - the collagen is aligned 90% vertically and it is piezoelectric. So when we do standing qigong especially with barefeet on Earth - since Earth is getting hit by lightning 40 times per second - so that is the "yin qi" source through the feet. So the left side vagus nerve goes down the front and is considered a cooling energy as is the yin qi - the left eye is yin qi but it is also yang shen (spirit). The right eye is yang qi (from the cerebrospinal fluid) but it is also yin shen (spirit). So also you can rotate the eyes while meditating - and this is like a prism that cross-modulates the different wavelengths of light. So then you access a superluminal "sub-wavelength" (higher frequency than visible light). So by rotating the eyes with the eyes closed - that activates your pineal gland to then created the Ether charge. I just finished a 4 day fast in the forest - so then the heart energy opens up. That is the strongest source of the qi to the ether or prana to the cosmic shakti. It is on the right side of the heart via the right side vagus nerve that goes up to the right side of the brain and then down to the back of the spine to the reproductive life force energy. So at first the right side of the brain fills up with prana and then it crosses over to the left side of the brain and goes down the front. But since most modern people are left-brain dominant - the left side of the brain, the left side brain vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain!! The right side brain vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain. The fluid created in the center of the brain is from the cosmic energy - and the skull will actually get soft and pulsate and the "fontanelle" (the fissues in the skull) will get soft and open up - just as a baby has. And when the baby is in the womb then the baby naturally has the tongue against the roof of the mouth.

 A good book explaining the steps in the body and how it changes is called "Tao and Longevity" by Master Nan, Huai-chin - https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Tao-Longevity-by-Huai-Chin-Nan.pdf So as Master Nan states - what commonly happens is a person achieves "spiritual powers" but then "uses them" and so "falls back into worldliness" as he states, "due to heroic overexuberance." He is a best-seller in China but not known in the West. I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota through the African Studies Department, with Professor Rose Brewer, as "self-designed research" into nonwestern meditation via Chinese spiritual healer http://springforestqigong.com and  So they are both two other teachers with the heart fully open enlightened. So essentially this is what Sri Yukteswar calls "breathless ecstasy" - or in India it is also called "nirvikalpa Samadhi." So in Chinese meditation it is called "immortal breathing" or "fetus breathing" as in the womb before birth. So the centers of your hands and feet and the top of your skull PULSATES with the Prana or Qi. And so that energy can create any physical matter you need - water flows down from the pineal gland created by some kind of reverse electrolysis. Same with nutrition via the ambrosia that is swallowed. Also you can smell as non-local. This is from our original human culture - the San bushmen tribe. They have a book called "Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy." So they describe how you can smell sickness in people. Like cancer smells like a rotting dead flesh smell - and it can even be smelled through the walls and the qigong masters can even smell over the phone. All perceptions and sensations originate from the ether which is not limited by distance nor time - it is the 5th dimension that we can not see. We can listen to it in silence. So it is always listening to us and guiding us from the future. You can also have precognitive visions or what I call "Glitches in the Matrix." Also you can see ghosts - as even the ghosts need healing as well and the ghosts are healed by the qigong masters.

I still have more to go - as I ate a lot for more healing jing energy this winter. sounds like a good diet:

Some of the plants swans are known to eat, according to Winston Banko, include pondweed (Potamogeton), water milfoil (Myriophyllum), musk grass (Chara), waterweed (Elodea canadensis), duckweed (Lemna trisculca), spatterdocks (Nymphaea polysepala), bur- reeds (Sparganium augustifolium), wapato Sagittaria cuneata), Carex rostrata.
I'll be planting my stinging nettles - next time I go up north - works well as a barrier fence but also an excellent food source and it's perennial!


So I just remembered loving this book as a young boy. I feel very lucky to have finally seen Trumpeter Swans. But I felt like I had seen them before - because I read this book!!

Many years later, when Sam is about 20 years old, he is again camping in Canada when he hears the sound of a trumpet playing across the lake and knows it must be Louis. He writes in his journal:
"Tonight I heard Louis's horn. My father heard it, too. The wind was right, and I could hear the notes of taps, just as darkness fell. There is nothing in all the world I like better than the trumpet of the swan."
 The book received a strongly positive review by John Updike in The New York Times, in which he said "While not quite so sprightly as Stuart Little, and less rich in personalities and incident than Charlotte's Web -- that paean to barnyard life by a city humorist turned farmer -- The Trumpet of the Swan has superior qualities of its own; it is the most spacious and serene of the three, the one most imbued with the author's sense of the precious instinctual heritage represented by wild nature"[1]

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spirit Forest Meditation Activism Precognitive Spirit Dream Visions

That's awesome! Reminds me very much of my experience. I used to fish EVERY DAY on a city "lake" - it was part of a chain of lakes. So I personally experienced the wildlife disappearing - the raccoons, bats, crayfish, turtles, bees, many of the fish, the loons, the muskrats. From the 70s - then by the late 80s it was all gone. I attributed it to the "lawn services" using pesticides and herbicides and fertilizers - we got huge eutrophic lake conditions - lake of oxygen in the water, with a noxious toxic smell. So then in the 2000s - the city took out the sewers from the street and put in wetlands as "restoration" - but they did not REINTRODUCE the wildlife!!

So the lake now looks like a "museum" and since it is in a rich neighborhood - this took priority. Meanwhile in the working class neighborhood at the SAME time, the city completely clearcut a spiritual forest of Old Growth Maple-Basswood (Big Woods) forest. This was were the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers had their confluence and it had been a spiritual gathering site for hundreds if not thousands of years - probably thousands - as the "origin of creation" site based on a rainbow spirit of the water.

Oh yes I had this dream of a white bear standing up against one of the big old oak trees in our lawn (that I grew up on). And so I went back - sure enough that tree had just been cut down! And around the same time before that I had a dream of another oak tree in the same yard - nearby - only the tree had a rainbow aura around it. So I believe that the big old oak tree SPIRITS were watching over me when I was a child always playing in that yard. Since at this time I was meditating all the time - then I looked up the bear - and in circumpolar cultures, the bear is considered a messenger for the spirit world.

