So the Cymascope currently only goes up to 5000 hertz. The cymascope converts 2D soundwaves into 3D water waves. Then a 30 frame per second "camera" also recorded the water waves in real time that the dolphin echolocation created. The two images matched up with the "real" image of the man.
So this is how the sound is converted into a 3D water image....the image is computer enhanced - as shown in the above youtube vid.
Yogananda elegantly describes this spherical vision when he first fully opened his third eye.
The roots of plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned the inward flow of their sap.“Cosmic Consciousness Explained” chapter 14, Autobiography of a Yogi, Swami Yogananda
The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive. Through the back of my head I saw men strolling far down Rai Ghat Road, and noticed also a white cow who was leisurely approaching. When she reached the space in front of the open ashram gate, I observed her with my two physical eyes. As she passed by, behind the brick wall, I saw her clearly still.
All objects within my panoramic gaze trembled and vibrated like quick motion pictures. My body, Master’s, the pillared courtyard, the furniture and floor, the trees and sunshine, occasionally became violently agitated, until all melted into a luminescent sea; even as sugar crystals, thrown into a glass of water, dissolve after being shaken. The unifying light alternated with materializations of form, the metamorphoses revealing the law of cause and effect in creation.”
So this indicates that what we consider to be 3D reality or 4D spacetime actually arises out of a 5D vibrational ether that then creates spacetime along with light. We also know now in science that acoustic phonon waves can travel faster than light as quantum tunnelling - and science even considers this "phononic field" to be gravitational waves as quantum gravity. We also know in quantum biology that ultrasound resonates the microtubules that then emit biophotons that are coherent and evanascent - superluminal as the 5th dimension.
So there is no reason to question that dolphins are also tapping into this 5th dimension of phononic field intelligence, just as "pistol shrimp" create sonofusion - or heat hotter than the sun - when their claw snaps as a sonic acoustic cavitation wave underwater. (BBC vid)
People are now getting Ultrasonic LipoSuction! What is happening? the fat cells explode and then where do they go? Out the intestines? haha. She says the fat liquid is then "Naturally metabolized." What the hell does that mean? Wouldn't it just turn back into fat? This medical lady says the "body rids them naturally through urination and perspiration." Really? How come not through dookie? Is that not a marketable term? haha.
OK moving right along.....Here's ultrasound turning an Egg back into water-lipids.
Feel people know that are REDUCED PRESSURE the water will boil at lower temperatures... vid on cavitation by scientist
Dr. Jerry Tennant lectures on microvolt healing
So I keep getting hits on my blog about Dr. Jerry Tennant microvolt healing - I did a blog post on this on my previous blog. It must be cuz of the above lecture.
Disease means lack of voltage. Voltage is the frequency of the current based on noncommutative phase. This is the great secret of Tesla AC power really originating from "wattless power." I also did a blog post on this before - on the secret connection of voltage to frequency.
Dr. Tennant goes in on golden mean as the golden ratio DNA. Actually DNA is quantum entangled from the 5th dimension. But hey - if he wants to consider the body as a battery pack capacitator, etc. go for it. He's got a Canadian accent.
Although the negatively charged particles typically repel one another, two electrons can bind together by exchanging phonons, or quantum packets of vibration, via the lattice of ions within these materials. This alliance coordinates the electrons’ movements and thereby eases their passage through the material, allowing them to flow without resistance. Superconductivity’s potential technological applications — which include energy-efficient power transmission, superstrong magnets and levitating trains — have attracted heaps of scientific interest in the phenomenon.
Now, Jorio and colleagues have shown photons behaving similarly to superconducting electrons.
When the researchers shined a laser on water, pairs of photons that emerged from the liquid at the same time tended to have complementary energies. While one photon had lost a little energy, another had gained the same amount of energy, indicating that they were exchanging quantum vibrations.... it was observed at room temperature, unlike electron pairing in superconductors.In other words Noncommutative phase as the 5th dimension - proven by how the Volt is originated using Josephson Junction:
a current that flows indefinitely long without any voltage appliedAnd how is that possible? Again it is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony!! As Manfred Euler has explained.
