Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The secret of how yin jing normally turns into generative fluid (without proper alchemical Neidan practice).

yes posting information on forums is ironic since it requires the silly medium of left-brain dominant words. But I don't think yin-yang energy dynamics are a "tradition" but rather an ancient universal alchemical science based on music theory. Since calls this music theory hard-wired into our neurology as "resonance neighborhoods."
So you consider training from books to be possibly seriously damaging - as a kind of general warning against reading the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality? Yes I can understand what you are writing since when I first joined this forum back around 2005 - someone people that I should not read the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality since it was too dangerous!
So what I did is I turned to western science to convert my meditation qigong alchemy experiences back into Western science understanding. I did that until around 2013. I was still posting all my research online - including this forum.  
So I called him back and he said - you know when you picked up that glass to drink that juice? I said yeah  - he goes that's when you energy went up the front of your body.
So up till that point I had thought my energy was going up my spine and down the front of my body - when I activated my pineal gland to send out energy. So I surprised to hear him say - no actually it was going up the front of my body!
So I decided to go back and finally read that book again in detail. Sure enough it details how the "evil fire" of the heart is from the energy going up the front of the body - and a "twinkling of the eyes" as passion of the po soul - the metal energy of the lungs. So the Hun soul goes out the eyes with the eyes open - but at seeing forms of beauty - if you fixate on it - then the Po Soul will grab onto the Hun soul and the Po soul then gets pulled up the front of the body and out of the eyes. This is a lower frequency light energy and so at the same time it causes the loss of the yang qi in the body - the LUng energy but also it is from the white yang jing energy as "yin qi" that goes out the eyes.
So that is how tantra works. Now I was quoting the book yesterday - but I left out one critical quote that really confirms what I was saying about yin jing.
I'll quote it again now.
https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortalityLuKuanYCharlesLuk/Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality Lu K’uan YĆ¼ (Charles Luk)_djvu.txt
The golden stove originally did not exist but comes into being when the generative force develops and vitality manifests. When the blood reaches the stove it changes into negative generative force which originates from this centre. ...
I'll add the quote in - via edit - so my login doesn't time out....
If it enters the jen mo channel (of function) it goes down into the lower tan t’ien centre (under the navel) to change into negative generative force, but a competent master should be sought to teach the proper way of swallowing saliva; 3 otherwise it will enter the stomach and intestines to be discharged as waste.
So this is a crucial secret of the Taoist Yoga book:
The arousal of the genital organ feeds the inner fire in the stove which transforms the generative fluid derived from digestion of food into negative generative force to fortify the body and enliven spirit thereby lengthening the span of life.
So if you burn out the yang qi - then you can use yin qi from food - using reverse breathing as Quick Fire - to then restore the yang qi - via yang jing (yin qi). So first you have to create yin qi.
The method consists of using postnatal fire to draw out prenatal fire 2 so that both unite in order to extract from food and drink the sweet dew (kan lu or pure saliva) which descending in the channel of function (jen mo in the front of the body) changes into negative generative force and helps to produce the latter.
Now I'm not at my critical quote yet....
In time the sweet dew which tastes like honey will go down (the jen mo channel in) the throat until it reaches the lower tan t’ien cavity where it changes into negative generative force which then descends to the testicles where it creates spermatozoa.
There it is! So the Yin Jing turns into semen via the testicles - via the parasympathetic nervous system.
So this is just psychophysiological science! It's not a "tradition" but rather the ancient science of alchemy.
You can feel this through the meditation training - you can FEEL the yin jing buzzing in the testicles as it is creating semen but as you deepen the parasympathetic nervous system you  are retracting the testicles - to pull up that yin jing energy.
So the evil fire of the heart as lung metal passion - this actually is based on quantum biology. It's proven now in science that with the eyes open then biophotons leave the eyes and also biophotons trigger the pineal gland. This low frequency biophoton signal then activates the sympathetic nervous system - and it sends the signal down to the adrenal glands which then sends the biophoton signal to the prostate which then "pre-triggers" the lost of yin jing - now as a sympathetic nervous system loss (this will be during sleep).
The book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality actually explains this quantum biology science!
True nature is prenatal vitality in its cell (ch’i pao) on the top of the medulla oblongata. If vitality is allowed to pass through the back of the head and down to the base of the spine to drain away through the anus and genital organ, its exhaustion will cause death.
  When the eyes see the opposite sex thereby giving rise to (evil) thoughts, the heart moves in sympathy and arouses the genital organ, if the practiser then tries to gather the alchemical agent, the impure generative fluid will produce an illusory agent.

So why is the alchemical agent impure? Because it is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system - which creates generative fluid - instead of the parasympathetic nervous system that creates the yin qi.

So the yang qi is actually from blue light. The adrenaline has a positive feedback with the pineal gland (the true source of the adrenaline). The Wim Hof method proves this also. So the Quick Fire breathing (the external alchemical pill) physically stimulates the adrenal medullae which increases adrenaline as a positive feedback with the pineal gland via the sympathetic nervous system. Along with standing exercise - the legs shaking 7 to 9 times per second - this causes a "parasympathetic rebound" as the opposite extreme of the sympathetic nervous system.

So the secret is to then store up the energy via the parasympathetic nervous system - the slow fire. When the breath is held AFTER exhale this activates the parasympathetic nervous system and also causes blood to flood into the brain and increases serotonin levels in the brain. So it works just as an electric eel - as JOhn Chang states - the increased serotonin then increases the potassium ratio to the sodium in the neurons. Also then the microtubules of the collagen are activated as a non-local quantum coherent charge (the Yuan Qi via the pineal gland).

And so the secret of the quote of the OP - is that the White Tiger goes down the front - it is swallowed - as the Lead that as Metal, pulls down the stored up charge of the pineal gland - and it goes into the stomach creating great heat but it is absorbed back into the lower tan t'ien. This happens via the left side vagus nerve - so requires emptying out the left brain mind and visualizing the light in the lower tan t'ien. The two processes work together.

So this way the yin qi is purified going down the front, via the pineal gland and heart - and the yin qi is sublimated via the kidneys through the yang qi - so that is why the Po Soul is necessary to make sure the Mercury is properly sublimated to then feed the increase of the yang qi (that is seen as blue light). Then once the pineal gland is opened up - you can create internal medicine by just absorbing the blue light externally - and the subharmonic going down activates the proton-electron magnetic moment (again it's virtual photons) but the virtual photons then cause the electron to get pulled in closer to the proton - thereby creating a stronger spin energy as reverse time positron energy. This is then stored in the 5th dimension.

 So the fascinating paradox of intention is that it is actually the light that is turned around as "yin matter" (virtual photons) - so the frequency of light then is "emptied" out and harmonized from the future (reverse time) - this relies on emptying out the left brain so that the vagus nerve is activated - going down the front of the body.

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