yes when I was 14 my best friend was my parakeet. The coyotes eat the
cats that eat the birds. So coyotes save the birds. As humans we are
most like birds since our auditory cortex is very close to our motor
cortex. Only birds like humans can synchronize to rhythm for dancing -
as our cerebellum controls our emotions. Alex the Parrot - talks and thinks - documentary about Pepperberg's research at Northwestern University
The term "bird brain" is a
misnomer since it's not the size of the brain but rather the ratio of
prefrontal cortex to cerebrum that counts - and birds have to learn
their singing language just as humans. The older human language is the
more musical it is with the San Bushmen language being the most musical
and most sophisticated with the most amount of sounds. Throat Singing by
humans relies on deep relaxation of the vagus nerve activation through
meditation as listening to high frequency harmonics.
Similarly birds
help plants grow since bird singing goes into higher harmonics which
then resonates the plant stomata so the plants suck in nutrients in the
morning dew. This is alchemy as ecology - just as serotonin in the human
2nd brain gut is the same as serotonin in plant roots - it also sucks
in the nutrients from the biophotons of the sun that ionizes the
electrochemicals in the water. So there is a product called "Sonic
Bloom" to help plants grow by playing the high frequency harmonics of
bird songs in gardens. You then just spray the plants with nutrients and
the plant stomata suck in the nutrients due to the bird song - this was
proven through research at University of Minnesota by Dan Carlson. So
the plants grow twice as big since they do not rely on the roots as much
to get the nutrients - and so this is the secret of meditation for
humans as well.
We used to hang upside down in trees - and so our legs
are the same as our tree branches with our brains as our roots - sucking
in the nutrients of the sun morning dew through high harmonics as
meditation with ELF subharmonics. Birds are very sensitive to
electromagnetic pollution - it is proven that the cell phone radiation
and city electricity throws off bird migration patterns. It is proven
now that bird migration is due to quantum non-local information as the
5th dimension - it is hardwired into the bird's spirit as the biophotons
of the sun are literally SEEN as blue light which then entangles with
the cryptochrome in the bird's eyes - and the pigment in the eyes.
Humans have this ability also through a different pigment called
Rhoposin or Rhodosin (I would have to look it up). So yes we can
communicate with birds through the spirit of our eyes. Do you notice
when your bird is smiling through the eyes? Pretty amazing.
thousands of children are already being put in slave concentration FEMA
camps (ICE private prisons). they are the canary in the coal mines. the
US bombed Flint Michigan recently - as Chris Hayes exposed on MSABCIA
news. In other words it's a "take the velvet glove off the iron fist"
moment. Paul Wellstone got assassinated by Dick Cheney's Continuity of
Government special forces CIA genocide machine.
I protested against the
Corporate controlled Democratic Party in Chicago 1996 and the cop told
me, "we'll bust your skulls like we did in '68" and Chi-Raq has a
CIA-cop rendition torture center just like the CIA rendition torture
centers all over the planet in our military empire of 900 military bases
in 125 countries. Why did the US kill 200,000 Filipinos? Not because of
communism and not to spread democracy - no because if we didn't take
over the Spanish colony then Germany would have! It's a "race to the
bottom" as chimpanzee ejaculation addiction rape-war mongering -
closeted homosexuality as fascism. The secret police in the Philippines
was then spread to the US to create the FBI. The US has bombed their own
citizens before in labor strikes or the raid against the Philadelphia
natural living group of black-African-Americans - MOVE.
Yes I personally
saw a military formation imperial raid in Chicago 1996 to protect the
imperialist liberal corporate-state "democratic" party. On any
corporate-state property you have NO bill of rights protection! All you
can do is "keep moving" on a public sidewalk but even then the cops
will assault you or murder if they can get away with it. The enemy is
our own psycho-physiology as hard-wired left-brain dominant right-hand
dominant chimpanzee-primates. As ejaculation addiction males we HAVE to
patrol our borders and then conduct raids to pillage and plunder. The
original human culture was controlled by the females and so this did not
happen - much like the bonobo primates - no rape, no warfare. Depleted
Uranium knows no boundaries and does not discriminate. Hence the
billionaire bunkers and Dick Cheney went to live underground after his
9/11 False Flag attack on the U.S. Any excuse to spread the Empire.
Cheney and Rumsfeld were part of the FEMA continuity of government
Martial Law plan arising out of Reagan's Neo-Nazi fascist revolution.
The CIA was created out of the Nazis who were led by a closeted
homosexual - Hitler just as Drumpf was led by the closeted homosexual
Roy Cohn and the FBI was led by a closeted homosexual, Hoover. This
problem goes back to Plato, as Camille Paglia points out in her tome,
"Sexual Personae" and Dr. Helen Caldicott points out in her book,
"Missile Envy." Chimpanzees will kill and eat - cannibalism - as
left-brain dominant males - in order to spread their own genes for
domination. But Nature is mainly bacteria and archaea - the two largest
and oldest kingdoms of Life on Earth. So that is what it will return
I personally chatted with Richard Grossman in 1996 when he launched the movement against constitutional bill of rights personhood for corporations. Yes Ben Manski took over my job at the University of Wisconsin Greens at Madison - and Manski organized the Chicago talk by Richard Grossman. The cops raided our "anarchist convention" in Chicago 1996 - an illegal raid, of course. The US "law" - my dad was an attorney, the former Chief Deputy Officer of Attorney General - and his law school buddy was a federal district court judge - as Robert Posner points out - the US law system is completely corrupt.
