So my concern before was the voltage being too HIGH. But as I just posted from yesterday - I didn't realize the draw load of the battery was pulling the voltage down so much. So I rewired in the Multimeter and then the highest gear I could pedal - without too much resistance - was two gears higher! And the volts are STILL below 12. Before I was concerned that the voltage would be above 18 but I had no idea my voltage had been pulled way down below 12. Now with 2 gears higher I am just below 12.
So now my question is - can I charge at a below 12 voltage? Normally for a 12 volt battery the answer is NO!! But....
Reviewing my previous research - this is a Lithium battery with each cell at 3.7 volts and the internal power converter actually pulls the voltage down below 12 volts while charging.
So now I am at top amps - I think around 3 amps - and the voltage is below 12.
I am also working up a sweat - but I was in long johns and wool pants. haha. We have the Polar vortex again with schools shut down. So now I changed into jeans and going back out to the garage. I will watch to see if my percentage of charge increases at a faster rate!! It should since I'm two gears higher. Pretty exciting!!
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