Also in 1995 - I had this dream MORE REAL than being awake. And it was at 2:30 am and I had been keeping a journal next to my bed. I immediately wrote the dream down - it was of my Earth First! activist friends with native indigenous activists - standing on the roof of a house - holding a banner to protect a forest. Now that is a very specific image and I even wrote: "I think this dream is predicting the future." 
So then three years later I had completely forgotten about that dream - but I was looking at a photocopy on an activist flier - for where I did civil disobedience and I wrote a graduate research paper for Winona LaDuke's "environmental racism" class. And the photo was from a newspaper article - and it was the EXACT same image. Suddenly I got this uncanny sensation and I drove up to my parent's house - where my journal was stored. I dug up that passage from THREE YEARS before. Sure enough the newspaper photo was precisely the same as my dream image.

 The Alchemy of DeNile is hard-wired as an "evolution of technology" based on left-brain dominance and right-hand dominance. Human language evolved as dependent on right-hand dominant technology as prof. Michael Corballis has discovered. Ecology is right-brain dominant based on left-handed amino acids. So our visual light measurements literally go against left-handed dominant life on Earth. So keep in mind that an extreme rational mind can also be a psychopath, planning their massacres with gory cold-logic, an extreme intelligence.

But Nature as ecology is infinitely more intelligent than whatever any human is spewing out via words and technology. We can trust that Mother Nature will take care of the problem - life on Earth will rebound as the Moon controls life on Earth via the water cycle as electrogravitic macroquantum energy. This is what Dr. Gerald Pollack was hinting at when he was on a discussion panel with Prof. Emeritus Gee McFearSun. Yes water is the "pivot point" for the cycling of the elements with metal and fire now dominant over wood and earth. But as we run out of water - fresh water - the deep salt water can still maintain extremophile life. And it may take hundreds of millions of years but linear time is an illusion of left-brain dominance.

Like when we are in deep dreamless sleep - who is our real consciousness? Does our mind just turn off and we wake up as a biological machine? Or is consciousness itself something deeper than our left-brain dominance? The nonwestern cultures state the later while Western culture tries to avoid the deeper meaning of dreams and dreamless sleep - preferring to consider life as a machine that "turns on" upon waking up. Fortunately the truth is not a popularity contest and Justice is Blind but Justice is also LISTENING, in silence. That is the secret solution to the alchemical Oedipal Complex that creates the Edifice Complex as Missile Envy politico-economic Chimp-modern male battles.

The bonobo male lives with his mom for his whole life and her life - but in Modern male culture - living in your "mom's basement" is considered the ultimate put down aka "crasy azz mudder-foker." So of course Randall Carlson can go off about his propaganda while he knows NOTHING about the original human culture that was 90% of human history - the San Bushmen culture. Same with James Corbett also. The secret of water could be a good starting point for Corbett - like Victor Schauber for example or Dr. Andrija Puharich (a CIA Mkultra research scientist). People can design elaborate models of reality - as Corbett and Carlson have done - but a person is a hypocrite and an Idiot - except only when in deep dreamless sleep, something that everyone needs as natural meditation - during which neither time nor space is perceived.

Water is a macroquantum negentropic molecule - so it accesses this nonlocal realm of reality - the foundation of truth - as a room temperature "vibration." A good book on this is by Professor JohnJoe McFadden - "Life on the Edge." Without studying quantum biology then a true understanding of abrupt global warming is denied. So clearly Corbett and Carlson need to hit the books more - they think they can "outwit" Mother Nature? they will remain Half-Wits as will the rest of us.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Schlemiel of Laverne and Shirley corroborates the Theodore Reik "Haunting Melody" claim!!

Wasn't Schlemiel in the Laverne and Shirley theme song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJzF8_df1R8 Holy SHIT! I can't believe my subconscious just TAGGED that! Sclemeel!! That is SO FUCKING WEIRD. excuse my swearing but I just thoroughly freaked myself out. HOW the hell did my brain just make that connection? DANG. I seriously had to look up the definition of Schlemiel because I have NEVER seen that word before written down. But suddenly the Laverne and Shirley theme song popped into my head. I mean to say I first did NOT even remember the NAME of that show. THE SONG popped into my head. Then I remembered the name of the show. So I search the show - and it has the lyrics and THERE IS IT IN THE SONG!!!!! OK so Theodore Reik really was correct about the "Haunting Melody" - as his book argued - music is the secret bridge to our holographic subconscious memory.

informalNorth American
a stupid, awkward, or unlucky person.
"he seems like the classic underdog schlemiel"

The Haunting Melody: Psychoanalytic Experiences in ... - Google Books

https://books.google.com › Music › Instruction & Study › Appreciation

Viennese-born psychoanalyst Theodor Reik became Sigmund Freud's pupil in 1910, completed the first doctor's dissertation on psychoanalysis in 1911, and ...
Get this from a library! The haunting melody : psychoanalytic experiences in life and music. [Theodor Reik]

Becoming Haunted: The Music in Your Head – UC Press Blog

Mar 23, 2011 - For Sacks the brainworm exaggerates the sense of well-being with which we would like to identify ourselves; for Reik the haunting melody ...

The worm that trilled | MusiCB3 Blog

Apr 8, 2016 - ... my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEw9fXN_sPA A few years ago I ... and early Freud pupil, Theodor Reik's The haunting melody.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Kicking off the Rocket Boosters! Only FOUR spaces left for the annual Spring Forest Qigong Cultivation Carbon Capture $50=50 tons Emptiness Energy donation!

to donate!! thanks to all those who have donated so far.  Then  Feel free to email me at ecoechocultivation @ g m ai l . c o om  and send a photo for me to send energy also - via the Emptiness Ecology! thanks. I will be going to the forest for more meditation cultivation - the Wilderness Lodge tent is set up with the Energy Exercise Entertainment bicycle generator (in case I need electricity). I will be doing more Earthing meditation now that the snow is gone. Yesterday I was outside barefoot on the grass-earth for a couple hours, soaking up those 40 lightning strikes per second that hit Earth!

On the breathing and body exercises - study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - this is what I highly recommend as the foundation of the practice. Unfortunately meditation is an investment - so at first is boring and time consuming and then as the energy is purified or harmonized and the frequency is increased - then it is the metaphor that I call "kicking off the rocket boosters." This is when the body's "yin qi" is restored and so the yuan qi is activated for real Emptiness and third eye opening - and the central channel (Nirvikalpa Samadhi).