The Federalist Society is a fascist corporate-state sell out society. Robert Lansing and the Dulles brothers - set up international law post world war one to favor genocidal corporate-state imperialism. In other words the Germans used slave labor to spread imperialistic railroads out of Turkey - the victims being Armenians. International Law is still in DeNile that this genocide even happened!! The US constitution is a joke - as Noam Chomsky points out - JOhn Jay and Madison were elites - the Federalists like Hamilton believed in a strong central bank to maintain control by the plutocratic wealthy over the masses as democracy.
This goes back to Aristotle who argued that for democracy to last, the rich HAVE to be taxed for the general common good. But Western civilization is based on logarithmic math since Plato - Aristotle was against the "negative infinity" math of Plato. But Plato won out with the modern science revolution spread by Islamic civilization into Europe in the 9th century - the Carolingian empire ruled by Benedictine monks. This problem today is way worse than just a legal change - it's a psycho-physiological problem going back to Plato! David T. Bazelon's book on "The Paper Economy" points out how Plato integrated the Law with technology via patent controls and paper money.
The Green Party was exposed as being racist - by Inilia Wakan, a Lakota indigenous activist I met in 1996 when I worked for Greenpeace. Inila Wakan invited us to the Pine Ridge Reservation. As Winona LaDuke points out, the US corporate-state planners call the US as a "national sacrifice zone" - so the extraction of uranium, mining coal, oil, nuclear waste - the elite plan to just move to military cities underground. Vice President Al Gore told me personally he could not change his personal "trust fund" corporate investments because the corporate lawyer controlled it! I knew this already since I read a book on the Rockefellers - a family member Rockefeller would have to SUE their own corporate trust lawyer in order to change the "fiduciary responsibility" to maximize profits. So corporate-state attorneys and judges are the equivalent of the ancient Solar Dynasty imperial priests. The engineers have the direct power but they are controlled by the aristocracy who funds them.
MIT professor David F. Noble exposed this with his all must-read books - "America By Design" exposes how science in the US is controlled by elite secret societies. Noble's book "Forces of Production" exposes how MIT will squash new more "efficient" inventions since technology is really about control as power, not about as efficiency of energy use. Professor Noble was fired by MIT and he proved in a lawsuit, backed by the American Historical Association, that he was fired for political reasons. He even refused to use email since he knew that technocracy was about automation to lower wages and fire people. Of course he was correct. His book "The Religion of Technology" exposes the apocalyptic trajectory of techno-fixes in Western civilization. His final book "Myth of the Promised Land" exposes the Western civilization lie of techno-fixes - going all the way back to ancient Western ASian culture.
Only in Sumeria did the Garden of Eden myth have the snake as healing energy and the female as a goddess - not as the Lunar god Sin being "original sin" as the evil of female life force energy. His book "World Without Women" exposes the real misoygnist drive of Western civilization. Let's not be naive about what we are dealing with. When Western civilization raided the new world with genocide - the survivors were forced to cut their hair short and become plow-based farmers - this meant the Males were forced to be what were considered to be homosexuals in non-western culture (short hair and farming by males meant to be homosexual).
yes I used to fish Everyday - alone - and go into trance with the water. I even went to "Camp Fish" when I was 14 years old. The fish lateral line "ear" is our secret of spiritual training. The qigong master John Chang who does pyrokinesis for real - he says he is just like an "electric eel." So I looked into this. Electric fish store their charge in the lecithin (90% of ejaculation is lecithin). Lecithin myelinates the nerves to store up charge. So the electric fish can take down a standing man due to the potassium-sodium discharge ratio. Wilhelm Reich figured this out in the 1930s - that potassium is connected to lecithin to serotonin and the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is our reptilian nerve - the right side vagus nerve connects the reproductive organs to the right side of the heart but connects to the ear. So when people get the "chills" from music this is due to vagus nerve activation increasing dopamine as bliss.
Take that deeper into nonwestern trance and the dopamine turns into serotonin as vagus nerve bliss just as with female orgasm. Take it deeper and the serotonin turns into melatonin which then opens up the pineal gland as photoreceptors. Electric fish have "quasi telepathy" as it is called by quantum chaos math. I corresponded with math professor Ian Stewart about this. So I used to have an activist zine called "Paddlefish First!" with a drawing of the Paddlefish that uses quasi telepathy and the motto, "Over 400 million years old!" (of course the Paddlefish habitat has largely been destroyed due to dams and pollution in the past 200 years). So yes it is proven that fish get LONELY when their owners go on vacation. Just as bees have neurotransmitter receptors - the emotions are electrochemical as serotonin and dopamine and cortisol stress, etc.
