Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang I deleted it after Margo acknowledged. It was a comment to keep Margo informed but as Paul has pointed out large winter Arctic methane release signatures means something has gone terribly wrong.
No mention of Methane in the NOAA "arctic report" for 2018 - AMAZING!!
I just opened the NOAA 2018 Arctic Report Card (that was the feature WaPo story a couple days ago) - word searched the pdf for methane. NOTHING. nadda. zilch. ftp://
ftp.oar.noaa.gov/arctic/documents/ArcticReportCard_full_report2018.pdf check for yourself folks. What is GOING ON???
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Thank you. I sent Paul a message asking him to report it and delete it. Crickets, as usual.
It was shown that slight changes in seafloor erosion and sedimentation
patterns that change the thermal and pressure regime below the seafloor
could be viable mechanisms for unroofing underlying gas reservoirs,
which can release CH4 in large quantities66.
Once initiated, erosion could propagate further downward and migrate
laterally to adjacent areas, driven by venting gas. Erosion of a few
tens of seafloor metres could unroof over-pressured shallow gas
reservoirs and buoyant hydrate-laden sediment accumulations beneath the
seafloor, triggering rapid gas release66,67.
Taken together, these processes could explain why the permafrost
underneath the seawater is degrading more rapidly than its terrestrial
sibling in the late Holocene. These observational constraints on both
mechanisms, and rates of thawing and degradation of subsea permafrost on
the ESAS provide a foundation for predictions of the future trajectory
of CH4 release from this dynamic Arctic system.
2017 published in Nature by Natalia Shakhova, et. al. - why is it NOT in the NOAA report? oops.
A former COP reports:
Yes, I don't allow Smart Meters on my houses or rental properties. I
spoke in Florida when they tried not to have an opt out option. I told
them I was a Law Enforcement officer for a decade and I know what a
prison is, and I refuse ro turn my home into a prison where I am spied
on 24/7 by the milli second through smart meters watching our use!
Expextation of lawful privacy in your home still prevails, and if the
meters were just intended to take a once a month reading to transmit and
save money, it would be a different issue, but these meters are there
to watch/ monitor all your use like a convicted inmate. No thanks! We
forced and opt out and there is a small fee to read the meter no
700 trillion derivative? My understanding is its almost 2 quadrillion..lol.
The system is a mess..
Why are you surprised? Because you made an error in logic! haha. Logic
is more powerful than math. Never did I say that not predicting the
weather after 10 days was the same as climate. But I will point out that
the climate models still rely on the SAME chaotic logistic iterations -
only using supercomputers. Chaos math is still symmetric logistic math,
in contrast to say the noncommutative logic of time-frequency
uncertainty. So in terms of climate - a supercomputer can NEVER model a
rainforest ecology. Why? Not only is a rainforest ecology too complex
but quantum biology has proven that Schroedinger indeed was correct.
Life is from a negentropic "spark" that is actually relativistic quantum
noncommutative phase (superluminal momentum). You can research Yakir
Aharonov for his latest research, documenting this 5th dimensional
non-local field as the real ether guiding reality - from the future!
hey actually I've been arrested 8 times protesting against the
destruction of ecology - and I did a master's degree in radical ecology
at University of Minnesota in 2000. So I then dumpster dived for food
for 10 years while riding a bicycle and working part-time at Clean Water
Action. I also worked at Greenpeace in 1996, and Citizens for a Better
Environment, full-time in 1989 and as a part-time office worker for the
University of Wisconsin Greens in 1993. I've done lots of volunteer
environmental and social justice activism over the years, including
organizing coalitions, campaigns, and being a part-time paid op-ed
writer for the University of MN Daily, in 2000. No the pay is not good
at all. I rented a cheap slum room and rode a bicycle all year round in
Minnesota. I was arrested for being a suspected homeless person since I
took a nap in full lotus on the toilet in Folwell Hall during spring
break. I explained to the cop that I needed to get back to work and that
I was an alumnus with a graduate degree. She wanted to call my landlady
and to call my boss. I refused. So she illegally barred me from the
campus for a year. haha. Is my pay good enough for you yet?