So as Master Nan, Huai-chin has pointed out - commonly then a person "falls back into worldliness" from "heroic over-exuberance" due to using the "spiritual powers" that develop. This is what happened to me, although with the help of the qigong masters, I did have a permanent third eye opening as psychic energy, to enable a foundation for further training. So study the Taoist Yoga book - along with my other sources I have researched - essentially the mind controls the breath, as Ramana Maharshi points out. So, for me, I held my breath, till I passed out, in first grade - and not until many years later - did I realize I had subconscious repressed anger. That is what inspired me to hold my breath till I passed out (besides the classmates holding a contest that I won by far - unless blood pouring out of the back of my skull is not winning!). haha.

OK so the point is, as the qi builds up - then the qi takes over the breathing, more and more, and the physical breathing lessens. So in the Wim Hof method, obviously, this is the longer retention period - which is really the vagus nerve storing up the qi or prana. But what is not emphasized is the rolling of the eyes - and the visualization of fire as beneath the water (along with celibacy to build up the energy). Master Chunyi Lin has his facebook site for his latest vids - and so his recent one on mindfulness is all about how easy it is to lose energy by not being mindful of the energy in our bodies.

So yes the "locks" - the two biggest muscles being the diaphragm and glutes - and the perineum is the secret loss of energy, the gateway, as most people still have their frequency of spirit stuck in that lower part of the body (so that the yuan qi intention is expressed at that frequency - usually subconsciously). So the rolling of the eyes is for the left eye as yang qi and yin shen while the right eye is for yin qi and yang shen. So this is how the Yuan Qi is activated. Think of it as different wavelengths of light - so get a bending or refraction with a "subwavelength' medium that is then "superluminal" - as a phase wave. And the qi is then via the listening - with the left ear as yang qi and right ear as yin qi. So by cross-modulating the ears and eyes through "rolling" and listening - then the Yuan Qi is increased (via purification). So by rolling the eyes from left to right - that is to bring the energy UP the back and rolling the eyes from right to left - is to bring the energy DOWN the front.

So then by doing the "small universe meditation" - we are rolling the eyes by visualizing our attention along the 12 harmonic nodes of the body. And as for the "direct path" of advaita vedanta - this also is revealed in Taoist Yoga as the secret pinhole on the right side of the heart. So the left side of the heart is the yuan shen while the right side of the heart is the yuan qi. So visualize light on the right side of the heart - then eventually the light gets so bright that the Qi creates a spacetime vortex - and this "surrounds" the light and "guides" the light - as a spacetime shift or vortex.

So then it would seem that each "point" of reality is continuous as part of the continuum of spacetime when in fact the 5th dimension can not be seen, but rather logically inferred and listened to - and then in this silence as a harmonization from the future - then we receive messages and visions - with the pineal gland acting as a transducer of any perception - at any frequency - and experienced holographically within our own bodies. So that external reality is actually a mirror of our own internal perceptions with the 5th dimension as the medium that is both external and internal at the same time - while also being the future and the past overlapping. So it is non-dual and non-local and non-commutative (as infinite motion of time-frequency energy).

What SFQ teaches is that there is only Good, Better and Best results in the training.

So obviously I am no expert in anything really - I just dabble and give suggestions.   So the left hand is yang while lower body is yin and right hand is yin as upper body is yang.  Although as with the Taoist Yoga book - if also celibacy then the results are very faster.

The thing about the body is that it's all based on these yin-yang dynamics. So for example to sit in full lotus even for just a little bit is excellent. As Chunyi Lin says - 20 minutes of full lotus is worth 4 hours of any other meditation. But even better is the "left leg on top" in full lotus meditation. Just a little bit of full lotus - then slowly increase this to 20 minutes - this will be a big difference. But what I discovered is that with more small universe meditation along with celibacy - then first the kidneys get very hot - and then the thymus gland and then the pineal gland gets hot. After that the qi will pour down from the top center of the skull - as a full body tingling with strong bliss in qi waves. And then the centers of the hands and feet will pulsate and breath with qi energy - and the top of the skull will get soft. The fontanelle will open up again as a baby and the skull will pulsate with qi. Then with the tongue against the roof of the mouth - the skull will CREATE water as a sweet ambrosia - and this is created from the Ether or Yuan Qi energy. So then with the tongue against the roof of the mouth (just as baby has in the womb) then swallow that ambrosia - and restore the Yuan Jing and the Yuan Qi and the Shen.

Then see light EXTERNALLY around other people as an aura - this is called the Absolute Void - to show that the third eye is open and are connected to the yuan qi Emptiness. Go deeper into the Emptiness then the stronger this light gets - as it is based on frequency harmonization (like quantum LED light).  Since the light is a holographic expression of the worm hole-entanglement information, then the virtual photons can be used to create new matter. Of course this is not USE "doing this" - it is already always going on - and so it is the Unconditional Love that is accessed through the right side of the heart and then "perceived" or expressed through the third eye. But as Chunyi Lin says - only after he further cleared out his body meridian channels, then was he able to see light in his lower tan t'ien - all the time now when he closes his eyes.

I am very much just a beginner and so my hope is just to help share my experiences and the research I have done. I actually have not done "ice bathing" although here in Minnesota it gets very cold out naturally - so then I go outside in bare feet sometimes - only after I get some strong tummo heat going. The main issue here is that our conceptual mind has our subconscious spirit then "clinging" to matter - and so we do not break through to the level of the spirit as shen then just relying on the Emptiness or Yuan Qi directly. Whereas in the Emptiness, then our mind really does disappear - just as it does in deep dreamless sleep - only when we "come to" then all our questions from beforehand - they are answered. What we thought were "problems" were actually the SYMPTOMS of our future healing - that is already waiting for us there - inherently bidirectional and able to "reverse" the past. So the Emptiness then is only pure listening or logical inference - while the perception or sensation of some other kind of reality is actually our "past" manifesting through a separation of the spirit, clinging to matter as yin qi (yang jing).

  He can just go directly through the right side of the heart - to the Ether - and then the Ether itself is what provides the energy to do the healing. So then the past and the future are already EMBEDDED in the EMPTINESS and so it is the Emptiness that does the healing. And so if a qigong master then decides to store up the energy again in their bodies - this enables a reversal of their aging, and a physical immortality. But only based on the realization that any individuation is simply a phenomenon that is temporary. The eternal motion of the Emptiness as the Yuan Shen-Yuan Qi-Yuan Jing - is therefore inherently formless and emptiness. And so the Heart then is Emptiness and Emptiness is the Heart as Unconditional Love that is beyond any emotion, but rather pure Harmonization as healing energy.

