Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Is the Yuan Qi or prenatal vitality, a byproduct of our parent's Jing? Not if you practice real alchemy

Yes it is a discussion about "foundation" -  there is something beyond the Hun and Po souls. This is what I am referring to.
Chapter 1 deals with fixing spirit in its original cavity' , for man’s body, spirit, intellect, incorporeal (hun) and corporeal (p’o) souls are all negative (yin) and obey the heart’s impulses.
So our difference is really about how Daoist alchemy training goes beyond the Hun and Po souls.
Yuan Qi is a product of Jing - generated by the parents' post-natal Jing  under the influence of the child's Po soul

Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine - Qi Encyclopedia

Feb 16, 2016 - Yuan Qi is said to be Jing (Essence) in the form of Qi.

So he's got his foundation turned around. The Yuan qi or prenatal qi is NOT under the influence of the Po Soul.
consists of sending the positive fire (yang huo) up and the negative fire (yin fu) down in order to transmute the generative force into prenatal vitality [yuan qi].
So the Yuan Qi has to be created AFTER the jing goes up to the pineal gland and then back down the front as alchemy training.
If the generative force is not purified prenatal vitality [yuan qi] will not develop
So it's not just some "byproduct" of the Jing. That's a Western misunderstanding.
And if Yuan Qi is from our parents - then they must be the Nothingness!
gather prenatal vitality [yuan qi] from nothingness
So again the Yuan Qi is created from the alchemy training.
Prenatal vitality [yuan qi] is produced and stored up by this (breathing) process while (fire in) the heart and (water in the) lower abdomen mingle.
https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortalityLuKuanYCharlesLuk/Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality Lu K’uan YĆ¼ (Charles Luk)_djvu.txt
The Yuan Qi then "emanates" out of the pineal gland:
True nature is prenatal vitality [yuan qi] in its cell (ch’i pao) on the top of the medulla oblongata.
And what is the source of this Yuan Qi?
Hence it is said: ‘Prenatal One Vitality [yuan qi] comes from nothingness.’
and what is this Nothingness?
Therefore, the secret lies in the prenatal positive vitality [yuan qi] that existed before heaven, earth and all things came into being; which is perfect, bright, pure and clean; with nothing screening it and immune against all contamination.
So no it's not a byproduct of the parents.
life is made eternal through alchemy which consists of borrowing boundless prenatal vitality [yuan qi] to continue (the existence of) limited bodily form; in other words this boundless prenatal vitality which is the true essence of the positive and negative principles between heaven and earth, is used to create the immortal foetus which now has shape’
And so what is true immortality?
becomes pure vitality [yuan qi] when it scatters to fill the great emptiness which will be its boundless body.

But wait - there's our great TCM acupuncture careerist friend!
Maybe that is the main point you're not getting here - Qi is a substance.
Oh yes if you do happen to go to the University of Minnesota Biomedical library, as I did - then you can read this chapter of a medical textbook:
N. J. Manek and C. Lin
Hide abstract
Over the preceding decade, Western medical researchers have increasingly turned their gaze on traditional medical systems. Much of the interest and funding for such research has come on the heels of David Eisenberg’s 1993 report that vast numbers of Americans were turning to a range of alternative health practices1. The phenomenon appears to be increasing, as shown by a replication in 1997 of a national survey carried out in 19902. There is a growing acceptance of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the Western world3,4. Anyone studying TCM will be introduced to the ancient Chinese notions of harmony and well-being that have been a sustaining theme of Chinese culture. These ancient notions not only survive until today but also remain viable approaches to both personal health care and medical intervention. Qigong, a key component of Chinese medical practice, contains a balance between body, mind, and spirit and works well with other healing modalities, complementing them. Qigong, like Western biofeedback therapy, is a systematic training in psychophysiologic self-regulation and helps develop skills that can have very broad applications. The central idea of Qigong is working with the life force or universal energy. This force, although invisible, has measurable effects, as the science of quantum physics is beginning to discover. Science and the venerable tradition of Qigong are joining hands, and helping usher in a new era of energy medicine5,6.
As I stated - you can also just go to http://springforestqigong.com and join the "free" guild membership and you can listen to Chunyi Lin say how quantum mechanics explains how long distance qi healing works.

 8 hours ago, Nungali said:
  YOU are supplying light.
So where does this light come from?
yeah - as I stated - I discussed this with Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson who practices qigong at Cambridge University.
the Josephson Junction is used to measure the source of charge as the volt at NIST (sorry not in Australia but it's in the U.S.) - the National Institute of Standards and technology or something like that.
Anyway so essentially qi comes from noncommutative phase or what can be called non-local jump conduction.
So this is covered up in "standard" science since it's assumed that time-frequency uncertainty is from a symmetric math relationship (i.e. the Joules of Planck's Constant cancels out the "seconds" of time assuming the quotient is NOT noncommutative!). haha. Hilarious.
So yes I am "pedaling" and where does my energy come from?
antiageing-techniques-from-tai-chi-medicand why don't you realize this?
Mass mind control due to "standard" classical physics.
So to get back to the origin of charge - it's from virtual photons that can now be "captured" in the lab - but again this source is due to noncommutative phase that is "covered up" in standard science - as Chinese philosophy professor Patrick Edwin Moran SNUCK onto Wikipedia (that normally CENSORS any science that is not mass mind controlled!). Hilarious.
So Planck's Constant is actually the "average energy of light" but that's only because it assumes wrongly that time-frequency is NOT non-commutative! Hilarious. Nonwestern music theory exposes this lie of standard science, as math professor (Fields Medal) Alain Connes points out in his lecture on music theory.

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