You have a hard-to-see structure that can do things....
It's interesting, it's been shown, the quasi-crystal you can get by having something like 6th dimensional crystalline, putting a slice across it, this technique. But I think that's a bit of a distraction.
It's want the atoms to arrange themselves to be minimum pre-energy and just this act of minimization happens to break the symmetry, so not all directions are the same.
So it's connected to symmetry breaking and there's a parallel there, actually, however mind or however brain works. Because there you have a complicated system and you put it in a certain environment and it happens end up doing thing. So there's a bit of similarity there - you let a system settle down and it can do interesting things.
And in Cymatics as well.
Nobel physicist Brian Josephson on cymatics - new paper, November 2018.
this interview - Dec. 2018
New focus on Acoustic Cymatics!!!
And Symmetry Breaking....
(as per our conversations on music tuning and noncommutative phase).
Shown how it changes as the frequency changes...So yes it's interesting, these patterns. But it is presumably a question of finding... something that is roughly stable - there's no overall change with time. It settles down anyway.
So there is a subtle level of reality that impinges on what we observe.
And the EcoEcho Connection?
Awesome lecture on psychophysiology of yoga meditaton (qigong, Tai chi) from Sat Bir S. Khalsa, PhD
Occurred : 2/15/2019 20:15 (Entered as : 2/15/2019 20:15)
Reported: 2/16/2019 6:34:00 PM 18:34
Posted: 2/22/2019
Location: Eagan, MN
Shape: Triangle
Duration:2 minutes Father and daughter saw a triangle shaped object with three lights, one in each corner. Lights were red, white and green. It flew over the car toward going south away from the Mall of America. The was no sound and it moved really fast. Flew off and could see it until lost sight of it.
Search Results
by BD Josephson - Cited by 323 - Related articles
ratory, Cambridge, under the supervision of Professor Brian Pippard. During ... Cambridge introduced the new concept of 'broken symmetry' in supercon-.
Oct 8, 2013 - ... of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at ... bizarre post-Nobel career is undoubtedly that of Brian Josephson, ...
Jun 28, 2017 - This is new to me. Brian Josephson is a Welsh physicist and 1973 Nobel laureate who estimates his confidence in intelligent design at about ...
Missing: symmetry breaking
Brian D. Josephson was born in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, on January 4, 1940, .... which made the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the theory manifest.
Mar 3, 2012 - Discussion with Nobel Physics Laureate Brian Josephson 3-3-12 ... Symmetry and symmetry breaking may play a key role here, in view of
Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan A J Amaratunga - 2016 - Science
An alternative way of looking at symmetry breaking of U(1) gauge symmetry in a ... This aspect is evident in Josephson effect discovered by Brian Josephson, ...
Pathological Disbelief: The Lindau Lecture by Brian D. Josephson, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1973. Nobel Laureates' Annual Meeting, Lindau, Germany ...
The most bizarre post-Nobel career is undoubtedly that of Brian Josephson, who shared the 1973 physics prize for devising the eponymous solid-state junction. Afterwards Josephson became a follower of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and attempted to reconcile quantum physics with transcedental meditation. He is now director of the Mind-Matter Unification Project at Cambridge University, working hard to keep Britain at the “forefront of research” on telepathy.har har har har!!!
BAck to Nobel Physicist Josephson:
One important issue is how mathematical precision emerges from a system
that is initially very imprecise.... From the perspective of our primordial
community, it conversely provides a model for forming a universe-system
(more generally, physical laws provide a basis for forming the corresponding
physical reality)."
Mathematical precision exists only in the world of discourse, and is realised to whatever
degree is possible by technology.
The model is not the technology, any more than
understanding the sphere equates to the existence of physical spheres. We
hypothesise however that some such technology, which in due course we may
ourselves be able to understand, was discovered at the primordial level, and
forms the basis upon which physical universes are generated. Mathematical
precision exists only in the world of discourse, and is realised to whatever
degree is possible by technology.
Symmetry and symmetry breaking may play a key role here, in view of
the fact that conceptually symmetry is defined in terms of transformations
that may have physical correlates, while at the same time symmetry is found
to play an important role in actual physics."
"In this picture locality is understood as an emergent property, analogous
to the frequency of a physical process. Just as in some circumstances frequencies
of physical processes become well defined, with different frequencies
becoming independent of each other as far as linkages are concerned, in
this case location becomes a well defined quantity, with different locations
becoming independent of each other. Quantum entanglement and wholeness,
on the other hand, would be derivative of the units of circular theory.
The idea that nature at some deeper level has biological aspects is not--On 3 March 2012 12:48:41 -0800 JACK SARFATTI <> wrote:
fundamentally absurd, and has been previously explored by authors such as
Smolin[7] and Pattee[8]. The above analysis has explored some aspects of the
‘biological logic’ applicable to such a scenario, in particular the mechanics
of development, which could lead to what might be termed ‘extended
mind’. Faculties such as mathematical intuition, difficult to account for
in conventional ways, might be manifestations of the extended mind, which
might also be related to experiences of meaning in art.
JS:What is the "primordial community" some sort of intrinsic mental
field, like a cosmic scale Bohm quantum potential perhaps?
BDJ: Bohm and Hiley rather gave up on quantum potential, but you could consider it [primoridal community] as the basis of implicate order, or maybe the cells of some superorganism.
JS: I conceive of the implicate order as the Seth Lloyd computer from the 10^123 Planck area pixels on the asymptote of the de Sitter future horizon. The explicate interior bulk is essentially some kind of Fourier transform of the processing on the horizon.
BDJ: I'm trying to take these ideas further at this time. The point about a community is that it can have a more global effect than an individual, which is related to dissemination of discoveries.
Biological Observer-Participation and Wheeler's' Law without Law'
by BD Josephson - 2011 - Cited by 18 - Related articles
Oct 3, 2011 - be reconciled with general relativity in a straightforward way has ... strating the derivability of life from conventional physics, such ... not apply to such a landscape. ..... The idea that nature at some deeper level has biological aspects is not fundamentally absurd, and has been previously explored by authors ...Nobel Physicist gets CENSORED by the preprint server
Other popular forms of attack are “if X were true we would have to start over again” (as we of course had to do with Relativity and Quantum Theory, and so the argument proves nothing), and then there is the dictum “Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence”, which has the marvellous feature of allowing the requirements for acceptable proof to be stretched indefinitely as more and more support for a contested claim comes in. Its originator, the late Marcello Truzzi, later decided that his comment was ‘a non sequitur, meaningless and question-begging’, and had planned to write a debunking of his own creation (5). Ref. 6 takes a light-hearted look at a range of strategies used by critics. “Cold fusion” appears to be the modern equivalent to continental drift, starting with the controversial claim, made by Pons and Fleischmann in 1989, to have generated in an electrochemical cell heat considerably in excess of anything explicable in conventional terms.The secret of Brian Josephson's superconducting effect is an "unobservable" symmetry breaking
This provoked hostile reaction: ignoring the possibility that an aggregate of ions in a condensed matter matrix may behave differently to a collection of freely moving ones, it was asserted that nuclear fusion could not be responsible for the claimed excess heat.
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