I would say when Chunyi Lin's new book on the Heart Sutra is then published - should be pretty soon - that will have good answers.

the key to going deeper into the Emptiness is for the small of the back to open up - so that the nerve channels in the small of the back are cleared out. This is why full lotus is such a crucial foundation for advanced training. But certainly doing the standing active exercises will be the means to build up the energy. The sitting meditation then "Harvests" the qi by using the visualization to purify the gathered qi energy (via the sublimation of the jing to qi).  So as Chunyi says - at first there should be 3 times more standing active exercise to sitting meditation. Then once the jing is built up - that is when the "rocket boosters" can be cast off. But to build up the jing again - this does take focus. So I would say to make sure to also do sitting meditation - with the eyes closed - using visualization.

One of the KEY breathing exercises is then called cardiorespiratory synchronization. So by visualization with breathing - the heart will then synchronize with the lungs - at a low rational number ratio. And this creates the feedback resonance between the coherent biophotons as the heart spirit energy along with the lungs as the Yang Qi energy (via deep listening). Sri Yukteswar then calls the resultant state, "Breathless ecstasy" - the nirvikalapa samadhi or Emptiness.

At that stage then eating can be avoided - also sleep can be avoided.

Once the third eye is fully open then this direct Emptiness energy can be constantly recharging the body at a somewhat constant rate. But to "fully" open the third eye requires first building up the foundation of the energy. So as Gurdjieff emphasizes - there is a LOT of work between an "enlightenment experience" as I had - and then stabilizing with the third eye open and getting the third eye fully open. Then on a deeper level is to transcend death - as a permanent "eternal liberation" of the Yuan Shen from the body's past karma - that is the "cutting of the knot" on the right hand side - by the Yuan Qi from the yuan shen of the body. So then with Each Breath - the yuan shen goes beyond the physical body of death - and the karma is emptied out immediately back into the Yuan Qi as the Emptiness.

If Shen becomes Qi, how does Qi become Jing?

There's different types of qi. So Shen is from Yuan Qi which then has within it the potential of Yuan Shen and Yuan Jing - as Yuan that means that are both primordial and formless. So the Yuan Shen is virtual photons (accessed by turning the light around in meditation).

So then in our womb state - there is a unification of the shen, qi and jing but when the first breath is taken, this causes the pericardium to change its structure at the heart. So then the Lung as Yang Qi energy of the Po Soul then continues to develop the Jing energy as potential hormonal energy. But this energy is still activated by the Yuan Qi - it is just that the Hun Soul also develops as our left-brain dominant conscious mind (thinking with planning based on the lower emotional blockages).

So the Hun and Po souls are both "yin shen" - and the yang shen is then a projection from our yin qi of our thinking mind - the left brain consciousness. This is why in deep dreamless sleep we access the Yuan Qi again when we experience no space, no time and no body and no mind.

So then the generative fluid is yin jing whereas the yin qi is yang jing - and so the yin qi is what powers the yin shen but with our left brain dominance we are unaware that our spirit as yin shen also creates our yang shen (as our awareness of spacetime - as a holographic reality).

So after the first breath - we slowly begin to lose the heart-mind unification with our body - via the central channel - and so the Hun shen develops as left brain dominance and the Po soul develops as subconscious energy based on the subconscious "yang qi." So that yang qi is also the subconscious yin shen. If we turn the "yin shen" around into the Yuan Shen as virtual photons - then we can restore the jing - since matter is created from virtual photons. So Daoist Master Wang Liping says it takes 6 hours of full lotus meditation a day (with the left leg on top, and the eyes closed - without missing ONE day - for 1 year) - to restore the yuan jing from a middle age man to a 16 year old man.

If Shen becomes Qi, how does Qi become Jing?

And where does the conversion of Qi to Jing take place?
I think Jing seems to have a function of storage of energy (Qi?) but where is Jing found? 
So then what happens normally is our Hun Soul causes the separation of the Shen and Qi - and this sends a signal to the Yuan Qi to then create yin jing (generative fluid) from the yang qi - via the subconscious yin shen. So this happens via biophotonic signals of the Yang Shen interacting with the holographic external world - that then triggers - at the speed of light - the pineal gland Yuan Qi to send a signal to the Kidney yang qi (yin shen) - to then create more yin qi (yang jing). So then as this process is activated a person then feels blissful heat in the stomach as the yang jing and yin qi manifests - this is considered "being in love" - as the dopamine increases. And then for the male - since that INITIAL external Hun Soul signal was activated or triggered - that "pre-sets" the yang qi to get lost as the biophoton signal causes a dilation of the gate of mortality - at the genital duct.

So then that subconscious process has to be CONSCIOUSLY reversed - and this can only be done through Quick Fire training - more standing active exercise with deep reverse breathing - to then push the adrenal glands to the sympathetic extreme (thereby reversing the genital gate trigger - the dilation of the genital gate via the prostate). And through the extreme sympathetic then a dialectical opposite PARAsympathetic extreme of the vagus nerve is activated - this then charges up the yang qi again - and sends it back up to the skull. Then through PURIFICATION via the Emptiness via turning the light around - the Yuan Shen that activates the yang shen as a spactime vortex - through the Yuan Qi - then this causes the qi to merge with the shen by rolling the eyes around.

So once the yang qi and yin shen mixes with the yin qi and yang shen (the copulation of the dragon and tiger) then this builds up in the brain as a pressure that overflows out of the sinus cavity as charged up cerebral spinal fluid (the white tiger) - that is then swallowed now as Yuan Qi that is stored in the lower tan t'ien.  So the trick is that the Energy is very close to the COMBUSTION source - so the Yuan Qi is actually the "process" of Fire under Water - the Shen under the Jing - and so it can just as easily be reversed - through the above initial Hun soul subconscious visual trigger (or just a spirit-qi interaction with another person, etc.).

So that is why if a person wants to build up their qi - then they have to close off the lower tan t'ien - and this is why the Jing is considered to be the stored up qi in that sense - but in reality it has to be via the middle Tan T'ien as a full interaction with the Yuan Qi of the Universe - in order to really restore the Yuan Jing.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Phonological Loop and the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis: Orangutan Matches the musical PITCH of a human and he is WAY into it!!

They asked him to match the pitch of vowel sounds made by a scientist.
"Slightly to our surprise, he was matching things perfectly," Shumaker says.
hear it on the vid!

