Saturday, March 9, 2019

Conspirachi part 26

malnutrition from lack of vitamin D in the diet. The pastoralism of early domesticated animals arose as a defense mechanism - as an escape flight away from early agriculture and the two have been in conflict ever since (Arab versus Jew) based on this early attempt to use the solar-based ritual priest philosophy of containing infinity through rectilinear geometry and phallic edifice complex architecture.

Even Karen Armstrong doesn't give this information in her History of God academic book, the etymology of the word God is from the IndoEuropean root word Gott meaning Bull (for plow-based monocultural wheat farming and rectilinear archaeology) just as Brahman means Bull as God in Vedic philosophy.
Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus
Alain DaniĆ©lou - 1992 - ‎Religion
The Germanic Gott and English God come from another Indo-European root, Go, which surprisingly means "the bull"
I call this the

Why Osiris is Green, Khemitology
"surplus value of consciousness" - based on the "infinite spiral of fifths," as the attempt to contain time as a rectilinear geometric symmetric wavelength - an invisible line continuum - without realizing that time itself is synchronized - so that Sin, the early Sumerian moon good became the new source of evil - and synchroncized, syncopated time as trance music was increasingly censored.
"The antiquity of Horos and Stauros as pre-Christian [emphasis in original] philosophical concepts can be demonstrated by the discussion of them as "the limit" and "the intersection" in Plato's Timaeus [based on music harmonics]....Furthermore, by the way in which Sophia is demoted and usurped in her power by Horos, it would appear that this Gnostic effort was also meant to denigrate Isis and the Goddess in general by promoting a male [emphasis in original] divinity in her stead, i.e. Horos/Horus." Christ in Egypt, pp. 226-7
As the late D.M. Murdock details, the Horus/Set was based on a divide and average attempt to contain infinity that with Platonic philosophy then denigrated the Isis Cosmic Mother origin as the Wu Chi.

An association with fertility may come from the moon god's connection to cattle, and also, perhaps, from the clear link to the menstrual cycle, roughly similar to the timing of the moon's transformations. The connection with fertility is demonstrated in the Old Babylonian (early second-millennium) birth incantations (Krebernik 1993-98b: 367; Veldhuis 1991). The magical-medical text A Cow of Sin relates the story of the moon god's beautiful and pregnant cow, Geme-Sin. The birthing-pains of Geme-Sin are eased by Sin, and the incantation ends with a 'supplication: "may this woman give birth as easily as Geme-Sin" suggesting this text's role in human child-birth (Veldhuis 1991: 1).
Originally the cow was worshiped since it was still wild and not domesticated yet, then it was first associated with the Moon god as fertility and the N/om (kundalini sacred electromagnetic water up the spine life force lunar energy or the Sin goddess) - just as the Eland Bull trance dance is the oldest spiritual training of humanity, based on the Moon fertility cycle. Then the Bull as the domesticated Solar God, from Gott or Brahman, was used for plow farming and increasingly became a man's domesticated job - so that females were commodified as capital (etymology as head of cattle) or cattle - to be traded with each other. Cooperation among throngs of strangers in expanding societies required a common faith in moralistic gods, say sociocultural anthropologist Benjamin Purzycki of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and his colleagues.
 starting around 10,000 years ago, pressures to achieve fair trades among strangers accompanied the spread of farming communities (SN Online: 3/18/10)....Religions with moralistic, punishing gods mobilize people’s empathy for strangers of the same faith and heighten concerns for one’s own reputation as a faithful believer, proposes anthropologist Kim Hill of Arizona State University in Tempe, who studies modern hunter-gatherers.
 The men believed that the Solar calendar as God or Brahman controlled fertility now, with plow-based monocultural farming aligning with monotheism and "divide and average" mathematics. The moon god seems to have fallen out of favour somewhat in the period of 1500-1000 BCE (Foster 2005: 758-62), And so later a high-priestess of the Moon God was reestablished but again increasingly with the tantric Solar focus in control. Dr. Sherry Ortner, "Sexual Meanings: the cultural construction of gender and sexuality" (Cambridge U Press, 1981): men essentially became property of the City-State in early civilization through monogamous marriage. Shelly Ortner stated the Mother Goddess of early farming cultures was not necessarily a matrifocal culture. The men were trapped into the consumer unit families that had to pay allegiance to the State. This "want a family?: pay state-tax allegiance and join the military" process is really well documented in that book on the pre-Inca matrifocal cultures: "Moon, Sun and Witches"