So the lung energy is sadness - and so the fish get stressed and lonely when they lose connection with their owners. So quasi telepathy also enables Sonofusion - dolphins do this as do "pistol shrimp" - the sonoluminescence gets as hot as the sun. So the ultrasound bubble surface area collapses faster than the volume within - of trapped air. So humans can do this internally also as we can make ultrasound just by listening to the highest pitch we can hear externally. Also our collagen and bones create ultrasonic piezoelectric transduction. So this goes back to the lateral line - the ultrasound is proven to have 3000 times amplification of the microtubules of the collagen. These microtubules are even found in spirochete bacterias - and the spirochete of sperms and the spirochete of flagelletes that propel basic complex life.
So life communicates through this quantum "quasi telepathy" as the 5th dimension. As Schroedinger hypothesized and has now been proven correct - Life is based on a quantum spark that is the SAME spark that is at the core of the Sun - it is called "negentropy" as a reverse time spark. The 2016 award winning science book, "Life at the Edge" gives the details on this new quantum biology research. So we humans can also have telepathy via our "lateral line" vagus nerve connecting to the inner ear and the microtubules of the brain and pineal gland. Mushrooms are like this also - they communicate via biophotons with trees - through the mycelium roots. It works through serotonin both in plants, mushrooms and animals.
Yes - conservation biologist Dr. Michael Soule said in the 1970s that large mammals stopped evolving on EArth due to lack of habitat. We humans are large mammals. I read a book called "The evolution of technology." Technology is not evolution but that is the lie that modern civilization wants to think. So the term "ecosystem" is more often used for technology than for ecology! Crazy. Automation is the number one cause of job loss - even in China. The National Research Council issued a report on the big dynamic of Humans versus Machines versus Nature - and who will win? The future is to make humans more like machines with the machines taking over control. The internet algorithms are based on the commodity fetish as lower emotions - as dopamine addiction as click bait. So each sub-culture on the internet is based on dopamine which for males quickly switches to cortisol as stress violence. Lust and violence are both dopamine but for males the lust switches to cortisol as stress. So there is a positive feedback cycle for males from lust to stress to then MORE lust to then MORE stress as violence.
This spreads as left-brain dominance and right hand technology. Life as ecology is right brain dominant and left handed amino acids as ecology. For example fructose - the forbidden fruit - is right-handed sugar as poison, just as corn syrup is poison. Normal sugar needs to be broken down but corn syrup is synthetic so it goes right to the liver as poison (like alcohol). So literally we are being fed right-handed life as fruit that is synthetic poison - corn syrup - instead of left-handed life as glucose from plant food. The handedness of life is based on how our bodies process biophotons. Science has proven we rely on biophotons for life - we each have spirits that communicate with each other via biophotons based on frequency of light. Wheat monoculture farming is also dopamine addiction - since the high levels of glucose then also causes stress reaction. Wheat farming is lack of nutrition in food - lack of vitamin D. Yes - the future of evolution on EArth is spirulina algae - and mushrooms - and bacteria.
yes Dr. Bernard Krause traveled the world studying "acoustic ecology." He could not find one place that did not have human civilization noise pollution. He proved that ecology is based on an acoustic orchestra of frequency and timing niches - each organism having adapted to a finely tuned time-phase music. So we know that life on earth is controlled by the Moon as water - the pineal gland has now been proven to be an electrogravitic transducer. So quasi telepathy is actually the "water" of fish that us modern humans don't realize we live in! We can develop telepathy as emanating out of the pineal gland. Relativistic quantum physics has proven there is a 5th dimension as this zero/infinite rest frame beyond the speed of light. So light as an information-signal does not experience spacetime but does rely on quantum spin as the relativistic mass or "hyper tube" of light - and this signal "from the future" then creates matter from the hidden momentum of light as superluminal relativistic mass. This is modeled by music theory due to noncommutative phase.
Check out Alain Connes, fields medal math professor, giving his lecture on music theory. The simplest is the most powerful! As Westerners we got brainwashed by logarithmic symmetric math logic since Plato and ARchytas - and we all learn this by 10th grade with the square root of two. haha. It's the tritone music interval as 9/8 cubed from Archytas called "alogon" by the Greeks (Euclid). Plato stated each citizen is valued as 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, that must be "compromised" for the good of the state with the tyrant equaling the tritone. So that is literally eugenics as supposed logarithmic based natural law that was then justified as natural "musical beauty" as the wrong harmonics! Economist Michael E. Hudson realized this - he did his undergraduate college degree in music but now is a Ph.D. in economics. So yes the mass mind control is through the equal-tempered music tuning with Western symmetric math originating from the wrong music theory! I corresponded with math professor Luigi Borzacchini about this, starting around 2001. He calls it a "deep pre-established disharmony" that secretly "guides the evoltive principle" of science.