- Evolving the Alien: The Science of Extraterrestrial Life, with Ian Stewart. The American and second editions were published as What Does a Martian Look Like? The Science of Extraterrestrial Life
He said - if aliens do exist they would have to be like Daoist hermits. I said well actually Daoist hermits are able to spiritually leave their bodies and to travel into outerspace! So I told him he had his logic reversed around. Because - it's like Stan Gooch the great psychologist realized - he and I corresponded via snail mail. So Gooch realized that the whole "E.T. alien" schtick (promoted by the CIA-Freemasons) is actually a psychological projection of our "reptilian" cerebellum subconscious brain (that controls our emotions and motions via the right side vagus nerve).
So Dr. Stephen Porges is the best on this , as of late - he "christened" Polyvagal theory - about deep trauma and the "freeze" reaction that is deadly for mammals. I mean are reptiles sentient? Well... actually yes - even "fish" are sentient as have been now proven (they even get lonely if their "owner" goes on vacation). Yes even insects like bees have dopamine and serotonin. Even PLANTS have serotonin receptors - well for tryptophan at least. Yes I would check out quantum biologist Dr. Jack Tuszynski's research on this -
The gastrointestinal-brain axis in humans as an ... - ResearchGate
Mar 10, 2018 - Fabio Gabrielli aand Jack A. Tuszynski c ... brain and (ii) plant roots and the animal/human gastro-intestinal tract have general features in ...
The gastrointestinal-brain axis in humans as an evolutionary advance of the root-leaf axis in plants: A hypothesis linking quantum effects of light on ... Jack A Tuszynski ... enteric nervous system connectivity within the human gastrointestinal tract. This auxin/serotonin parallel suggests the root-branch axis in plants may be an ..
So our intestines has more neurons than our heart. So then "sentience" is really based on biophotons which even mushrooms and plants use to communicate. This becomes obvious after a strong dose of some kind of serotonin receptor agonist (like DMT-based root plant medicine used in the Amazon).
OK so I realize your comment is a kind of joke but the whole E.T. Alien hypothesis is taken quite seriously in the science community - like the BioCosm Model by Yale (skull and bones) lawyer Gardiner - it won a top science award. He argues that Western science is literally helping the WHOLE UNIVERSE evolve (spiritually) or scientifically - should I say. But the problem with this whole ET alien obsession is a little thing called "entropy" - turns out "entropy" is closely tied to ecology here on Earth. Yes I call this the STRONG MISANTHROPIC HYPOTHESIS:
The Strong Misanthropic Principle
As proved by Hawking, had the Universe's entropy increased been reversed, this reversal would be impossible to observe. This is because time orientation of all biological processes (as we show elsewhere in detail) relies solely on entropy's increase.
Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev
Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000
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