"The type of control that we need to produce vowels and learn vowels is already present in great apes," Lameira says.
In an earlier study, Lameira found that an orangutan named Tilda could make consonant-like sounds, and even produce the rhythms of human speech.
I wonder if Jeffrey Schwartz is citing this - he is author of The Red Ape

 "He's so into it," Lameira says. "He wants to perform so well so badly that we really need to sort of calm him down, and give him hints that he's not being judged according to his performance."
 These results argue that, rather than being a component of domain-general cognition, song learning is an autonomous cognitive module. 

Song learning is likely an autonomous cognitive module in songbirds.
Birdsong learning can teach us much about the evolution of language learning.
back at the ranch...
 Our results show that great apes spontaneously display primitive conversation rules guided by social bonds. The demonstration that such coordinated vocal interactions are shared between monkeys, apes and humans fills a significant gap in our knowledge of vocal communication within the primate phylogeny and highlights the universal feature of social influence in vocal interactions
 But is it music?
A corpus-based approach investigated rhythmic regularities in children's songs and finds a connection between rhythms in song and non-song speech features (Hannon et al.).

  the activation of an auditory-vocal reciprocal loop, relying on a bidirectional connection between Broca's region with posterior auditory areas via the AF and ventral SLF, enabled the learning of complex vocal utterances by imitation, establishing the basic components of the phonological loop and enhancing auditory-vocal working memory capacity (Petrides, 2014).
  I propose that Australopithecines and early Homo communicated intensely with vocal signals. Darwin already proposed that initially, vocal communication was more similar to music than to speech, which has been updated as the “musical protolanguage,” or prosodic hypothesis (Fitch, 2010; Hickok, 2017). Early humans probably engaged in turn-taking conversations that may have lasted for a long time and served to strengthen bonds, especially between mother and child, but also to communicate emotional states, as seen in marmoset monkeys (Takahashi et al., 2013, 2016).

 On the other hand, the elaboration of auditory-vocal networks and the gradual consolidation of the phonological loop eventually enabled our ancestors to start communicating increasingly complex meanings through the voice (García et al., 2014; Aboitiz, 2017). In later stages, the acquisition of semantics and a primitive lexicon may have been essential for the separation between both kinds of expression, and possibly contributed to the lateralization of these functions, with phonology and speech on the left hemisphere and music/prosody in the right hemisphere, both communicating via the corpus callosum (Sammler et al., 2015).
Ape Chimpanzee Night time acoustic calling
  I also tested whether chimpanzees conform to the acoustic adaptation hypothesis, and produce loud calls during periods of optimal sound transmission.
revealing night‐time activity in an ape otherwise described as diurnal. Chimpanzee loud calls partially, and weakly, conformed to the acoustic adaptation hypothesis and likely responded to social, rather than environmental factors. Call rates accurately reflect grouping patterns and PAM is demonstrated to be an effective means of remotely assessing activity, especially at times and from places that are difficult to access for researchers.
Yep - the Acoustic ancient adaptation to Advanced Alchemy training - it's LATENT!!
 the considerable latent vocal ability that we observe in nonhuman primates is consistent with the hypothesis that a key step towards human speech was the evolution of greater cognitive control of the vocal apparatus (and not the evolution of speech-specific anatomical adaptations).

Nomi Prins: Why Conservation of Ecology is Impossible in the modern Westernized (fascist/communist) world

yes everything is based on "'''Mo Money!" So you gotta "spend money to make money" etc. So if a person is not making money then they MUST be a parasite!! Right? I mean how could humans EXIST without money? haha. Money Money Money!!! So the idea of conservation suddenly Short-Circuits the Money Mind Control because conservation immediately inserts the idea that ENERGY is the real economy - not money. Ever since Victorian economic models in the 1840s - money is inherently based on an "infinite supply" as infinite mathematics!! So that's why MMT is so popular even in the "left."!! Just print MO Money!! No problem!! (Nomi Prins)

The world is sitting on a tremendously larger amount of debt. $325 Trillion of debt relative to GDP. It was LESS than 1 time Debt to GDP before the financial crisis. Now it is about 3 to 1. Basically the ratio from before the crisis to after the crisis has almost tripled. It's over 100% or almost Debt to GDP in the US.
 "AS IT (the interest rate) CREEPS UP A LITTLE BIT everything becomes more expensive, everything becomes tighter, subsidies start to crumble...Debt becomes very expensive and defaults start to come in.

We don't need Conservation as long as the Elite can DEMAND the extraction of profit from people and the planet. So they' keep DEMANDING more profits - via the imperial military (and the local police). And so if anyone wants to be "an adult" then that means being a "debt slave" - to spend money to make money. And you have to keep spending more money to make LESS money. That's where the PROFIT comes form. It's called RENT parasitism. Micheal E. Hudson covers this best - the econ prof. - yes Conservation assumes a physical reality that is limited is what GOVERNS the economy whereas Money MAKES money only by first assuming infinite growth as an ever expanding money supply based on interest rates.

The fact that the US FED can no longer RAISE the interest rates - this truly signals the END of money - it truly is the END of capitalism. Only people are in DeNile about it. No elite is gonna wanna buy US Treasury Notes unless there's a worthwhile profit. The corporate profit rate is supposed to be a 6% average per year. The FED interest rate profit is also supposed to be a 6% average per year. Right now the corporate profit rate is ONLY positive because the FED interest rate is so low - so that the public is completely subsidizing elite profits. And the elite - including the Democratic Party - keeps telling us that the money will "trickle down" - as long as we WORK HARD and be MODERATE and BROWN NOSE, etc. haha. It's the biggest scam in world history - as Nomi Prins exposes about the Federal Reserve

- over 90% of Wall St. profit now is from Buy Backs (previously ILLEGAL) but now the ONLY means to make a profit - and the buybacks are a pyramid ponzi scheme only fed by very close to FREE money. And so as long as the corporation can keep EXTRACTION profit (backed by the military and cops of course) - by keeping wages low and natural resources cheap (via Imperial Genocide).... then the elite are happy and the masses have to play along as wage-slaves. The only thing that is gonna STOP this profit prophecy is what is called the "discount rate" or "discounting the future." So what does that mean? "Given the time value of money, a dollar is worth more today than it would be worth tomorrow." Really? yes so you have financial depreciation and deflation. So it is just like any country caught in a Debt Spending Escalation crisis.

