Your "opinion" on whether homosexuality is "natural" based on ancient
human history? I'm just one youtube troll and YET I have documented the
empirical truth that not only did homosexuality NOT exist but it was not
even KNOWN to exist! We are talking about 90% of modern biological
human history from 100,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. I have already posted the
quotes from the anthropologists who lived with the original human
culture. So let's assume you can get over that hump and accept the
empirical truth - now - let's just focus on the original human culture
that lived sustainably for 90% of modern biological history. Let's
pretend the last 10,000 years that created human induced global warming
never happened.
NOW - what was the original human culture about? It was about studying
how Nature actually works! It was based on spiritual healing - science
calls this biophoton energy. So for example in the original human
culture - there are "astral ropes" that come out of the belly - and body
of the healers - the red light is bad and the green light is good! Why?
It's based on quantum frequency - lower frequency is less energetic. So
in Daoist alchemy - the red light is the "yin qi" lower emotional
blockages. The green light is the wisdom energy. When light goes into a
hyperspace black hole - the first light that emanates back out is the
green light. So - all of this - us modern sophisticated humans know
nothing about. We have not studied this ancient science at all.
Dr. Bradford Keeney has studied it - and it did get passed on into
ancient India (the three gunas) and China (yin-yang-Emptiness). Yes
there is much to learn from the original human culture. Most of Nature
replicates without males. Original life as bacteria and archaea - it's
all parthenogenesis! Even complex life has parthenogenesis. And this is
also the secret of the original human culture.
So for example in
"tantra" - what is required is about 50 mutual vagus nerve orgasms
between the male and female - it is actually a mutual vagus nerve orgasm
at the same time. So Dr. Bradford Keeney calls this "impersonal
eroticism." - the modern humans? KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS!! haha.
We modern humans are literally psycho-physiologically brainwashed. If a
person can not feel their pineal gland then yes they do have a TINY
BRAIN as you stated. haha.
The question is HOW to fix the problem of
this "TINY BRAIN" - females are more right-brain dominant because
females inherently "sublimate" their sexual energy. The female orgasm
STAYS in the vagus nerve - first as dopamine desire - then to serotonin
and then to oxytocin and melatonin. Serotonin absorbs and captures
This process is actually way more advanced than anything modern humans
know about. It's relativistic quantum biology! haha. I have all the
research for free in case you want to study the first 90% of modern
biological human psycho-physiology that lived sustainably on Earth.
Personally I am focused on the solution, not the problem.
There I even gave you paragraphs! haha.
Just as the term "mental masturbation" does not refer to female orgasm,
neither does the term "happy ending" refer to female orgasm - just as
"comfort women" are so make males "comfortable" by making males
ejaculate - all these terms confuse the OPPOSITE for the truth! Just as
"original Sin" refers to the Sumerian Moon God that was actually the
Snake as female kundalini orgasmic energy! It's all been turned around
as the Big Lie! Original Sin is actually male ejaculation since
ejaculation SPIKES the sympathetic nervous system - it "triggers" the
sympathetic nervous system that spikes cortisol stress.
So the "Happy
Ending" is actually not really Happy at all! It just causes a very
unhappy spike in Cortisol stress. But modern humans are too idiotic to
figure this out. Instead we are supposed to be "Adults" (another code
term for male ejaculation!) Yes 14 year old males ejaculate - therefore
they're adults? On the contrary! To be an "adult" in the original human
culture means the males are able to control their lower bodies and have
"staying power" to build up the Vagus Nerve N/om kundalini energy. But
modern civilization KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THIS!! haha.
I have the training
details for free on my youtube channel. So let's review: "mental
masturbation" - (ejaculation). "Comfort women" (ejaculation). "Happy
ending" (ejaculation), "Adult" (ejaculation) - it's all THE OPPOSITE of
the truth! It's the Big Lie - oh and I forgot - the big one: ORIGINAL
SIN. haha. Female orgasm is the original sin - when the opposite is the
truth! The more female orgasms the better! Instead we are taught that
females have sex addiction. But if that is true then why do SSRIs treat
male ejaculation OCD while SSRIs do NOT treat female orgasm addiction!
haha. This is because Western science knows nothing about what N/om is
or Kundalini or Qi or Prana.
It's because Western science is based on
the wrong math. The math is symmetric while the real math true is
complementary opposites logic from music theory. So for example Drumpf's
obsession about the Wall - that's actually called the Edifice Complex
(in Leftist analysis of the Commodity Fetish as projection of male
ejaculation addiction). So Drumpf suffers from Missile Envy as the
Oedipal Complex and therefore has an Edifice Complex! The Wall, The
Wall!! Hilarious. Might as well be chanting - The Phallus - the
Your subconscious mind produces the PROBLEM. If you produce the
PROBLEM then you are not practicing celibacy. Celibacy means you are
producing QI energy. Qi is not materialistic. So if your prostate is
sore then you are not practicing celibacy.
What needs to be
sore are your thigh muscles. Also you want to be flexing the perineum
and sphincter - the Glute muscles. So standing with the thighs parallel
to the ground - this will cause the energy to go up the spine.
for your subconscious mind creating the PROBLEM - that is something you
will have to fix on your own or else call to get phone healings from
the qigong masters. But I can tell you that the qigong masters told me -
first Chunyi told Jim and then Jim told me - don't watch T.V. and don't
use the internet.
Sorry but advanced training goes against
mundane materialistic society. similarly you have to make sure to clear
out the colon - before sleep. So if you eat a lot of food then you have
to do MORE horse stance or similar standing active exericses. If your
mind is impure - then you have to do MORE standing active exercise to
probably EXORCISE your low frequency spirit shen blockages.
For example in the original human culture if a bird is killed - it is
not eaten till the next day! Why? Because the SPIRIT of the bird will
tell the other birds that humans are eating the birds. haha. Us modern
humans would think that is silly unless we study relativistic quantum
biology of biophoton science. But since the original humans did
SPIRITUAL Training then they were in touch with ecological balance.
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