Residents of Minneapolis homeless camp split about ... - Star Tribune
17 hours ago - Local nonprofit agencies that serve the homeless have been working ... "The black spirit is so strong in that younger generation of [drug] users, ...
A rare moment of shamanic truth in the corporate-state newspaper - spoken by a Native indigenous activist-healer.
I didn't know that Andrew Colvin published new lost writings of John Keel, the paranormal Fortean investigator
The Great Phonograph in the Sky - John Keel 2015 book and more
thanks for the response. Yes archaeologists have now proven that Western "civilization" goes back to the ecological crisis around 9000 BCE when wheat monocultural farming combined with deforestation (for lime-ash water proofing cement of housing). So this also created "white people" of the West due to lack of vitamin D in the wheat monocultural diet. These people "fled" as ecological crisis refugees into what we now know as Europe. I have the details in my free 2012 book pdf, "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music." Yes so Jacques Cauvin called it the "symbolic revolution" meaning art became anthropocentric with an emphasis on rectilinear geometry. Circular housing had to be denied and circular lunar altars had to be made the same "area" as square altars (for the sun). The solar calendar became dominant and this ritual origin of geometry as a "containment" of infinite time - into a spatial symmetric measurement - led to the centering of wheels for chariots and then with the "Greek Miracle" - the precise doubling of the cube for catapults. This all originates from the wrong music theory, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini has detailed, calling it the "deep pre-established disharmony."
The original human culture, the San Bushmen, spread around the world, as documented by Dr. Victor Grauer's book "Sounding the Depths" - so the cultures that you describe can actually be documented to be of San Bushmen origin. He provides music examples. So as primates we orinated in the forest where listening is the primary perception, over vision. This actually goes back 100 million years, as a recent study of dogs revealed, showing a common ancestral trait of emotional reaction to sound. Certainly birds do this as well and also have synchronized dance ability since like humans, birds have their motor cortex closely tied to the auditory cortex. So with our eyes open, then our subconscious is in control, the thalamus, as visual biophoton information activates the emotional brain first and "triggers" the sympathetic nervous system.
This "pre-conditions" us (epigenetic stress) - but the original human culture had ALL males do trance dance training - as deep quick breathing with visualizing fire at the base of the spine - this re-sets the biophoton entropy damage (of "external" 3D reality). We, modern humans, of the last 10,000 years, are tricked by bifocal depth vision to think of 3D space as symmetric. Listening as time-frequency "uncertainty' (the real foundation of science) actually relies on noncommutative phase that is superluminal (faster than we can see and faster than the speed of light). This is activated by the microtubules of the neurons through ultrasound and infrasound - as a nonlinear feedback of listening and trance dancing. The oldest spiritual training of humans is the Eland Bull trance dance by females at first menstruation, to activate the pineal gland lunar synchronization. The pineal gland is our FIRST eye (not the third eye). As the melatonin increases we restore the photoreceptors of the pineal gland - and the pineal gland is a psychic electrogravitic transducer.
So this lunar synchronization (ONLY humans have this, while other primates do not) - it got covered up with left-brain/right hand dominant "religion" that became "science." So we are talking about a deep hard-wired problem driven by ejaculation addiction as psychophysiological evil (Chimpanzees have this same rape-warmongering "Missile Envy" problem). The San Bushmen (and Bonobo) culture solved this by realizing that Nature is actually female (males only provide some DNA variety). Bacteria and ARchaea reproduce and rely on horizontal gene transfer for evolution - without needing males and even complex life has parthenogenesis. We can reactivate the true power of Nature as the 5th dimension - it is regeneration through virtual photons that we capture by internal listening that is superluminal phase via quantum diffraction gradients. This is all proven in relativistic quantum biology. It's not 'woo woo" - for example bird migration is based on a non-local entanglement of photons with electrons of free radicals in cryptochrome pigments. So humans do the same as birds. Plants do this for photosynthesis.
Quantum biologist Dr. Jack Tuszynski is the best on this - the serotonin of humans is the same as the serotonin in plants with human microtubules working with the serotonin to capture biophotons. Light has relativistic mass. Abrupt global warming is actually a quantum spacetime shift into a 3D black hole but reality is a 5D black hole with everything happening simultaneously at the speed of light. Mushrooms and trees communicate via biophotons. It's proven that humans emit biophotons out of our eyes. We can enhance this natural ability through meditation as internal listening - we STORE up virtual photons (and virtual particles of neutrinos, etc.).