The ONLY way for money to increase its value it to print even MORE of it!! So we keep the interest rate as low as possible - but over time that means that the money is worthless. Conservation is totally impossible in the global capitalist system because it is run by the "surplus value" of money itself which inherently has an Infinite and "zero signifier" value. There can only be an escalating EXTRACTION of wealth (via slave labor or raping Nature) - for money to maintain a financial profit into the future. That's what makes the HOUSING crisis of 2007 so funny. You can not EXTRACT BLOOD from a rock!! So people were given cheap loans - with no backing - and no collateral. And the loans had hidden balloons but until the hidden "bomb" went off then the loan could be given a solid trading value on the loan market. 

So the loans were packaged up - and then people traded AGAINST their value as a derivative. So then when the hidden balloon kicked off - NO ONE was holding the ball!! The original lender had SOLD the loan - so they had no loss. The secondary buyer then bet against the value of the loan. So you had a purely speculative ZERO that was "disappeared" just as time is disappeared in a derivative. POOF. It's a nice mathematical trick - unless applied to the real world. So then the Banks took over people's houses - and sold them off to predatory interests, forcing people to now RENT - and PRESTO you are once again EXTRACTING even MORE profit from the poor people - who thought they were being "helped out" by capitalism giving easy home loan financing!!

TLUD: Operation Water Boil with (next to) no smoke: The Origins of Fire in the original human cultures: Dr. Prof. Camilla Power

Is this thing even "on"?

No smoke!!

Can't be on can it?

So when I quick look under the pot - there is flame and red orange hot - and it's starting to boil. I need a "rolling" boil.

It's only been 6 minutes! Someone said 12 minutes to get a rolling boil....

I think I might have "missed" the rolling boil stage of cooking - and instead I'm now in the "simmering" part of cooking? Still it has not been 12 minutes yet....

And it is boiling - and yet there is NO smoke.

Yes there was a lot of smoke at the first stage of fire - why? The wood was kind of wet since we had a strong rain a couple days ago...

It was well seasoned wood though - so it was mainly dry....

 So I opened the primary vent and then the flame kicked into "high" mode and I got a rolling boil (but with some more smoke).

So I closed it back down and added the pasta - but it caused the rolling boil to go away. So now it is open as one quarter a way.


Operation Rolling  Boil a big success 

 So now that I know the "science" of the stove - I was not afraid to open up the primary - get the flame up - and then when I had it down to a quarter open - it still went into a rolling boil! Now I closed it fully since I'm just heating up the sauce....

Ok the sauce was boiling - so now I just have a heavy cast iron pan covering the opening hole - so that the fire can burn down with again no smoke.

So basically to get a "rolling boil" I had to open up the primary again and so I got more smoke. But it didn't last long and I was able to closed it and still maintain the fire. Why? Because I used SMALLER pieces of wood - and packed more in there. As simple as that. Again - now that I studied the "science" of the stove - I can mess with it a bit.

 OK so I got my dinner - and checked the Hunter stove - and it was smoking. So I opened up the primary vent. Still smoking. So I took the pan off and then the fire kicked back on strong. But it went out when I closed it - something like that. I got the fire back going - then closed it just a quarter of the way with the pan on top. No there is NO smoke again but the pan is smoking from heat and cooking off whatever bits are in the pan. Oil  -smoke

 OK so I took the pan off to stop the oil from smoking. Then I have the primary vent closed - because Dr. TLUD says that SAVES the metal from overheating in the bottom of the stove. So now again there is NO smoke - even though there's no pan on top. I guess since the wood is so low - then the secondary and tertiary vent holes are burning off any smoke.

Camilla Power: Myths of the Origins of Fire, 9 April 2019

 Women's Reproductive Signals - and cooperative Breeding Networks as the Revolution origin of sustainable human culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixTJzvUV2XE By lunar synchronized menstruation - is a sex strike - a female picket line using ochre red pigment - a cultural indicator signaling NO to any outlying males. So the males have to "invest" in raising the big-brained baby by providing meat through long distance hunting. Professor Camilla Power - Eland Bull dance ritual - the animal is taboo for the males to eat - after hunting the male has to bring it back - just as the female is taboo at menstruation as a group sex strike.

 according to the Australian aborigines - fire originates from the female's reproductive organ. It's the men's singing that "steals" the female's power - so that the men become the healers. The females then just have their wombs left - with the redness menstruation as the secret source of sacred fire. Women no longer control the healing rituals. The men instead mimic the female's menstruation while the female provide the food for the males. So the females have to still control the food in order to also control the fire and healing power of the males.

Easter is about the first Full Moon after the Equinox

So, it appears that I argue from an unsafe position ... that is, I am unable to shed enough of my western bias in attempting to understand what you have presented. However, you have left enough clues for me to pickup and follow ... perhaps get an inkling of what you are saying. I will try to remember to delve into this when I have finished my excursion into the world of metaphor.
For me this discussion lacks a frame of reference that I can latch onto for grounding ... and, in a way, points to the reason why I have had such difficulties with mathematics. If I can not relate to something more tangible then it begins to lose meaning for me.
As an old philosopher once said ... " I yam what I yam."
Thanks for taking the time.
yes the "western bias" is actually hard-wired as left-brain and right-hand dominance. So Michael Corballis, another prof. I corresponded with, has figured out that human language developed BECAUSE of tool use with the right hand. So in the original human culture - the healing trance songs were purposely using GIBBERISH for words because this N/om or Qi or Prana energy is based on our deep reptilian right-side vagus nerve to the 2nd brain (the gut). So with strong music training on an instrument - before the age of 7 - science has proven that this is the only Western practice that dramatically increases the corpus callosum that integrates the right and left brain. So the right side vagus nerve connects to the left side of the brain and music as frequency melody is right brain dominant. But the left side language brain vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain!! So when we listen to music - especially with the eyes closed as visualization (our "attention" is also right brain dominant) - then this "empties" out the left brain via a deep right side vagus nerve activation of the left side of the brain.
So the syllogism, "I am what I am" is a circular tautology - that defines God or Brahman - and think of the "I" as the ONE and the AM as the 2:3:4 of music harmonics. The "that" is the 5th dimension that can not be seen - a Klein Bottle demonstrates this. So this is an ancient reference to the Bull as the last wild animal to be domesticated as a work animal. The wild bull that was NOT used as the work animal to pull the plow - was then ritually sacrificed in honor of the Solar calendar. But originally the wild Bull was the oldest religious training on Earth by humans - the Eland Bull trance dance at the first menstruation during the New Moon. So the female is Yang internally since the female via the vagus nerve orgasm, then naturally sublimates her male "yin qi" (yang jing) energy. Whereas the male has to be "initiated" into this secret of the female psychic lunar pineal gland energy via the deep right side vagus nerve activation. So in the original human culture ALL males were required to train in trance dance as "staying power" - with a month of fasting during the height of puberty - so that the life force energy was reunited back with the spirit to access the N/om of the Universe or Cosmic Ostrich Egg cracking open - the Tai Chi.
So Western science is actually not a "bias" but a structural drive of the elements on Earth - of fire as the Solar calendar taking over the Lunar psychic energy. The illusion of male patriarchy is then "hard-wired" as a lower back blockage - the inability to sit in full lotus yoga position then manifests this lower back blockage as a 2nd brain blockage. So the modern male is thereby controlled by their lower emotional drives as a subconscious drive of Science itself. This means that the technology as Machine is taking over - as Metal via Fire tries to wipe out Earth and Wood. But the WATER is macroquantum and governs life on Earth. So in the end the secret of the Single Perfect Yang is hidden within the Water energy as alchemy - to create new matter as the "golden key" - or from virtual photons from the future.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Flame with a Punch! TLUD Silverfire Hunter biogasifier stove grilled cheese cooking experiment: PROOF in 10 pages of photos: PLUS the TLUD "Champion stove" in India wins award!

