Is there an equivalent term for the Three Gunas from Yoga and Ayurveda in Taoist medicine and Nei Gong or Qi Gong?
All human cultures use the Octave
I thought most human cultures use 5 tones, not 7.
yes the five tones are from the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4.
So in fact no matter what number of musical tones are in a scale - they are all built from the Octave/Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth but it's ONLY in the West that these complementary opposite harmonics were "compromised" into symmetric Platonic geometric magnitude math (from Archytas, Philolaus and Euxodus).
I'll give you an example on the Chinese five tones as yin-yang - It's on my blog somewhere.
OK so first of all in India music tuning - they recognize the secret meaning of Non-Dual is not some Western Oneness but rather quite literally "not-two."
So if you look at the 3 in this image - the Perfect Fifth is an F and a G at the same time as non-local non-dualism or the "three in one" unity of the three gunas.
Each of the 12 harmonic notes of the Chinese alchemical music scale are Qi nodes, just as in Kriya yoga, as a month of the Solar Year (the Perfect Single Yang as Perfect Fifth infinite spiral) The Yellow Emperor, Huang Ti, in 2700 BCE, told Ling Lun to create the “infinite spiral of fifths” music tuning based on the Perfect Fourth music interval as yin and the Perfect Fifth musical interval as yang, according to the 240 BCE book, Lü-shih ch’un-ch’iu (
The Spring and Autumn of Lü Pu-Wei
Yang pipe became Yin, and by “increasing” the Yin pipe
was transformed into Yang.
In the first case, the result was a downward generation,
and in the second, an upward
one. Thus we find a continuous process of generation,
with continuous exchanges of qualities
between Yang and Yin, making clear the dynamic
characteristics of the
procedure followed.
Each of the 12 lUlU [pipes of Perfect Fifth/Fourth] were
assigned a hou [climatic season] chosen among the 24
jieqi [solar terms]. For example, Huangzhong
corresponded to Dongzhi [winter
solstice]; Linzhong recalled the Dashu [great heat]
and so on. Furthermore, the
figure indicates, together with the names of the lUlU,
the 12 dizhi [earthly branches]
in their relative order. Thus the first lUlU corresponds
to the first dizhi, that is to say
Zi [son] and so on. The dizhi were also used to indicate
couples of hours during
the day; for example, Zishi [time of the son] indicates
the hours from 1 1.00 p.m. to
1.00 a.m., and the other dizhi follow the order of the hours
That is the secret of non-commutative phase logic. This was covered-up by Western symmetric math.
The Veena with 24 frets is the spine as prana energy tuned by the three gunas: Octave (sattva), Perfect Fifth (rajas), Perfect Fourth (tamas). As Yogananda describes Kriya Yoga, “The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to thetwelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One half-minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.” Ref: Sriranga sadguru in “Amaravani” “The 24 frets of the (Veena) instrument are analogous to the 24 cartilages in the spinal cord. The number 24 also relates to the 24 syllables in the Vedic Gayatri mantra.”
Acoustic engineer and Vedic sound expert, Dr. M.G. Prasad. music Veena as the spinal harmonics energy:
Tamasika Ahankara is the origin of five gross elements. Ether originated in Tamasika Ahankara with Sound as its subtle form.
The Five Elements: Ether in Ayurveda | CA College of Ayurveda
It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The origin of ether is shabda. Shabda is the tanmatra of sound, meaning that shabda is sound in its primordial, unmanifested
The ego (ahankara) evolves out of Reason. Depending upon the dominance of one of the three constituents (gunas), we get three kinds of ego, viz., sdttvika ahankara, rajasika ahankara and tamasika ahankara. From ego proceed two parallel series of evolutes — internal and external. The five conative organs and the mind ...
The Reality is one and only one that always remains unmanifested and unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests through the plurality of the pheno-menal universe - Maya or Prakrti is constituted of three strings (sattva, rajas and tamas) [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] that vibrate to produce the pluralistic, phenomenal ...
When the three gunas, viz., sattva. rajas and tamas [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] are equipoised (in equilibrium, in sdmydvastha), they are collectively called prakrti, which is itself a tattva (having no tattva).Prakrti is the three gunas, having no gunas.
Maya, the material Nature, (mulaprakrti), consisting of three strings [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] belongs to Vishnu (God). This power of becoming (prakrti) is Divine (vaisnavi) [Divine etymololgy means "to shine"].Maya, belonging to Isvara, is the power of becoming (prakrti), due to which all types of modifications take place. [Ishwara is the Spiritual Ego of the Universe aka Jesus or Krishna, the Sun as the Blue Light, the reflection of the reverse time as formless awareness]Isvara (God) is the Great Musician. His musicial instrument or the Vinya is Maya with three strings - sattva, rajas, and tamas [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth].When these three gunas are in equipoised, prakrti remains in a dormant state or quiescent state.The three strings [Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth] of Shakti vibrate in various combinations and permutations. As a result prana, a product of Shakti or Maya (a cosmic vitalizing principle) pulsates.Prana is Qi - again the secret is the "three strings."
The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism ...
Apr 30, 2016 - A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principal known as spanda. Swami Lakshmanjoo tells us that the word 'spanda' means established stable movement. That is, it is movementless-movement, vibrationless-vibration. It is this secret, mysterious and yet essential ...
This is noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension!
Ouspensky Today - The law of three is represented in the Vedanta by the concept of the three 'gunas' or qualities, ('guna' means literally, 'a string or a rope') which together create, sustain and finally eliminate the illusion of Maya, the universe as we subjectively perceive it. These three strings vibrating together create the ..
OK I'll still find the quote I was looking for...
Still have not found that quote I was thinking of but in the mean time:
So this shows how the "seven" note scale actually was from HIDING the three gunas or complementary opposites inversion of the 2/3 into 4/3 - that's why the "X" has to be used. Instead of a QI energy source that is non-material - the West assumes X is geometric magnetic with time as a physical spatial parameter.
think it's in my most recent free pdf = nope - but there is a quote in there on the India music scale. I can't "cut and paste" from a pdf onto this site (like I used to be able to do). So you have to word search the pdf - just search Indian or scale
I'm getting close...
So Lui (呂) is the character meaning spinal column, hence, it is directly related to our subject. This character has one more interesting meaning ‘ ‘frets’ (of musical instruments) (1,5,6), the construction of which is similar with that of the spinal column. We should also mention that Chinese musical scale is also called Liu Liu (呂律),
still haven't found it yet.. but here:
So for example in the book Foundations of Internal Alchemy: The Taoist Practice of Neidan
we find, on page 130, Table 6: Sovereign Hexagrams" stating
the twelve "sovereign hexagrams" (biguas) and their relation to other duodenary series: earthly branches, bells and pitch-pipes, months of the year, and "double hours"
OK scroll down on that blog post - I have a copied image from Alain Danielou on the three gunas and yin-yang-Emptiness as music theory. i can't copy it here - again it's a cut and paste image from a pdf.
OK scroll down on that blog post - I have a copied image from Alain Danielou on the three gunas and yin-yang-Emptiness as music theory. i can't copy it here - again it's a cut and paste image from a pdf.
OK finally - here it is. so I explain - or quote:
OK finally - here it is. so I explain - or quote:
Notice that the ratios of this pentatonic scale originate in the first five tones of the up-and-down principle of scale generation; that is, 1/1 or do is kung, 3/2 or sol is chih, 9/8 or re is shang, 27/16 or la is yü, and 81/64 or mi is chiao
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