As for the content of my post - you can read my SAME content from 12 years ago - here
"The fact is Earth has some 20 years left of freshwater.
Quantum mechanics works but the technology it has unleashed is sucking
the planet dry while the real macro quantum phenomena (water magic) is
creating Chaos for Earth.
Gaia has gone into Chaos (just read professor Robert Nadeau's book "The
Wealth of Nature" or his books with the quantum mechanics NASA scientist
on nonlocal consciousness).
Even Martin Gardner accepted that fact that David Bohm's pilot wave de
Broglie model is totally legitimate and Bohm was promoting the reality
of paranormal phenomena.
So the "time-frequency uncertainty" principle is more important than the uncertainty of location and momentum....
The leader in quantum chaos mathematics, professor Steve Strogatz,
author of the best-selling book "Sync" (2003) has now stated that
THE COMPUTERS ARE IN CONTROl and that the natural number prime series is
That's Strogatz' promo quote for the new book "Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis" (2006).
yes automation is the number one cause of job loss - even in China.
Sorry to burst your techno-fix bubble. For example why were
African-americans not allowed in unions? Because there are fewer
technical jobs and so the whites had to be racist. Things have not
changed at all.
You should read the book "The Religion of Technology" - by Professor
David F. Noble - he was history professor at M.I.T. and he also curated a
Smithsonian exhibit that featured the original Luddite's hammer. Also
he refused to use email since he knew the internet would be used to put
professors out of work. Look at it now! Adjunct professors have to
resort to prostitution to try to survive since salaries have been driven
so low. You can read all his books - "Forces of Production" - exposes
how MIT cares more about patent control than "efficiency" of technology.
His book "America By Design" exposes the elite secret society control
of science. All his books are a must-read, "World Without Women" exposes
the misogyny of science. His final book "Myth of the Promised Land" -
maybe you should start with that - it's a follow up to "Religion of
Technology." I guess he saw you coming. haha. His book on automation -
what's that called?
Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation
Focusing on the design and implementation of computer-based automatic
machine tools, David F. Noble challenges the idea that technology has a
life of its own ...
Not that one - but another one...
David F. Noble, Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher ...
Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education. By David F.
Noble, October 1997. Recent events at two large North American
universities signal ...
Not that one .. but another one....
Progress Without People: New Technology ... - Google Books
https://books.google.com › Technology & Engineering › History
Progress Without People: New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message
of Resistance. Front Cover · David F. Noble. Between The Lines, 1995 ...
Yeah that's it!!
Marx relied on the same logarithmic symmetric math. Have you seen
physics professor Albert Bartlett's lecture that he repeated over 1000
times in his life? It's called, "Arithmetic, Population and Energy." Now
once again you assume I have not read Marxist literature. A logical
error. M.I.T. professor David F. Noble points out how Marx deferred to
technology as the savior, what Marx called the "Edenic respites from
labor" by technology. Yes that's all in Noble's book "The Religion of
Technology." And Marx? Well he was against ecology of traditional
farming. Just read this book: "Marx against tlhe peasant: a study in
social dogmatism." By DAVID MITRANY. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1951. Our problem of abrupt global warming goes back to
problems of logic - from 10,000 years ago. Archaeology has proven the
first big ecological crisis was from wheat monocultural farmers, doing
deforestation to water proof their houses using wood lime ash to make
concrete. So - these were the first "white people" since white skin
originates from lack of vitamin D in the wheat monocultural diet - and
so these ecological crisis refugees then fled into Europe - that's the
origin of the first white people in Europe, around 8699 BCE. I can give
you all the academic references if you need - you can just read my free
pdf book from 2012. Marx was TOO WESTERN! Marx just relied on Platonic
philosophy. Nothing new there.
