I thought about your response - and I was able to take a closer look at this dynamic of the golden yang shen in contrast to the boundless body as the Fa Shen - or spiritual body of yuan qi-yuan shen.
I posted images as quotes from the book. thanks
oK as I mentioned before - the left eye is yang shen (positive spirit) but it is nature vitality (negative qi or yin qi). The right eye is yin shen (negative spirit) but also life vitality (yang qi). so let's check out this diagram.
The union of (positive) with (negative) spirit is achieved by uniting (or drawing together in a squint) the pupil of the left eye which stands for positive spirit [yang shen] with that of the right one which stands for negative spirit for concentration on the upper tan t’ien centre (in the brain)....The left eye stands for the East whose element is wood [yin qi] and the right eye for the West whose element is metal [yang qi].
The element of wood turns westward to unite with the element of metal and the latter
turns eastward to mingle with the former. This is the union
of both elements causing the (vital) breath in the brain and
the psychic strength to develop, expand and unite into one
whole reaching the core of the brain where it transmutes
the (microcosmic) outer alchemical agent (already gathered
there) into life-preserving true vitality [yuan qi]; this is (eternal) life [yang qi]
returning to (essential) nature [yin qi] to become one whole; only
thus can nature and life be worked on successfully.
The dragon (negative vitality ) [yin qi] and the tiger (positive
vitality) [yang qi] ‘ copulating ’ in the alchemical cauldron in the brain to realise
the oneness of heaven and earth
the successful union of the dragon
and tiger (i.e. the female and male vital breaths). When
heart and lower abdomen are linked, heaven and earth are
in perfect harmony; and when the dragon and tiger ‘copu¬
late’, the positive and negative elements of earth unite,
thus gathering the four symbols (szu hsiang, i.e. prenatal
heaven and earth and postnatal heart and abdomen) in
the central cavity (chung kung or the solar plexus) to
produce the macrocosmic alchemical agent.
So by rotating
the eyes - then the water and fire copulate as dragon and tiger - while
the external sun and and moon (spirits) intermingle - thereby
intermingling the internal sun and moon (heart and lower tan t'ien).
the sun (the left eye or the
male principle) with the moon (the right eye or female
principle); only then can both eyes be concentrated on
the lower abdomen in which a white light is imagined as
Sun: The left eye which stands for the positive yang; it also
stands for the heart.
https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortalityLuKuanYCharlesLuk/Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality Lu K’uan YĆ¼ (Charles Luk)_djvu.txt
we can word search.
ok so it's page 158 - for the image. But this website does not allow cut and paste from pdfs - unless you know how to do it?
https://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Kundalini Tantra Yoga Chakra Meditation [second book pack]/PDF/Lu K Uan Yu - Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality.pdf
So the image is a Venn diagram. So the 3 circles - the top is number 1 as Essential Nature. So it is positive spirit as the upper body but it is also negative vitality or yin qi. The number 2 is the lower tan t'ien as negative spirit of the lower body but it is also yang qi or positive yang. So the yang qi has to be sublimated up while the yin qi has to descend down with the positive spirit going down. Then in the center you get the creation of the PreNatal Spirit-Vitality or Yuan Shen-Qi through the heart, the middle tan t'ien.
So then when the
ok so the golden light is the yang shen but it has to suck off the yin qi of the body by first the yin shen (demon) being transformed into yang qi. So you suck in the yang shen (golden light) from outside the body back inside into the heart (the yuan qi). As per diagram above - the Yuan Qi is in the heart - and so the yang shen and yin shen and yang qi and yin qi have to keep being returned back to the Yuan Qi through the heart.
So the yang shen (golden body) is above to leave again but has to keep returning to the Yuan Qi of the heart - to vanquish the yin shen and yin qi demons.
So the light of the spiritual nature is the Fa Shen or Boundless Body light (the Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen). It is the "light of no light" - it's not the Golden Light. But the Golden Light by returning to the body is then sucking on the yin qi and yang qi - by rotating the eyes - as described above - to then create more yang shen from the yin shen inside the body and the yuan qi. So the yin qi blockages are still the lower emotional demons attempting to attract and entice the yang shen.
The technique of positive ascent and negative descent
is practised to sublimate nature-vitality which is negative
and life-vitality which is positive, unite both into one true
seed and transform the latter into golden nectar which then
goes down
OK so finally all the yin qi blockages are holographically transformed (experienced in the yang shen externally but returned back into the body as yin shen and yang qi transformations back into yuan qi that powers the yang shen). So the yang shen actually increases the Yuan Qi in the body.
So the "spiritual body" is actually the Yuan Qi-Yuan Shen (not the golden light).
So the "light of vitality" is from the yang qi but is the yin shen as the Yuan Shen.