We then "shine" this energy out of our eyes - the energy is stored in the small intestines. Right brain dominance has the right side vagus nerve connect the reproductive energy to the right side of the heart - beyond death. Left brain dominance is literally mass mind control since the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain (thereby causing modern humans to be controlled by their lower emotions as electrochemical blockages). Nonwestern cultures had ancient alchemical sciences based on this original San Bushmen training. I have the training details for free on my youtube channel as my vid upload.
yes for the "three gunas" - I have the specific references proving my point - in my link below. I will get them for you. But it is very simple - it is Raja as 3/2, Perfect Fifth, and Tamas as 4/3, perfect Fourth and Sattva as the octave 1/2.
That's it: Yang is 3/2, Perfect Fifth and Yin is 4/3 Perfect Fourth and Emptiness is the octave as 1/2.
Now why do Westerners not understand this? the ratios that Gurdjieff used actually were from Philolaus who lied with his Lyre - he flipped the Lyre around and used a double octave. So he tried to cover up the changing of the One.
The "one" changes as eternal interdependent origination - as Buddhism calls it - or rather as eternal motion that is harmonic in time-frequency (not a closed spatial measurement).
So the Chinese Daoist tuning is based on pitch pipes (not strings that are contained spatial measurement).
In the West - this pitch pipe tuning also existed in West Asia but with the switch from Dionysus (Lunar) to Apollo (Solar) then the switch was from the pitch pipe to the Lyre (harp).
So then the basic issue is this. The 2/3 is the Perfect Fifth as Yang but it is different geometric ratios so it is C to F as 2/3 subharmonic but it is also 3/2 as C to G (overtone harmonic). This means that the future and the past overlap at the same time! Western science calls this noncommutative phase and it is relativistic quantum unified field science.
So what was very simple in ancient times is only now being rediscovered as the greatest cutting edge science. But with this caveat - up till now "symmetric" math based on the wrong music harmonics "worked" (meaning it enabled very "powerful" and "precise" technology to "conquer" Nature and other cultures - at the expense of creating a huge black spirit low frequency "entropy" on Earth - the externalized byproduct of the wrong music harmonics.
So take for example the small universe meditation in Daoist Neidan. It is 12 harmonic nodes - and it alternates as yin and yang - and this is actually the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth alternating. this is Daoist music harmonics as alchemy. This is what Gurdjieff called the "circulation of energy" meditation based on OM.
I have the details again in my training pdf. So in nonwestern music harmonics it is emphasized that the relation of the Perfect Fifth changes based on the relation to the One as the root tonic. Western "science" tries to cover this up and then calls it "time-frequency uncertainty." So in music theory - this is called the Ghost Tonic - since 4/3 can not be the harmonic ratio since 3 as the denominator is not the same octave harmonic to the 1. Since 2 does not go into 3 then there can not be a symmetric math based on logarithms. But that is what the West did - it LIED by flipping the Lyre around. So then by changing the One - you get 0 to 8 using 6/8 as 3/4 for the 4/3 to now become GEOMETRIC MAGNITUDE so you can "add" the 3/2 of 8/12 (wavelength and frequency are inverse ratios) with the 4/3 (while covering up the fact that the 4/3 is from 0 to 8 as a different ONE.
I have the details on my blog - that as the original "bait and switch" that lies about the noncommutative phase source of the music harmonics and turns it into a visual geometric magnitude to create the Greek Miracle of irrational magnitude aka ALOGON that Islam math called the Surd (literally meaning not able to hear). So the Logos was originally Pythagorean alchemy meditation as 1:2:3:4 - the Tetrakytus. It got changed into Alogon as the "greek miracle" of Western science promoted by Plato. This was very precise but not accurate.
It took Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony to realize the logical conclusion of symmetric math (relativity) clashed with quantum physics empirical truth of energy as frequency - since as a particle goes to the speed of light it's frequency increases but also its time increases due to relativity. But from Pythagoras - frequency is inverse to time. So de Broglie realized there HAS to be a 2nd time clock from the future that is non-local with the past - and harmonizes the phase.
That was in the 1920s - and he predicted the electron then has to have a non-local phase that would show up in a quantum diffraction experiment (the double slit experiment). He got the Nobel Prize for this and to this day scientists are still "debating" the double slit experiment but Yakir Aharonov has now proven empirically that this non-local reality is demonstrable in the laboratory.