There's the set up - I've got cotton balls dunked and smeared in Petroleum Jelly or whatever it's called...then sticks that I gathered...

Here you can see the holes in the rim of the steel - where the biogas comes out of the secondary air chamber and then is burned off - once the pot or pan is put on top of the Hunter stove.

So there is that ring of holes and then another about 4 inches down - is another ring of holes.

That is where the secondary air comes in - once the front air is closed off - so then the air gets preheated.... I'm talking about those tiny vents. The big hole on the top is for the chimney pipe....

So the chimney is missing two top sections  (for now) - so that means I don't get as much of a vacuum draw from the hot air sucking up, as it expands while rising.... But I still get a chimney effect, as I'll show.

This is the Swedish fire started - I think it's called "Light my fire"  and that square metal has an "edge" to it just on one side. So you need to make sure that edge is facing the magnesium rod. Then that magnesium metal is somehow stronger than the usual magnesium. But you still are scraping off a spark that then lands on the cotton ball.

So the cotton ball petroleum jelly is burning nicely.

So at first you keep the bottom front vent open to have a lot of air flow to get the wood burning.

So you can see smoke coming out of the chimney because the front vent is still open.

Now with the vent closed there is now no smoking (hardly any) coming out of the chimney!! Presto - the fire is still going inside but the biogas vents are burning off the smoke.....

Pretty awesome.

Proof that the fire is still going.

Second grilled cheese sandwich cooking - and still NO smoke out of the chimney!! (hardly any) So the fire is indeed still going and yet no smoke!! Is that cool or what?

Hunter Specifications:
Cooking Fire Power: ≥ 1.5 KW
Thermal Efficiency: ≥ 35% (StoveTec/EcoZoom 30%)
Emissions Concentration (smoke): ≤ 25mg / m3
SO2 ≤ 20mg / m3
NOx: ≤ 120mg / m3
CO: ≤ 0.1%

Still no smoke as that 2nd grilled cheese sandwich finishes up.

OK so there you have it folks. A Biogas TLUD cooking stove in action.

Now the mistake I made was to try to take a photo of a "blue flame" out of the Hunter stove. What happened is the air inside got too cold - and some of the wood was probably damp.... and the thing just went out and was smoking. With the top open then the secondary vents blow the emissions back down into the fire so that the fire goes out.

 You should see no smoke unless operating the stove incorrectly, or you have damp fuel. Airflow control is extremely easy with this stove. You top light it like a candle and it burns down. The ventilation door should be closed after the flame is established. You also do not have to tend this stove like a rocket stove during high fire power operation....I used eight 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch scraps of hardwood flooring each about 5 inches long for fuel. Once started, I didn't touch the stove except for an occasional peek at the progress until the fuel was exhausted...
But that was due to operator error. Can we get a photo of a blue flame from the biogas vents on the Hunter stove? I know we can from the Survivor rocket stove (that also has biogas secondary vents).... Let's see.

I see that some have complained about smoking and/or the fire extinguishing mid-burn. I wonder if that might be caused by some types of fuel. I have only used sticks or small pieces of scrap dimensional lumber. Under these conditions smoking has been very minimal and fire die-out has been non-existent.
Ah - my fuel size was wrong!!  I had either too big or too small
  the TLUD operates optimally using granular fuels that are between the size of cat food and walnuts. Smaller fuel constricts the draft and can't sustain a flame, and larger, looser fuel has too much air flow, and yields more ash.

This review on youtube might show blue flames

Not really. In fact he lights the stove the wrong way!! You're supposed to light it from the Top down - after it is fully loaded! Amazing how many of these "reviewers" (business promoters) do NOT even understand HOW a gasifier stove works!!

 From the Silverfire website: Introducing the SilverFire® Hunter, a lightweight, portable natural draft chimney stove designed for both indoor & outdoor use! The Hunter is a top lit updraft gasifier (TLUD), powered by twigs, yard scrub, or any flammable biomass (why buy fuel?). TLUD's stoves utilize a batch fed combustion chamber. It is simple to operate. Vent the chimney outdoors to eliminate all household emissions. Insert vertical positioned fuel into the combustion chamber; next place a little tinder on top and light! To fine tune your flame adjust the ventilation door at the bottom of the stove. That's all there is to it! The portable SilverFire® Hunter model opens up a new frontier in biomass clean cook stoves. You now have the capacity to eliminate all household emissions! TLUD technology has been around for over 100 years. Primary air passes through your fuel as it combusts in the combustion chamber and becomes carbon monoxide gas. The carbon monoxide gas is then burned and mixed with the preheated secondary air, above the fire. The secondary air combustion appearance is like a gas stove and is know as a Chinese burner. The end result of your biomass fuel is to produce minimal amounts of ash, soot, and bio-char, which is required to be removed from the stove after cooking for maximum stove performance.