When the generative force is full and rises to unite with essential nature, the white light
of vitality manifests; it is like moonlight and its fullness is
equivalent to one half of a whole. When vitality is full and
descends to unite with eternal life, the golden light manifests;
it is reddish yellow and its fullness is equivalent to the other
half. The union of these two lights produces that whole
which is the immortal seed.
real positive vitality [yang qi] and essential nature unite to emit the
light of vitality which is the light of true nature in the
precious cauldron (in the head) and that of true life in the
stove (in the lower abdomen).
the vital cavity of nature-spirit in the centre
of the cerebrum....When life-vitality [yang qi] meets nature-spirit they
unite and stay in the same cavity
the light of vitality
manifests in the ensuing condition of utter stillness. In this
absence of thoughts, the positive principle will in time
manifest causing the penis to erect. The practiser should
now wipe out the concept of the self so as to free his heart
from disturbances, and then concentrate on his spirit to
drive it into the centre of vitality (the lower tan t’ien below
the navel); this is the immersion of fire in water. The ele¬
ment of water in the lower belly is thus scorched by spirit’s
fire and thereby transmuted into true vitality. The practiser
should gather immediately the true generative force.
The immersion of fire in water causes their ‘copulation*
and the resultant condition is called 'fire and water in stable
equilibrium ’ (shui huo chi chi). If the outer sun and moon
do not mingle their lights the inner water and fire do not
‘copulate’ and prenatal true vitality cannot manifest.
The light of vitality thus seen while your eyes are open
is the Mysterious Gate which reveals the real nature realised
by cultivating both (essential) nature and (eternal) life, which
is the secret of alchemy.
The generative force which is still immature cannot
produce the white light of vitality
unless the generative force has been fully restored to its strength at
puberty it cannot produce the light of vitality which is
white like moonlight.
So the spiritual body is created from the golden light but it is not the golden light. So once again golden light is yang shen with yin qi (left eye) and moon light is yin shen with yang qi (right eye).
the fullness of the immortal seed as a golden light which
reveals negative vitality [yin qi] within the generative force.
by rolling the eyes from left to
right in conjunction with the passing of inner fire through sub¬
limating phrases at the cardinal points D and J of the micro-
cosmic orbit, for the purpose of transmuting vitality into spirit
whose full development causes a bright light
But the moonlight is the light of essential nature (the yin qi that has been returned to the lower tan t'ien from the liver-heart) and the golden light is the light of vitality that has been returned to the head (from the lower body yang qi). So that is the double reversal of the elixir from rotating the eyes.
Since the light of (essential) nature in the original cavity
of spirit (tsu ch’iao, between and behind the eyes) is now
concentrated below the navel, the positive light of vitality [yang shen]
in the latter centre will soar up to manifest before the eyes,
thereby causing both lights to unite and remain constant, while
the space between the eyes and the navel will emit sparks
of red golden light.
Its pistil is the light of vitality that comes from nature-vitality
and its stamen is the golden light that arises from life-
vitality. The union of both produces the (immortal) foetus
which is the fruit.
prenatal true nature-vitality in (essential)
nature whose light is like moonlight and prenatal true
life-vitality in (eternal) life whose light is golden.
Nature-vitality is negative [yin qi] and life-
vitality is positive [yang qi];
The immersion of fire in water causes their ‘copulation*
and the resultant condition is called 'fire and water in stable
equilibrium ’ (shui huo chi chi). If the outer sun and moon
do not mingle their lights the inner water and fire do not
‘copulate’ and prenatal true vitality cannot manifest.
So the demonic light is still inside the yang shen (golden light) - so it is red light from yang qi that has not be purified into yuan qi from yin qi of moon light (yellow-white light). So when the yang qi is purified it has the yin shen and when the yin qi is purified it has the yang shen (golden light).
So the spiritual body again is not the golden light but is.....
The yuan qi-yuan shen.
So this process just keeps continuing until the golden light keeps feeding off the yuan shen (light of vitality from the yang qi). Thereby transforming the yin qi blockages into yang qi as yuan qi - and eventually the original physical body is completely vaporized.
Basically you know what Socrates taught, "Know Thy Self" - and this is called "logical inference" - so the self is defined as the "I thought" (as in god defined as "I Am that I am." So you repeat the I-thought as I-I-I-I and you "logically infer" that any thought that arises in your mind is based on this sense of I - and that is just the logical truth.
So to KNOW the source of the I-thought you repeat the I-thought without allowing any other thoughts. Then when the I-thought "congeals" or concentrates - you listen to the source of the I-thought (or logical infer the source of the I-thought). This truth is then "experiential" based on your logical inference. So that means whatever words you use to describe this experiential truth are also derived from the I-thought and so the truth of those words also must be logical inferred.