The Great Phonograph in the Sky - John Keel 2015 book and more
Over in The Great Phonograph in the Sky, an equally entertaining and informative collection from New Saucerian, Keel’s writings run the gamut of high weirdness from weird sounds in the sky (“skyquakes”), ghosts, strange creatures, UFO sightings and much, much more. Really, it’s the sort of material anyone familiar with Keel would come to expect from the man.
He begins with a excerpt from his remarkably interesting 1958 book Jadoo!, as it appeared in serial form in Real Adventure magazine, telling of his exposure of the “impossible” feats of “the gali-gali of Egypt, the sannyasin and fakirs of India, the lamas of Tibet …” And he has a blast on this Indiana Jones like quest through Asia and North Africa.
thanks for the response. Yes archaeologists have now proven that Western "civilization" goes back to the ecological crisis around 9000 BCE when wheat monocultural farming combined with deforestation (for lime-ash water proofing cement of housing). So this also created "white people" of the West due to lack of vitamin D in the wheat monocultural diet. These people "fled" as ecological crisis refugees into what we now know as Europe. I have the details in my free 2012 book pdf, "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music." Yes so Jacques Cauvin called it the "symbolic revolution" meaning art became anthropocentric with an emphasis on rectilinear geometry. Circular housing had to be denied and circular lunar altars had to be made the same "area" as square altars (for the sun). The solar calendar became dominant and this ritual origin of geometry as a "containment" of infinite time - into a spatial symmetric measurement - led to the centering of wheels for chariots and then with the "Greek Miracle" - the precise doubling of the cube for catapults. This all originates from the wrong music theory, as math professor Luigi Borzacchini has detailed, calling it the "deep pre-established disharmony."
The original human culture, the San Bushmen, spread around the world, as documented by Dr. Victor Grauer's book "Sounding the Depths" - so the cultures that you describe can actually be documented to be of San Bushmen origin. He provides music examples. So as primates we orinated in the forest where listening is the primary perception, over vision. This actually goes back 100 million years, as a recent study of dogs revealed, showing a common ancestral trait of emotional reaction to sound. Certainly birds do this as well and also have synchronized dance ability since like humans, birds have their motor cortex closely tied to the auditory cortex. So with our eyes open, then our subconscious is in control, the thalamus, as visual biophoton information activates the emotional brain first and "triggers" the sympathetic nervous system.
This "pre-conditions" us (epigenetic stress) - but the original human culture had ALL males do trance dance training - as deep quick breathing with visualizing fire at the base of the spine - this re-sets the biophoton entropy damage (of "external" 3D reality). We, modern humans, of the last 10,000 years, are tricked by bifocal depth vision to think of 3D space as symmetric. Listening as time-frequency "uncertainty' (the real foundation of science) actually relies on noncommutative phase that is superluminal (faster than we can see and faster than the speed of light). This is activated by the microtubules of the neurons through ultrasound and infrasound - as a nonlinear feedback of listening and trance dancing. The oldest spiritual training of humans is the Eland Bull trance dance by females at first menstruation, to activate the pineal gland lunar synchronization. The pineal gland is our FIRST eye (not the third eye). As the melatonin increases we restore the photoreceptors of the pineal gland - and the pineal gland is a psychic electrogravitic transducer.
So this lunar synchronization (ONLY humans have this, while other primates do not) - it got covered up with left-brain/right hand dominant "religion" that became "science." So we are talking about a deep hard-wired problem driven by ejaculation addiction as psychophysiological evil (Chimpanzees have this same rape-warmongering "Missile Envy" problem). The San Bushmen (and Bonobo) culture solved this by realizing that Nature is actually female (males only provide some DNA variety). Bacteria and ARchaea reproduce and rely on horizontal gene transfer for evolution - without needing males and even complex life has parthenogenesis. We can reactivate the true power of Nature as the 5th dimension - it is regeneration through virtual photons that we capture by internal listening that is superluminal phase via quantum diffraction gradients. This is all proven in relativistic quantum biology. It's not 'woo woo" - for example bird migration is based on a non-local entanglement of photons with electrons of free radicals in cryptochrome pigments. So humans do the same as birds. Plants do this for photosynthesis.
Quantum biologist Dr. Jack Tuszynski is the best on this - the serotonin of humans is the same as the serotonin in plants with human microtubules working with the serotonin to capture biophotons. Light has relativistic mass. Abrupt global warming is actually a quantum spacetime shift into a 3D black hole but reality is a 5D black hole with everything happening simultaneously at the speed of light. Mushrooms and trees communicate via biophotons. It's proven that humans emit biophotons out of our eyes. We can enhance this natural ability through meditation as internal listening - we STORE up virtual photons (and virtual particles of neutrinos, etc.).
