Yes the young male at BestBuy was happy to hear me say that this was the only store that had these cables in stock. BestBuy was started as "Sound of Music" for audio supplies - so they SHOULD be the store to have it in stock and they lived up to that origin of their focus. But when I explained to the young male what CRT meant - he had NO idea what I was describing. haha. When I explained how there were two coils for vertical and horizontal - so you get DEPTH in the image - he got a glazed over look. Too much Friday Night partying - he qi energy was low.
yes Gabriel Kolko exposed how the so-called "progressive" regulatory state was actually set up by the corporate fascists becuz state regulations are the best way to keep out competition. Professor David F. Nobel exposed this at MIT with his book "Forces of Production" - and so he got fired from MIT. So MIT cares less about "efficiency" than political PATENT control over the smaller independent inventors.
Engineering, as Nobel details, literally started out of Freemasonry. And so then we get the likes of the World Watch Institute that for decades argued how "market" reforms with tax incentives, etc. would create a green utopia - but Jevon's Paradox debunks this Engineering Efficiency Utopia (that even the "radical left" Marxists fall for - hence the Green New Deal suddenly becoming a "progressive liberal" idea). No - this problem goes ALL the way back to Plato and the irrational magnitude math from the logarithmic (and its inverse) exponential function - as physics prof. Albert Bartlett points out. I wrote an Environmental Economics paper called the "Incorrect Supply and Demand model" that really irked the graduate instructors. haha.
That was the early 90s when having long hair meant you weren't a "dirty hippy" but instead you were a Corporate Libertarian (Ayn Randian!). Yes I protested the DNC back in 1996 - the corporate control and in 1999 or 2000 - I confront Vice Prez Al Gore about how he had not really "read his book" on global warming (since his family oil company was illegally pursuing drilling in native indigenous U'Wa land) and then I said - "everyone knows the CIA is complicit in drug dealing." That's when his dozen secret service agents said, "C'mon Al, Let's Go!" He got into his helicopter and I got pulled over by a cop who never said WHY - only took down my license info and said, "thanks." haha.
yes this is a Supply Side engineering system as a military empire. The Civil War was won by the North due to "standardized" military parts and Lincoln warned how corporations were now taking over control of the government. Soon after corporations were made Legal Persons - and so the Freemasonic Aristocracy was put back in power with a Central Bank - and the Commerce Clause of the US constitution. So the "free black people" 14th amendment of Due Process was actually applied MORE to corporations than to PEOPLE. Now we find the same with "free speech" being applied MORE to corporations than to actual real people. haha.
We live in the same TECHNOCRACY that the "zeitgeist" movement (backed by Abby Martin) craves. The so-called "radical left" is just China!! haha. It's uranium mining and lithium and cobalt, etc. Massive slave labor is justified - by the Communists-Capitalists-Fascists for "industrial efficiency." Marx argued that the backward peasants had to provide food for the cities - and so then huge Oil-based combine farming was put into the Soviet Union literally inspired by the huge farms in the US. The Koch brothers got their money from their dad's Communist business. haha. So the "radical left" IS the "radical right."
It's all either extreme left brain or extreme right brain politics. Stan Gooch exposed this in his excellent book "Total Man." He argued for the Cerebellum to become dominant again via our Neanderthal (4%) heritage. haha. I corresponded with him through "snail mail" as he lived as a hermit in a Caravan in Wales. The original human culture - 90% of modern biological history of humans - was based on complementary opposites. So for males the right hand is YIN and the left hand is Yang - the lower body is YIN for males and we are YIN internally. So the right hand goes against the upper body - and energy blockages in the upper body are on the right hand side.
1. A.4. The one has no location; for being located implies it having parts that touch different places. 1. A.5. The one has no motion; for motion implies change and change makes the one a different other than itself, thus, destroying its unity. 1. A.6. The one cannot come into being in anything; for coming into being in anything involves successive entrance of its parts which the one doesn’t possess; therefore, it cannot come into being in anything. 1. A.7. The one is never at rest; for rest implies location and the one cannot be in location as has already been seen. 1. A.8. The one can neither be same with itself or unlike itself or other; for sameness or likeness both are of distinct nature from oneness; to be same with itself would mean to be one and also not one at the same time, which is impossible. 1. A.9. The one is not equal or unequal or older or younger to itself or other; for all such measurements involve partaking of the other form of sameness (with the measures) which the one cannot without becoming two. 1. A.10. The one is not in time; for to be in time means to become older than itself which is impossible if it were one: to be one and at the same time older to itself means also to be younger than itself which is a contradiction. 1. A.11. The one is not (i.e., having the temporal dimensions of ‘being’ and ‘becoming’); for it doesn’t participate in time.I was not sure why the "retro gaming" community RAVED about the JVC - but since they did I didn't think I had a CHANCE to get it when it popped up on Craig's List. Next think I know I'm hauling ass with that 78 pound beast up and down stairs and across the snowy ice parking lot. 4 pounds of lead - to shield the x rays from the cathode vacuum - and the Flyback kicking out radiowaves at something like 18000 hertz pulsed AC to maximize carcinogenic effects of the 8000 milligauss. I was bicycling for an hour and half - ENTRACED by the amazing image. But then the DVD player glitched out. Now I'm gonna hook up COMPONENT cables - as Best Buy was the only store that carried them in stock (not radioshack, not menards)....
Wow - with component cables the image is supposed to be the BEST CRT ever made in the US!! It competes only with the Sony Trinitron PVM (Professional Video Monitor)!!! There is a face off between the two - This guy does a Split Screen for the "retro gamers" - to "battle" the JVC D-series (the only ones with the Component Input jacks!) Yep I just scored what one person wanted - in Eau Claire! It was not "this" same JVC D-series - but they said they were gonna drive 2 hours (each way) just to get one of these on Craig's List but it fell through. haha. I tried to explain to the young male at Bestbuy the concept of "Depth" due to the two coils changing the horizontal and vertical electrons - as the CRT - he had NO idea. I realized - Not just a Generational Divide but a Dimensional Divide! haha.
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