So at lot of my research is based on a feedback loop of people reading my previous research (via statcounter) and this inspiring me to reread my own previous posts, which reminds me of new angles that I had not considered before, then I pursue those new avenues. And people are reading previous posts based on something I had recently posted that they then need to investigate more. So there is a kind of leap frog process as an indirect feedback - even though I don't have comments open currently.
So I was surprised to discover Eddie Oshins making the SAME argument as math professor Louis Kauffman about the time iteration of the imaginary number being inherently noncommutative. But considering the two colloborated at SLAC then it makes sense that what I had considered to be Kauffman's original insight was actually at least something he was already aware of at SLAC and Oshins also had this same take.
As Oshins described the math, then the iteration of 1 and -1 as the basis for the imaginary number - it is an "either" logic. I'm not formally trained nor interested in formal logic. But the point that Oshins is making is that there are in fact "two" imaginary realms at the same time - both of them unobservable. And then when one imaginary realm is observed, the other is immediately correlated - based on the measuring response.
So the point being that these two imaginary realms are a type of unobservable "primary process" that is always going on - even though science can not directly measure it without an irreducible effect ON the process (thereby changing the results of the two imaginary realms).
So this is what Alain Connes considers the 5th dimension of noncommutative phase logic. But Eddie Oshins crucially realized that nonwestern alchemy training - Neigong - would enable a mind-body harmonization with the Universe precisely because of this unspeakable paradox of quantum logic.
So then the frustration of Oshins was that Karl Pribram was not able to understand the noncommutative phase logic and yet Pribram was promoting a supposed quantum basis for his holographic model, conflating his classical math with David Bohm's model. And so now, as have corresponded with both Kauffman and Basil J. Hiley, also professor Hiley is emphasizing this noncommutative phase secret as the means to understand reality.
So obviously I'm not interested in "doing" the science - and as Dr. Ruth E. Kastner has pointed out - there is a misunderstanding in considering that space can be contained in these retrocausal models - as a kind of symmetric space back reaction. Whereas the truth is an inherent open dynamic process that still maintains an inherent unknowable.
But from the "perspective of the".... electron or photon or proton, etc. then certainly this noncommutative phase as supermomentum or superluminal correlation can be resonated without any "measurement" or "observation" - depending on how it is defined. So this is what the "phonon" model is attempting -as I have quoted scientists claiming they are developing this technology, using phonon noncommutative phase nonlocality for a room temperature quantum computing model. This science is now being funded to be developed in the next few years and these scientists are even apparently reading my research on this blog!!
But again I am not interested in the "science" per se - as my view is that the entropy results of standard symmetric logic thus far have unleashed an ecological and social justice crisis so severe that within five years most likely civilization will have collapsed officially. Already it is very unsafe as an "Imperial Implosion" situation.
So what remains is the Emptiness as the Cosmic Mother awareness-energy - what Yan Xin called the "virtual information field" and what Zhong Gong called the "golden key" as "superluminal yin matter."
So this is what Eddie Oshins described as based on the spinor - a double spinor dynamic so to speak, demonstrated by the Stern-Gerlach experiments, among others. So I have quoted Yakir Aharonov who has recently empirically verified the truth of this superluminal noncommutative phase field - as Aharonov also emphasizes how it as the noncommutative phase logic that was key to Heisenberg's model of quantum physics.
To convert Eddie Oshins research back into music theory then - the "time-frequency" resonance as noncommutative phase then literally is this 5th dimension of complementary opposites - two different frequencies with the same "pitch" relative to the Emptiness as a "zero/infinity" rest frame of light turned back against itself.
And this is why this Music model is so difficult for people to understand - unless someone has EXPERIENCED it through music training that is so intense it creates this mystical experience - then the math-logical model through music theory is just not going to make sense. So it takes the quantum relativistic scientists to explain that what is really being referred to is a secret superluminal 5th dimension ether realm (that has to be called various things as it can not be directly observed).
So when I had read Louis Kauffman's research on this time iteration - of the imaginary number - I still had not really realized the implications that this is two imaginary numbers at the same time that are scientifically still unobservable and yet nonetheless existing in reality. This is the power of math as a mystical model of reality that actually directs science.
And so for me to "brag" that I have somehow "inserted" myself into science - simply by my few email exchanges with various scientists who have then noted my mention of other scientists and so there was some "cross-pollination" - this is in itself an "impersonal" process of the mathematical logic playing itself out as it were.
And I'm as surprised about this "process" as anyone else. No one hardly knows me nor acknowledges me (of course) and that is fine - I am not expecting it. Yet nonetheless - these conversations I had through email exchanges DID occur and did have some effect. In fact one of my long time readers - he kind of warned of me having this effect on scientists - as a kind of joke - and I didn't expect this to happen actually. All I have done is pursue leads - like Colombo, the detective on T.V.
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