(p. 53) "The family became in a sense an administrative unit, the base unit in the political-economic structure of the state. The husband/father was no longer simply responsible to his family, but also for his family vis-a-vis the larger system. It became the base, and ofter the only base of his jural status."
"The reluctance of males to be involved with their families except on terms of distance, respect, and submission of the part of the other members is still I think to be seen in most of the world today, and the domestication of men is still largely incomplete."
"Male initiation rites virtually disappear in state societies.... In many cases marriage itself becomes the only rite of passage, and thus manhood becomes equated with responsibiltiy for wife and children, part of the pattern described above.
"The pivotal point of such analysis would be that men were not only 'domesticated' as part of the crystallization of authority structures of thes state; they were also juvenilized -- vis-a-vis women, senior men, and the rulers and overclasses of the system."Dr. Sherry Ortner, "Making Gender: The Politics and Erotics of Culture" (1996)
 The Moon God was a harmonic ratio as were all the gods and goddesses in ancient times, as documented by Ernest McClain, musicologist. The ratio 2/3 was the most sacred ratio in Egypt because the Perfect Fifth is the secret of the "three in one" unity - of the Moon and Solar and Earth resonance in harmony. Only because of the Moon is life on Earth possible since it creates the 24 hour cycle rotation of Earth by slowing down Earth's spin via the Sun. And so the early patriarchal religion was that if there is an eclipse of the Sun then the first born Son needs to be protected and so an animal has to be sacrificed and the entrails of the animal, with the power of the blood and food of the animal can be used to predict the future and protect the son. This was after the domestication of animals and after the

1000-Armed-Avalokiteshvara Inner Sound
development of farming so that the importance of the lunar-fertility cycle as a secret quantum relativity energy of the pineal gland was being lost to humanity. Thereby ushering modern humans with left brain dominant language and right-hand technology into a deep mind control that is inherently destroying ecology through spreading a logarithmic-based symmetric mathematical philosophy. For example Dr. Alexander Jacob, author of Atman: A Reconstruction of the Solar Cosmology of the Indo-Europeans (2005) wrote this 2012 supplement (his books are promoted by racists and he is explicity anti-Jewish).
 This supplement to the author's study of Indo-European cosmology, 'Atman' (Georg Olms, 2005) employs the cosmological insights of the ancient Indo-Europeans to illuminate the various sacrificial, theurgic and gnostic systems that were developed therefrom by the Japhetic Aryans and the Hamitic Egyptians, Sumerians and later Indians.
 I exposed this soon after my master's degree - as the "music logarithmic spiral" of the Actual Matrix Plan.
Philosophy of science, liberal studies Professor Morris Berman has an excellent "secret" history of the West book called "Coming to our Senses" He argues that there's always been an undercurrent of this lunar female orgasmic healing power in the West but usually when it's tapped into, through some sort of mysticism, it becomes this male, "grail" vertical ascent towards heaven trip (with ecological harmony on Earth just a temporary transit that can be detached from) -- whether it was "Jesus" Christ (Constantine) or Hitler, or the Pope Crusades, or Newton. "...substances in semen interfere with the female nervous system."... reports recent science showing decrease in female depression linked to not using a condom. There is a secret connection of orgasmic hormone energy to the brain via the Bateson's vetebral plexus. Details here and here

Berman is searching for the lost alchemical tradition of the West -- what he calls gnosticism, even though he knows he uses "gnostic" as a catch-all term. So Berman's next book was just on hunter-gatherer cultures, focused on the Bushmen, and what a German anthropologist in the 1930s called "democratic shamanism." At one point in "Coming to Our Senses," Berman gets very close to the secret when he mentions a music book on minimalism stating that it's trying to get away from the polyphonic limitations of Western music.

