Citing Bucke's classic book on the subject (I have not read the book but a friend told me about it)
The sense of lightness and expansion kept increasing. . . the atmosphere seemed to quiver and vibrate around and within me . . . and more strange than all, there came to me a sense of some serene, magnetic presence—grand and all pervading . . . And still the splendor increased. Presently, what seemed to be a swift, oncoming tidal wave of splendor and glory ineffable came down upon me, and I felt myself being enveloped, swallowed up.
I felt myself going, losing myself . . . Now came a period of rapture, so intense that the universe stood still, as if amazed at the unutterable majesty of the spectacle! Only one in all the infinite universe! The All-loving . . . I was on the great highway, the upward road . . . with deathless hope in the heart and songs of love and trust on the lips. I understood now, the old eternal truths, yet fresh and new and sweet as the dawn . . . Every longing of the heart was satisfied, every question answered, the “pent-up, aching rivers” had reached the ocean—I loved infinitely and was infinitely loved! The universal tide flowed in upon me in waves of joy and gladness, pouring down on me as in torrents of fragrant balm.
Thanks to the Chinese translator and supporter of meditation! - new video of Master Nan Huai Jin
The infinite love and tenderness seemed to really stream down me like holy oil healing all my hurts and bruises . . . There is nothing in the universe to compare with it—such joyous repose and sweet unconcern—saying to us, with tenderest love: All is well, always has been, and will always be. The “subjective light” (it seems to me) is magnetic or electric—some force is liberated in the brain and nervous system—some explosion takes place—the fire that burned in the breast is now a mounting flame . . .
In my experience the “subjective light” was not something seen—a sensation as distinct from an emotion—it was emotion itself—ecstasy. It was the gladness and rapture of love, so intensified that it became an ocean of living, palpitating light, the brightest of which outshone the brightness of the sun. Its glow, warmth and tenderness fill the universe. That infinite ocean was the eternal love, the soul of nature and all of one endless smile. (Bucke 1969, 326–28)
yes enabled an ant to obtain the Dao.
All objects within my panoramic gaze trembled and vibrated . . . until all melted into a luminescent sea; even as sugar crystals, thrown into a glass of water, dissolve after being shaken . . . An oceanic joy broke upon calm endless shores of my soul. The Spirit of God, I realized, is exhaustless Bliss; His body is countless tissues of light. A swelling glory within me began to envelop towns, continents, the earth, solar and stellar systems, tenuous nebulae, and floating universes . . . The divine dispersion of rays poured from an Eternal Source, blazing into galaxies, transfigured with ineffable auras.
Again and again I saw the creative beams condense into constellations, then resolve into sheets of transparent flame. By rhythmic reversion, sextillion worlds passed into diaphanous luster; fire became firmament . . . Irradiating splendor issued from my nucleus to every part of the universal structure. Blissful amrita, the nectar of immortality, pulsed through me with a quicksilver like fluidity. The creative voice of God I heard resounding as Aum, the vibration of the Cosmic Motor . . . (Yogananda 2015, 94)
and this
Thanks also to the new Camilla Power talk on Ice Age menstruation N/om healing energy!!
Dr. Camilla Power on the Sex Strike New Moon origins of modern humans - new lecture with slide show images
Religious scholar June McDaniel (2018) concludes in her important book, Lost Ecstasy: Its Decline and Transformation in Religion, that religious ecstasy
“has been suppressed in both the academic study of religion, and in much of the modern practice of religion” by those who seem hell-bent on trivializing and pathologizing ecstatic and mystical experience as “a symptom of ignorance, fanaticism, and superstition” or “a symptom of psychiatric ailments, brain misfirings, epilepsy, and even calcium deficiency” (59).June McDaniel examines how the search for ecstatic experience has migrated into such areas as war, terrorism, transgression, sexuality, drug use, and anti-institutional forms of spirituality. She argues that the loss of religious and mystical ecstasy, as both a religious goal and as a topic of academic study, has had wide-ranging negative effects. She also proposes that the field of religious studies must go beyond criminalizing, trivializing and pathologizing ecstatic and mystical experiences. Both religious studies and theology need to take these states seriously as important aspects of lived human experience. sample of first chapter
Wargasm chapter sample
Dear Professor McDaniels: I discovered your new book via Dr. Bradford Keeney. Thanks. Have you read Professor Robert Sapolsky on the male ejaculation spiking the sympathetic nervous system? Western science is starting to accept this also spikes cortisol stress levels. So a positive feedback of dopamine and cortisol as addiction. "original sin" was the Moon god of sumeria - but patriarchy blamed female orgasm (science now shows the female orgasm STAYS in the parasympathetic nervous system (dopamine to serotonin to oxytocin). thanks, drew hempel, MA
Professor June McDaniel's excellent debunking of Jeffrey Kripal's "award-winning book of lies" about Ramakrishna
"I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God. I can recollect distinctly that it seemed to fan me, like immense wings."
- Charles G. Finney
Dear Torbjørn: Thanks for sharing the context of your research. I
did some Rudolf Steiner biodynamic farming in summer of 1997. For me, I
started music training on piano at age 5 and then while a teenager I
studied music theory, ear training and orchestration privately with a
former professor. So I just wondered why C to G has to be 3/2 not 3/4
and C to F has to be 4/3 and not 2/3. I realized there has to be a
logical error but I kept it to myself. Then when my teacher held down
the piano keys silently above, based on the harmonics, while striking
below, causing the harmonic to ring out - suddenly I realized that
equal-tempered tuning was wrong. My teacher was not happy to hear me say
this. I realized that Pythagorean harmonics had to be an infinite
healing resonance energy.
So then I took
quantum mechanics my first year of college - as an introduction overview
course. I secretly was against the Pythagorean theorem in math since I
knew it was from the wrong music theory! When we were taught of quantum
non-local entanglement, then suddenly I realized this is the truth that I
had been missing. I did not know that it was based on the same
noncommutative logic of music theory! You can watch Alain Connes lecture
on music theory and noncommutative math of relativistic quantum
physics. I quote him on my blog and here
is his music lecture
I did my master's thesis on music theory then I tested it out by doing
intensive meditation training, based on this philosophy. So I had
realized that Daoist philosophy is actually from the same Pythagorean
music theory of what I called "complementary opposite ratios" (in fact
it's noncommutative phase logic). So I trained with Chunyi Lin, a qigong
master of China, and so then I saw ghosts
and I did strong energy healing, and I developed paranormal abilities.
But at that time I was still relying on the wrong symmetric logistic
math. Someone, a physicist, had wanted to publish my master's thesis as a
book. But he did not understand my science. So I studied his "music and
fractals" book. Charles Madden. He points out that the Taiji or T'ai
chi symbol is not a fractal since it is not symmetric math. Suddenly I
realized my error.
Thanks for letting me share that overview,
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