We then "shine" this energy out of our eyes - the energy is stored in the small intestines. Right brain dominance has the right side vagus nerve connect the reproductive energy to the right side of the heart - beyond death. Left brain dominance is literally mass mind control since the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain (thereby causing modern humans to be controlled by their lower emotions as electrochemical blockages). Nonwestern cultures had ancient alchemical sciences based on this original San Bushmen training. I have the training details for free on my youtube channel as my vid upload.
yes for the "three gunas" - I have the specific references proving my point - in my link below. I will get them for you. But it is very simple - it is Raja as 3/2, Perfect Fifth, and Tamas as 4/3, perfect Fourth and Sattva as the octave 1/2.
That's it: Yang is 3/2, Perfect Fifth and Yin is 4/3 Perfect Fourth and Emptiness is the octave as 1/2.
Now why do Westerners not understand this? the ratios that Gurdjieff used actually were from Philolaus who lied with his Lyre - he flipped the Lyre around and used a double octave. So he tried to cover up the changing of the One.
The "one" changes as eternal interdependent origination - as Buddhism calls it - or rather as eternal motion that is harmonic in time-frequency (not a closed spatial measurement).
So the Chinese Daoist tuning is based on pitch pipes (not strings that are contained spatial measurement).
In the West - this pitch pipe tuning also existed in West Asia but with the switch from Dionysus (Lunar) to Apollo (Solar) then the switch was from the pitch pipe to the Lyre (harp).
So then the basic issue is this. The 2/3 is the Perfect Fifth as Yang but it is different geometric ratios so it is C to F as 2/3 subharmonic but it is also 3/2 as C to G (overtone harmonic). This means that the future and the past overlap at the same time! Western science calls this noncommutative phase and it is relativistic quantum unified field science.
So what was very simple in ancient times is only now being rediscovered as the greatest cutting edge science. But with this caveat - up till now "symmetric" math based on the wrong music harmonics "worked" (meaning it enabled very "powerful" and "precise" technology to "conquer" Nature and other cultures - at the expense of creating a huge black spirit low frequency "entropy" on Earth - the externalized byproduct of the wrong music harmonics.
So take for example the small universe meditation in Daoist Neidan. It is 12 harmonic nodes - and it alternates as yin and yang - and this is actually the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth alternating. this is Daoist music harmonics as alchemy. This is what Gurdjieff called the "circulation of energy" meditation based on OM.
I have the details again in my training pdf. So in nonwestern music harmonics it is emphasized that the relation of the Perfect Fifth changes based on the relation to the One as the root tonic. Western "science" tries to cover this up and then calls it "time-frequency uncertainty." So in music theory - this is called the Ghost Tonic - since 4/3 can not be the harmonic ratio since 3 as the denominator is not the same octave harmonic to the 1. Since 2 does not go into 3 then there can not be a symmetric math based on logarithms. But that is what the West did - it LIED by flipping the Lyre around. So then by changing the One - you get 0 to 8 using 6/8 as 3/4 for the 4/3 to now become GEOMETRIC MAGNITUDE so you can "add" the 3/2 of 8/12 (wavelength and frequency are inverse ratios) with the 4/3 (while covering up the fact that the 4/3 is from 0 to 8 as a different ONE.
I have the details on my blog - that as the original "bait and switch" that lies about the noncommutative phase source of the music harmonics and turns it into a visual geometric magnitude to create the Greek Miracle of irrational magnitude aka ALOGON that Islam math called the Surd (literally meaning not able to hear). So the Logos was originally Pythagorean alchemy meditation as 1:2:3:4 - the Tetrakytus. It got changed into Alogon as the "greek miracle" of Western science promoted by Plato. This was very precise but not accurate.
It took Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony to realize the logical conclusion of symmetric math (relativity) clashed with quantum physics empirical truth of energy as frequency - since as a particle goes to the speed of light it's frequency increases but also its time increases due to relativity. But from Pythagoras - frequency is inverse to time. So de Broglie realized there HAS to be a 2nd time clock from the future that is non-local with the past - and harmonizes the phase.
That was in the 1920s - and he predicted the electron then has to have a non-local phase that would show up in a quantum diffraction experiment (the double slit experiment). He got the Nobel Prize for this and to this day scientists are still "debating" the double slit experiment but Yakir Aharonov has now proven empirically that this non-local reality is demonstrable in the laboratory.
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