Frequency Fractal (2014) latest Actual Matrix Plan Brain AI
 The multiplication of 2 (Auset) and of 3 (Ausar) gives us all the numbers for the tuning system by successive multiplication by fifths (2:3), Heru.
So in Ancient Egypt Horus (Heru) as the power of the Sun was the harmonic ratio 2/3 - the harmony of the Sun (Osiris as Auset) and Moon as Earth's fertility (Isis as Ausar)

So consider this music tuning forum on Egyptian music - the lost secret of 2/3 remains that.. lost! Set in battle with Horus is actually the non-commutative time-frequency resonance! But what can we surmise from the Egyptian pyramids. The qigong master had an amazing spiritual experience while in an Egyptian temple. We know that the pyramids have special resonance, much like the Irish monk towers and the Mayan temples and pyramids and even Stonehenge. We know that this resonance, as Philip Callahan documented and I detailed in my master's thesis, creates light from sound! How? It does so... well I'll quote Callahan -  from my master's thesis, Epicenters of Justice.

Dr. Philip S. Callahan's Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth gives key insight to the importance of understanding fundamental energy dynamics as a means of countering destructive corporate-state materialism. Callahan's rare work documents the need for bioenergy to transcend our reductionist addiction to petro-chemical farming. For instance Callahan has discovered that petrochemical agribusiness saturates plants with ammonia thereby actually attracting insects via chemico-electric infrared signals.189 Volcanic soil that is highly paramagnetic (attracted or resonates to magnetic fields) dramatically amplifies chi yin/yang resonance dynamics and is essential to restoring plant vitality and insect resistance.

Equatorial magnetosonic waves (July 2015)
Another example is how the moon is paramagnetic while most organic molecules, as well as water, are diamagnetic (repels or acts as opposite phase to magnetic fields). Studying the energy dynamics of rocks and other natural forms, ...190 He provides a sound-current nondualism explanation for sound from light or sonoluminescence stating:
Lighting up the atmosphere with sound is a phenomenon I have been easily able to accomplish since 1969.... A snapped rubber band gives off an ELF radio wave in the 100- to 200-Hz region.... By stimulating a mixture of ethanol and ammonia, or sex scents, with an ELF wave, I can create photon harmonics throughout the infrared, and even visible, regions of the spectrum. The electric sound field vibrates the molecules.... Those harmonic waves travel up and down the photon electromagnetic spectrum the same way harmonics do from a plucked banjo string. In one direction, the harmonics move to higher frequencies along the infrared region and even move into the visible region. When such waves hit solid objects like cells or insect antenna, they scatter out other waves of electromagnetic energy that are actually coherent (marching together) and amplified. Pictured is a Fourier transform spectrum (original recordings for historical purposes) of just such waves. The experiment shows cabbage looper sex scent modulated by ELF (60-120 Hz) lab visible light and blown out at five mph wind speed across two model round towers.191
It is possible to speculate that the knowledge of astronomy, and especially of precession and the ecliptic centre, was carried to Ireland by the .Ancient Egyptians. The Denderah circular zodiac (300 BC). for example, proves they too had this knowledge. So Callahan is arguing that the Irish Celtic ancient round towers actually are amplifiers of paramagnetic lunar energy which increases insect resistance and soil fertility as plant vitality.

 Obviously round towers are not conventional antennae. They are in fact built of limestone, mica schist or sandstone blocks and are therefore closer to silicon semi-conductors than to metallic conductors. As the towers have dielectric (insulative) properties, they act as DC rectifiers and are able to detect and store incoming cosmic electromagnetic/magnetic energy....That the monks could detect this energy seems, from the perspective of a high-tech society, incredible. But all they were doing was tuning in to nature; using their bodies as antennae, feeling the energy. ...
'Usually the model [of the paramagnetic round tower] would swing through about 60 or 70 degrees to point to an approaching human. I found that in the King's Chamber the same model would move 200-300 degrees in a steady sweep to the human aura. That's telekinesis. The sensor was five to ten times as sensitive inside the Pyramid. The model also rocked violently up and down every time a human body approached it; this is, in effect. levitation.'
Callahan says that since the outer smooth tura limestone casing of the Great Pyramid has been destroyed it will never again stimulate total levitation of a heavy body. Certainly, in my opinion, one of the reasons for its construction was to induce levitation.' He refers to a beautiful series of ancient stone-wall reliefs which show an Egyptian priestess raising her hands above the outstretched body of a pharaoh. In the next panel the pharaoh is six inches off the couch (see figures 12 & 73).


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