  I used a 3 inch elbow and a 3 inch to 6 inch adapter to hook it up to a chimney I was using for a wood stove I no longer have installed. The only downside is cleaning the stove, the only way to clean out the ashes is to turn the stove upside down and dump the ashes out, to do this you have to disconnect the stove pipe, the stovepipe will have fine ash inside and you have to be careful not to make a mess you will have to clean up, best to have a bucket close by to set the end of the stovepipe in....
 Yeah I was thinking of getting a 6 inch adapter....

  In the event you want to slow the cooking process down (e.g. slow cooking with cast iron) add thicker, dense fuel into the combustion chamber. Dense material takes longer to burn, ideal for slow cooking. Combustion in the Hunter produces very little smoke or soot, if using dry fuel. The beauty of the Hunter is that the first 20 - 40 minutes of cooking is high fire power (boiling operations, browning meat, etc...), then for the next two hours a wonderful diminishing, simmering heat is present (low fire power cooking). The stove is dialed in for maximum cooking performance. At any time, you can also just add more fuel and primary air to stoke the stove back up to high fire power cooking too! Just add fuel and open the ventilation door a couple of fingers to add primary air is all that is required.
 But one has to be very careful....
only burn the dryest, smallest split wood you can find, ALWAYS use fire starters, newspaper is not worth the hassle. Do not use this inside a structure, unless it is vented and fanned, or you LOVE the smell of wood smoke, and mayhaps the sound of cursing.
 Another youtube review

So that review wrongly emphasizes the need for space between the loaded wood - for air. See my quote below from Dr TLUD himself that emphasizes - the whole point of the biogas stove is that the air does not come into direct contact with the burning fuel - but only with the secondary gas from the burning fuel (separated by the biochar). We shall see the details on this.

So after studying the below TLUD business in India - they emphasize the need for primary air to remain - not too much wood in the bottom. (Oh wait - that was a DIFFERENT stove - not the gasifier Champion stove - just a rocket stove).  This Hunter stove review - he keeps the primary fully open the whole time.

3rd review on youtube

 This stove cooks with a cadence that is wonderful when understood: the first 1/2 hour or so utilizing high firepower, then the following period is lower fire power with heat still coming out of the combustion chamber a couple hours later if densely packing with twigs. There are 3 levels of combustion and it is significantly faster cooking and more efficient than a primary combustion rocket stove. The Hunter stove does not go out when used correctly. There are lots of videos on the SilverFire website demonstrating correct operating procedures. The number one advantage is you do not have to tend this stove after you light it, unlike a rocket stove. Longer duration burns are achieved with denser fuel.
Biomass Biogasification stoves in India - wins sustainability award - youtube

Servals TLUD biogas stove in India - youtube - similar design as Hunter stove!

TLUD in India - vid Anganvadi

Servals wins the Sankalp 2010 Award in Clean Energy

I am happy to announce that Servals are the proud winners of the Sankalp 2010 award in the Clean Energy Sector.

 We won the Sankalp award for our energy solution around the TLUD Gasifier Stove.
 TLUD stove in India - details - vid on youtube

SERVALS champion biogas stove

So we can see this is almost precisely the same claims as the Hunter Silverfire TLUD stove!!

So this has this "spill tray with telescopic connector" as a Damper on the flame heat level.

The Hunter stove does not have that capability.

Instead you get three levels of heat based on what stage the fire is at - a primary burn at the top, a primary burn at the bottom or a charcoal burn.

TLUD means Top Lit Updraft. This is different from most of the ordinary cooking stoves which are Bottom Lit Updraft. There is a lot of interest in TLUD technology around the world since this saves around 65-75 per cent fuel material compared to a traditional 3-stone fire wood stove.
It also reduces the cooking time by half.
So Dr. TLUD helped design that stove in India...  here is his keynote talk in 2012... on TLUD stoves...

Gases from Biomass. Biogas is a well known term. It's rotting manure and everything like that. It's anaerobic digestion. It's giving you a very clean gas, that can be burned very very cleanly. And they took the name biogas. When you take some solids, some wood and you're gonna be pyrolyzing it - it is technically Biogas. So we use the term "wood gas" or Pyro gas or these types of things like that.

Now the KEY element here for its cleanliness is they are gases being burned. The reason that these Microgasifiers are cleaner burning stoves is that the oxygen that is coming in for doing the combustion ONLY has contact and mixes with GASES. It's not out there mixing with the wood or the other fuels and things like that. GASIFIERS separate the creation of the gases from where thoses gases are being combusted. That separation might be a matter of a few centimeters or a matter of a few milliseconds. However it is separated and it greatly facilitates the mixing and the turbulence and stuff so you can get a clean burning into there.
So that means there is NO NEED to create "air" within the wood pile in the stove. Fascinating! Several of the youtube reviews do NOT understand how the Hunter stove works - and so think you need AIR space between the wood - when loading the stove.... BUT NOW WE KNOW THE TRUTH from Dr. TLUD himself!!!

things which are locally available in rural areas. To get a fast ignition we are now creating these gases right in the very top in there. Those gases come up and they give you a flame with a punch... just as if it's the last of that burn or the middle part and the last of that particular burn.
We light it. We have high heat in the beginning.
This is not the raging fire at the top.....It does not make this chamber glow red hot. You get to the bottom and you let that Primary Air flow in with full force - You can make that metal glow red hot on the bottom and it will shorten the life of the stove. I've been saying for years TAKE THE CHAR out. Dump it out...

For over a hundred years scientists and engineers have known that combustion of biomass is cleaner when the air is well mixed with only combustible gases, instead of having the combustion occur in zones where solid fuel is still present. The creation of combustible gases that are separate from the

combustion of those gases is a clearly distinguishing characteristic of a true "gasifier".

Practical gasification in small devices (i.e., micro-gasification) was not achieved until

1985 when Dr. Thomas B. Reed conceptualized and accomplished what is now called

"Top-Lit Updraft" (TLUD) gasification with batches of biomass fuel. In 2004 Dr. Paul S.
Anderson created a variation of traditional updraft micro-gasification with continuous-
operation, being called AVUD for "Another Variation Updraft" to distinguish it from
conventional updraft gasifiers. To achieve these advances, Drs. Reed and Anderson
mainly do practical experimentation based on combustion theory and principles*.

webcache link 

A 15 inch (38 cm) riser or "pre-pot internal chimney" is needed to achieve the
natural [UP] draft, but additional chimney height is needed at elevations above 3000 feet (1000 meters).
Gasification 101 - you only want 1/4th the amount of oxygen needed for a complete burn