ETH back on the table - article by Eric Wargo...
yes RPJ - I agree with you. Eric Wargo is in psychological denial about the microtubule argument from Stuart Hameroff (with whom I've corresponded). Sir Roger Penrose, the collaborator with Hameroff, has his whole emphasis on why calculating is NOT consciousness.
This problem is a deep Western bias - what I call the "rotten root" - and it has to do with mathematical logic that we all learn by 10th grade. We all get brainwashed with the Pythagorean Theorem (gasp!). Everyone knows the Pythagorean Theorem "has" to be proven. haha. Unless you really study math on a deep level (oops!).
I've also corresponded with the Indian physicist in Japan who corroborated the microtubule model of Hameroff and Penrose. I'll quote him. Dr. Bandyopadhyay provided the crucial ultrasound evidence of the microtubules with 3000 times greater conductance than the tubulin.
"I think no human could be rebuilt from scratch because of one factor. The initial phase values of clocking Bloch spheres are unknown. Every thing in this universe is a clocking Bloch sphere." Anirban Bandyopadhyay email response to me, May 2017
So a Bloch sphere is what is used for quantum logic but here we have a quantum physicist emphasizing the same point of Sir Roger Penrose - what's called the "Measurement Problem" due to time-frequency uncertainty. Logically it is solved by "noncommutative phase" logic. Something that hardly anyone knows about! haha.
I was promoting quantum biology and qigong meditation on the "top" science blog of PZ Myers - back in 2006. I got banned - for being woo-woo. But now not only is quantum biology accepted but even meditation is becoming accepted.
The key point here - is when Eric mentions Schroedinger on quantum biology, the concept of "Negentropy" actually reveals the cause of today's ecological crisis as well, due to entropy. I won't go into this. I'm just saying this Techno-fetish Scientism that is the vogue in "science writing" - is in great denial about the ecological crisis and how it's tied to the wrong classical symmetric math logic.
As far as precognition - this is something I've had a lot of experience with. I highly recommend the book "Transcendent Dreaming" by psychologist Dr. Christina Donnell (also a Tai Chi master and initiated into indigenous Andean meditation)...
Also in regards to quantum physics, Retrocausation and UFOS - then Dr. Jack Sarfatti would be a MUST to interview. I've corresponded with him as well. I realize he's tied to the whole SRI scene. Actually it was Olivier Costa de Beauregard, the assistant of Louis de Broglie, who launched the Retrocausal model. He called it "Retroparation" and he indeed did promote this quantum physics as explaining precognition, telekinesis, etc.
I have quotes from him on my blog. But speaking from my own experience of precognition and meditation - the precognitive dreams and visions are more vivid than normal dreams - and even more vivid than being awake! This leads to the conclusion that being awake is more of a dream than the spiritual state that is beyond death, as NDErs report also the sensations being much more vivid. In other words our perceptions are directly quantum and in meditation we access this directly. For example I directly smelled cancer - non-locally - as rotting death flesh smell. This experience and others - seeing ghosts - were corroborated by qigong master Chunyi Lin of
Sorry but Jeffrey Kripal dreadfully misrepresented the nonwestern meditation tradition in India with Ramakrishna. This is well detailed by another professor - I did a blogpost on this.'s_Child_Revisited
That review exposes the serious flaws with Jeffrey Kripal
I got spam filtered out for my comment being too long I guess. The main
“retrocausal” model that Eric refers to with this Glass Block universe –
assumes a time symmetry measurement. I have corresponded with Dr. Ruth
E. Kastner on quantum physics and music –
here she supports the retrocasual model but not the time symmetry
model. It seems like an obscure difference but actually it defines why
type of technology would be enabled, as Eric seems fixated on the
technological implications. thanks
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