Melatonin the strongest antioxident in the body, also enables Male Fish to Sing OM to attract females
The science journal CELL interviews scientists as vids with explanatory graphics
Singing Fish, Circadian Rhythms, and Melatonin/ Curr. Biol., Sep. 22, 2016 (Vol. 26, Issue 19)
Nonwestern Throat Singing is from increased vagus nerve activation that
increases serotonin and thereby also melatonin - with the vagus nerve
then relaxing the throat muscles, enabling a loud low OM humming sound.
Also the reason Parakeets are Blue is because of increased tryptophan activation - and tryptophan increases serotonin and melatonin.
fascism is a symptom of global international commerce banking/finance.
There's 700 trillion dollars in speculative derivatives. The billionaire
brat credibly alleged child ejaculation abuser with his Missile Envy -
is just symptomatic of that which hides behind the scenes as a
structural norm of Western civilization. Democracy has always been a lie
although it is the popular sentiment and so fascism is FAKE populism.
People desperately want democracy but it has no official economic means
of implementation - as any corporate entity is inherently fascist. So
the corporate power has always controlled the state - previously as the
"King" or "Emperor" or "Dictator." This is built into the logic of
Western civilization - the exponential function is inverse to
logarithmic math - in engineering it's literally called the Master-Slave
system. We are all indoctrinated into fascism by 14 years old when we
learn the Pythagorean Theorem (it's not really from Pythagoras by the
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