Hi All. This is PK's son, Michael. I wasn't quite sure how to reach many of you, but I thought I should let you know that my mom passed away yesterday. She often spoke to me of this site, and for the last few years she would often speak excitedly and fondly to me about many of the people that regularly posted here. I would like you to know that many of you were a great great comfort to her and made her last trying years enjoyable. I'm sure she would like me to thank you. For what it is worth, her last twenty years or so were very reclusive. Her mom and I were pretty much the only people she tolerated regularly. Conversing online in her last years were arguably the most social she had been. Many heartfelt thanks to you all. -Michael SaenzI had this message in my meditation recently that this would happen. I didn't want it to happen as I thoroughly enjoyed PK Saenz's comments. I just did a blog post on studies of what people experience on the other side - I posted it last night. I described what I experienced when I discovered my dad's blue body - the immense love that I knew he was experiencing when he left his body. Turns out I was not alone in experiencing this - as my blogpost details.
yes the Tibetan monks put their hands on a recently deceased body to see which part gets cold first as that indicates the frequency of the spirit that left the body. So just as we enjoyed PK Saenz here on this channel so can we rest assure her spirit left out of her body as good frequencies - going to heaven. This is what the qigong masters do - they literally heal ghosts. I know since I saw this. Some ghosts have lower emotional blockages and so get stuck here but then the qigong master sends the ghost back into the Emptiness (call it God, the Cosmic Mother) as a much brighter light. So the qigong master "embodies" this Emptiness - as an impersonal awareness beyond death on the right side of the heart. It is a deep love joy and bliss. I never cried at my dad's funeral. People thought I was being disrespectful as if I didn't care. Actually I fasted 3 days before his funeral and during his funeral. I also had precognitive visions about his funeral. But I did not cry because I did not want to disrespect the truth of what I knew my dad was experiencing - this unconditional love as deep bliss and joy. Matter is actually made out of light but because of relativity then light has mass as virtual light from the future. So this means the "speed of light" experiences no time and no space as a rest frame that is zero/infinity or formless awareness. So then there is blue light from the future as a relativistic spacetime shift - and so we can not "see" this formless awareness but it is constantly transforming the future light into new matter - from virtual mass or relativistic mass as pure spacetime awareness. Science calls this the "measurement problem" based on time. Or Time-frequency uncertainty. Yes science relies on external measurements but internally we can experience this awareness through the heart - beyond death. So we know PK Saenz is now experiencing this bliss-joy and seeing spirits - and experiencing the Emptiness as a bright spirit of pure love and joy. She has earned this through her good intentions - her frequency of light was not focused on materialistic lies.
The Dying Light and the experience of deep love (pdf)
This article by Greg, founder of the Daily Grail - is a great expose on the secret of death. I experienced this personally when I discovered my dad's blue dead body - as soon as my eyes looked at his body, then my heart was surprisingly overwhelmed with a profound very strong sense of love as joy - deeper than any love I had felt from my dad while he was alive.
And in fact Chunyi Lin has stated we really have no reason to be sad about death. And so... I mean this doesn't mean we shouldn't be sad if we want to be - but deep down the truth is that there is this unconditional love beyond life in the physical body.
So what does Greg Taylor say as he relates this same discovery - from his research?
He's focusing on people actually seeing light leave the body. I have seen ghosts for real - from my intensive qigong meditation. So I know ghosts are real. So I am very glad to see Greg Taylor documenting this truth.
What is stunning to me is that our "normal" modern materialistic reality rejects this truth.
In fact I was sorely lambasted by Greg Taylor on his site when I criticized his approach as relying on a "science first" approach to the paranormal. My approach is based on music theory with the understanding that science is actually a subset of music theory. haha. So then I approached the paranormal on its own terms by doing the training from the perspective of nonwestern philosophy.
But then after my intense experience I returned back to Western science as "intellectual self-defense" to translate my experience back into science. I think I did a pretty good job of that goal but I had to really really dig. Even still I could not easily relate this research to most people as the science is too advanced or whatever - complicated, sophisticated, etc. haha.
And so then I had to return BACK to the traditional Daoist training manuals to really understand how to improve my meditation training and realize the errors I had made. In other words Western science did not provide that much insight into the necessary techniques for the training. But once I knew those techniques then I could find the corroboration from Western science.
So then we have Professor Stephen Braude's article on "Fear of Psi"
This is a fascinating analysis. Basically he is stating that one skeptics started to consider that spiritual mediums might themselves be the source of psychokinetic power (and not spirits) then the spiritual mediums were now under a great "strain" to produce the results (based on this assumption of the skeptics that the mediums created the powers).
So on the one hand, Braude argues, this meant that the PK powers (what I call telekinesis) would be less powerful as science became more materialistic, thereby influencing the assumptions of the actors or agents of PK. On the other hand the idea that if PK does originate from spirits then the "mediums" really are not in control and this truly is a scary reality to engage with.
So this 2nd aspect is quite true. For example the most famous Western student of John Chang, the student Jim McMillan - interview - he demonstrated PK on video but only because John Chang created the "yin qi" field that then attracted or sucked in the "yang qi" of Jim's. So but when John Chang revealed he relies on the help of his ancestor teachers as spirits for his ability this caused Jim to consider JOhn Chang to not be a real Christian anymore.
And then qigong master Chunyi Lin said when we call on the master's energy we are also calling on the master's lineage of the previous masters as well. And so he shared how the ancestors help him do his healing. This is something I had not realized before - so it was more recent information. He had mentioned how he "sees" his masters sometimes. But he did not make it clear that he meant they were really there in spirit form. Now others have claimed to see these ancestors as well helping Chunyi do his healing.
Here is a list of more "sample" pdf Darklore articles.
In this PDF - Greg Taylor reviews "Near Death Experiences" from before Raymond Moody's best-selling books on the subject
Thereby debunking the claim that the NDEs are simply subconscious influences from pop culture due to the popularity of the book.
Because of the non-commutative relationship between time and
energy in quantum theory, the relevant symmetry break is most appro-
priately regarded as coinciding with energy eigenstate ‘measure-
ments’, thus allowing an ‘untensed time’ duration to be attributed to
each manifestation of a tensed time ‘present’ (termed a ‘Scintilla of
Subjectivity’, related to Whitehead’s occasion of experience), via
Heisenberg’s time/energy uncertainty relationship. This provides an
explanation for the fact that time is not a quantum observable, unlike
position in the otherwise equivalent position/momentum uncertainty
relationship. The time described by the relationship isn’t an
observable because it relates to subjectivity not objectivity.
Because SoSs have clock-time durations, the theory shows how
patterns of macroscopic energetic activity in brains, such as those
described by ‘hydro-ionic theory’, can get translated into patterns of
subjective experience. It doesn’t suggest that qualia are retrieved from
any truly fundamental reality, but does allow a possibility that they are
connected with ‘mathematical forms’ in the ‘transition’ zone —
specifically, perhaps, with knot theoretical forms (Nunn, 2015).
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