OK here's the deal. I did a new option in International Relations with a
focus on "environmental policy" as sustainability - at University of
Wisconsin-Madison in 1994. So as a student I took a third economics, a
third biology and a third political science courses. I was to integrate
the three for sustainability. What I discovered is each discipline LIED
about the other ones. haha. So I took "Environmental Economics" and I
wrote a paper called "The Incorrect Supply and Demand Model" and I
relied on biophysical nonlinear math. I relied on the book "Politics of
the Solar Age" by Hazel Henderson. But I also referenced a book called
"Anti-Samuelson" which is a Marxist critique of Paul Samuelson
economics. My instructor was not happy so he passed my paper to his
office colleagues. They filled the paper with red circles based on
grammar stylistic "errors." Then the only comment about the content of
the paper was this: "I still think economists are smarter than you think
they are." That was it! Now - I also took classes like Latin American
International Relations - class that was simply a promotion of NAFTA.
That's it! I wrote a paper promoting the ejido agricultural cooperatives
of Mexico. The instructor was this Ayn Randian lady - she gave me a D
and claimed the paper was "intellectual dishonesty." Then when I went to
ask her why - she told me was I going to fail the course. So I simply
just regurgitated all her class notes - like all the other zombies in
the class (who were actually business majors) and I got a C in the class
or whatever. And so then I did a semester in Costa Rica at School for
Field Studies studying conservation biology and sustainable development
1992. So I knew some Spanish. We were on a finca next to a supposed
protected nature preserve forest. I interviewed the poor farmers living
around the forest - they all openly told me they hunted in the forest
for food. I went back and told the school that the poor farmers needed
to be paid to stop hunting. Costa Rica implemented a program to hire the
local farmers as natural resource forest guides. How much I had to do
with that I don't know. Also I protested a ton against US imperialism,
etc. so I accumulated a hefty FBI file. haha. OK so my graduate degree
was interdisciplinary as Liberal Studies. So when I say "radical
ecology" - what I mean is that I had to go outside of Western
philosophy. I actually trained with a Chinese spiritual healer through
the AFrican studies department based on what I called the "rotten root"
of western civilization - literally the wrong symmetric logarithmic math
used to justify a racist hierarchical Natural Law from Plato and
Aristotle. Economist Michael E. Hudson figured out this secret as well
since he started out in music studies, just as I also was in music
So what environmental policies have you actually implemented? What you
say we don't need "traditional farming" - do you even know what
"traditional farming" is? Let's quote from my master's thesis, shall we?
(123) John E. Peck,
"Nonequilibrium Perspectives and Indigenous Knowledge for Community
Management of Natural Resources in Zimbabwe," (MS, Geography 920,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996).
John E.
Peck, worth quoting at length, documents how in fact indigenous cultures
already enact concepts of sophisticated open systems theory:
Given its sensitivity to time and place,
indigenous knowledge would seem to be better situated to successfully
adopt and apply a nonequilibrium perspective to ecosystem management
than conventional scientific thinking, particularly in settings
unfamiliar to western policy makers. Ecosystemic trajectories are so
contextually contingent that an observer can hardly afford to entertain a
theoretical framework built upon universal "objectivity" and
reductionist "rationality." In fact, the development and implementation
of such programs as intensive rotational grazing, biocultural
restoration, preventative medicine, and early disaster warning-to name
but a few-in western and nonwestern settings alike have relied heavily
upon the indigenous knowledge of local people most directly
In 1989-90 while at my first year at Hampshire College I did compose a
fugue called "Troll Dance" that decomposed itself, and it was supervised
by the music professor plus an assistant. I recognized his name later
while I read this research paper he authored last year on quantum
biology and music resonance healing
He's a Ph.D. in physics but he also studied music and yoga in India.
So I contacted him and he remembered my Troll Dance music composition! I
guess you were right after all. I am a Troll. Good night.
Life Rhythm as a Symphony of Oscillatory
Patterns: Electromagnetic Energy and Sound Vibration Modulates Gene
Expression for Biological Signaling and Healing
David Muehsam, PhD and Carlo Ventura, MD, PhD
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