So this sets up an eternal process of energy creation that is self-organizing based on eternal listening. The "yuan qi-Yuan shen" is experienced first in chapter 6 of that book. But that's only the "first half" of enlightenment. To "finish the job" as it were - then that first yuan shen arising from the yin shen - when the yang qi fills up - then you have to purify it more by building up more yuan qi. So that is the 2nd half of the training - to "empty out the body" (that is the phrase that Master Nan, Huai-chin uses).
You can try reading his books on Buddhist Ch'an philosophy - as they deal with the logical paradoxes of logical inference.
The books are out of print - but go into the various "skandas" - they can be found online as free pdfs if you really dig for them. "To Realize Enlightement" and "Working Towards Enlightenment" and - what's the third one - there's also "Tao and Longevity" - and he had a couple more. Then Bill Bodri has written many books based on his following of Master Nan, Huai-chin - so his tome "Measuring Meditation" is a cross-referential analysis - comparing buddhism with vedanta (advaita) and daoism - and western esoteric studies.
Yes the problem is that the "mind" is how we normally define our "selves" - and so this is a deep psycho-physiological rewiring of reality. Then in the 2nd half of enlightenment - even our spirit as spiritual ego is then interacting with our people's spirits or just other spirits - and all these interactions then have to be "emptied out" back into the Yuan Qi of the universe itself. So the more "powers" we develop the more we have to realize that the Power IS the Emptiness - that only really the Yuan Qi exists. This was the focus of Ramana Maharshi's teachings. You can read his books as well - although he is frequently misunderstood in the West also.
Yes so basically when we are in "deep dreamless sleep" - that is actually our real SELF but we are just not "aware" of it consciously. And then to become consciously "aware" of it - means that the spirit light becomes so bright - as intensity of energy - that it "jumps" (think of a quantum leap) into a higher vortex of spacetime.
So for me, when I experienced this "spacetime vortex" as the Emptiness - the Yuan Qi energy directly of the full body - this is what really freaked me out. I didn't know what that meant. Actually it is described in chapter 11 of the Taoist Yoga book - stating if you sublimate and raise up your spirit of vitality (from the yang qi) - as the yin shen - without enough yuan qi surrounding the shen - then this will cause dizziness and confusion.
So this means the lower tan t'ien has to be focused on to keep building up the Yuan Qi energy and this can only be done through purification by fire (through the yin shen and yang shen cross-resonating with the yin qi and yang qi) to create more yuan qi-yuan shen-yuan jing.
Yes I admit - it is all quite esoteric and also the logic is very cruel. For example the Yuan Qi logic is NOT tantra - so it's not based on the psychic different of forms (of an external form of light as beauty). The SELF has to "merge" back into the formless as logical inference - so that the source of the light can not be seen. So again this is like Deep Dreamless Sleep - only the light is so bright that you lose your sense of self. But at the same time there are still "spacetime" or yuan qi transformations - only there has to be an inherent "difference" that is not simultaneous.
In other words - from the perspective of the Yuan Shen (the self of no self) then EVERYTHING is happening at the same time (since at zero rest mass light experiences no space and no time). BUT in fact the Yuan Shen is resonating the Yuan Qi (and vice versa) - and the Yuan Qi is changes in spacetime that then creates new Yuan Jing (as new matter). So this is the equivalent of "capturing" virtual matter from the future. Qigong master Yan Xin calls his healing - a "virtual information field" - so that is what is being referred to. So it truly means the Emptiness does the healing (and this is the truth of Shakti as well).
So it is a stunning experience - like for example Precognition! If you experience something - only to realize you had dreamt that very specific experience before - then you have to realize that what our "minds" think of as "reality" is not the actual real "truth" of reality. It is easy to be like the Matrix - when Keanu is constantly being told he is NOT the "one" but this only reinforces that he "is" the One via the Trinity (as love) and then Cipher - the traitor - says - "his mind is gonna blow."
Master Nan, Huai-chin emphasizes sitting in full lotus as does qigong master Wang Liping - to open up the lower back channels. I think Westerners tend to overemphasize the "mind yoga" without body cultivation. So for example Ramana Maharshi taught mind yoga but his harder to read books - I found his 1947 edition of "Who Am I?" - it emphasizes that the kundalini has to be activated - and he assumes celibacy and vegetarian diet. Then he refused to even see his own mom during his 9 years of intensive meditation.
So as Ramana states - the "process is the goal." So he says to visualize light on the right side of the heart. So he acknowledges the energy flows in the body based on yin-yang dynamics or in India it's called the "three gunas." He calls this the "Three in one unity" - so the West emphasizes "the one" but in fact inherent to the one is the yin-yang energy dynamics.
So then once you know that secret - for example for males the right hand is yin and upper body is yang and lower body is yin and left hand is yang. So you have the right hand face the upper body and left hand palm face the lower body - and presto - you just activated your free energy channels. So it's the equivalent of putting a solar panel in the sun - you get free energy.
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