So suddenly we have a current with no voltage and yet it is converted into voltage! How?
The NIST standard for one volt is achieved by an array of 20,208 Josephson junctions in series.Dang!!
a Josephson junction can act as a perfect voltage-to-frequency converter.phase coherence is conversion of volt to frequency as noncommutative phase.
This is because the energy [frequency] of the electron varies directly with the electron voltage and the momentum varies with the square root of the voltage and the wavelength varies inversely with the square root of the voltage.So momentum here is not quantum momentum but instead classical momentum. Quantum momentum is based on pure phase as the new "formative cause" that is superluminal. It's then "converted" to classical physics based on irrational magnitude symmetric math - hence the square root, etc.
Dr. Jerry Tennant:
"insert enough electrons to get to -50 millivolts... voltage to make new cells."
So this PDF explains what I'm getting at here - thanks!
chapter 4 - quantum model for hearing.
I'm gonna email this author - the Dutch researchers corresponded with him and now he is relying on Josephson to explain hearing a la Bialek - and Josephson told me I don't understand music theory! haha.
Dear Dr. Matti Pitkanen: I have corresponded with
Nobel physicist Brian Josephson several times about music. At first he
said he didn't know enough about music theory to comment on my research.
Then he asked me what I thought of his music compositions. Then he
thanked me for sending him quantum physics professor Lawrence Domash's
model of mantras as resonating the Josephson Effect in the brain, citing
William Bialek. Professor Bialek has disowned his previous quantum
hearing claim. But Bialek seems unaware of the microtubule research. See
Dr. Jack Tuszinski's recent microtubule ultrasound transduction into
evanescent waves a la Whispering Mode Gallery. My blog has more details So basically Alain Connes confirms that
music theory is actually noncommutative phase logic as the foundation of
reality - something I had intuited in high school as the complementary
opposite ratios of the Perfect Fifth (C to G is 3/2 while C to F is
2/3). Western music tuning is the origin of the wrong symmetric math in
Western science.
Take care,
E (Voltage) equals 2 times pie, times magnetic flux, times frequency, times number of turns in the electromagnetic coil. So Voltage means using "angular frequency" - and this is also how Planck's Constant was converted from Joule-seconds originated from (seconds x frequency/seconds) - i.e. the mean average energy of light based on color! Frequency divided by cycles per seconds is secretly noncommutative!
The noncommutative time-frequency is revealed as noncommutative phase Harmony - the relation of planck's constant x frequency = mass x speed of light squared.
So that brings us back to Ultrasound - I wonder when that physicist will discover noncommutative phase harmonics. haha.
Exactly! So he has realized the chirality of life from Electroweak field - like B.G. Sidharth - but he has not realized that rational numbers are inherently chiral due to noncommutative phase!
The sunsets are red since the quantum frequency of oxygen is red light - so deep breathing in the abdomen 30 times - and then holding breath AFTER exhale - causes the red biophotons to get activated and go into the brain (oxygen). This is the Wim Hof method and secret etymology of Sanguine. Middle English: from Old French sanguin(e ) ‘blood-red,’ from Latin sanguineus ‘of blood,’ from sanguis, sanguin- ‘blood.’ How a Word For "Blood" Came to Mean "Optimistic" |
People who were calm, slow, undemonstrative, and unexcitable were thought to have an abundance of phlegm – they were governed by that humor and were therefore phlegmatic. Those who were bilious had a bad disposition because of the large amount of yellow or black bile in their system. But those lucky people who were governed by blood were strong, confident, and ruddy (all that blood, you know) – in a word, sanguine.
In time, the physiological theory behind the humors dissipated, but the word sanguine is still commonly used to describe those who are cheerfully confident – a label we’ll gladly accept, no matter where it comes from.
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