I didn't realize he had done bigu meditation. Amazing.
“Black holes are no longer only absorbing material/information, but radiating this information back out in the form of electromagnetic radiation, and the feedback between the two generates the topology of the dual torus structure of the Haramein-Rauscher solution driven by space-time. Now the black hole is no longer black since its exterior event horizon radiates, which is what I have been calling the white hole portion. Here the black hole/white hole are concentric to each other, where the black hole is inside and the white hole is concentrically structured outside and activates the plasma dynamics and Coriolis forces of the ergosphere of the black hole, which I coined the “black-white whole.”https://atlantisrisingmagazine.com/article/the-dimensions-of-infinity/
He doesn't QUITE get into noncommutative geometry....
“The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in Einstein’s Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory.”
This paper has been accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed Noetic Journal, which publishes books of papers on the leading edge.
Hey everyone, @JamieJanover here who runs Nassim’s feed. Wanted to let you all know that today is Nassim’s birthday!
The basic assumption of this biological research - the matter of life induces fields and these fields feed-back on matter - as simple as it may sound, not only supports a new paradigm in biology, but is very well in line with the work present here at the RSF.
So Nassim seems to think his ARK crystal technology will save ecology since it increases plant growth by 400% - but it's not been "scaled up" yet. haha.
Also - he seems to think ETs are saving Earth from being destroyed by modern civilization....
A French engineer writes Nexus article promoting Nassim's research - 2013 pdf
From Professor Carr pdf
Is this a mainstream version of Nassim Haramein's research? pdf
No one cites his research otherwise. haha. Well a few New age sources.
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