Sunday, October 21, 2018

Deep Inference: The Simplest is the Most Powerful: Noncommutative phase logic is the mind meld of math, music, magic, martial arts, morality and metaphysics

So therefore you can say that the breakdown of symmetry PRESERVES quantum nature of particles of macroscopic. Not just coheres them. Not just makes them like classical particles. But it can preserve some principle features of quantum objects.
Physics professor Józef Spałek (youtube lecture, emphasis in the original, 26 minutes)
If you have broken symmetry, suppose you have paramagnetic order (N spins). What is broken symmetry state, is making out of those spins, the theory tells you, how many...the only thing is that they are aligned. To change from one broken symmetry into another you have to change 10 to 24 spins. You have to break space stiffness for 10 to the 24th spins. That costs astronomical energy and that's why this system lives for so long.
 So when he says broken symmetry he really means non-commutative. But he just is starting from the "2nd quantization" level - not the initial position/momentum Heisenberg Uncertainty, but the group of particles as a whole. So he is relying on a wave equation which applies in both cases.

Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics edited by S. Duplij, Julius Wess googlepreview gives us more details

IR has much less energy than visible light. For every photon of visible light that hit and warmed our planet, 20 photons in the IR (heat) is emitted back to space.
So abrupt global warming is considered "theoretical" since everyone is mass mind controlled by classical logarithmic math, since 10th grade high school math level (and physics classes in high school or secondary education).

So the sun's energy, the energy of the Universe, is quantum - and not just because it is coherent, but because it has inherent noncommutative symmetry breaking at the spacetime level. So in the typical state - the frequency of the sunlight is much higher and so the energy is down-shifted in frequency which means it increases in density number of photons (in the classical wave equation). So the quantum energy is based on intensity of frequency with the mass and momentum inverse to wavelength. The classical energy is, in contrast, based on density of wavelength squared - measured either through probability (in quantum physics or statistical chemistry) or in classical momentum of calculus. So as the energy frequency is down-shifted it is converted to an increase in number of particles of photons as infrared light that is re-emitted by the earth.

So abrupt global warming is actually a macroquantum coherence problem. Western civilization was based on logarithm math with exponential growth in technology - modeled as social harmony using equal-tempered mass mind control music. Nature as reality is actually noncommutative quantum. This means the Sun and Moon are equal in noncommutative resonance with the Earth.

This video exposes how any "carbon sequestration" or "decarbonizaton" plans are a joke

On Noncommutative Deep Inference

More here


More here and here

and here

The AI Matrix people addicted to exponential growth

So this means that the infrared heat is considered to be random entropy since it's measured by classical physics. In other words normally the Lunar-based ecology relies on the quantum frequency of light to then absorb the infrared heat - via CO2 intake. The Lunar-based life sequesters carbon or "decarbonizes" what otherwise would be too much "entropy" for Earth. The random entropy is literally an "externality" of the wrong math of classical physics! Quantum biology is the norm for Earth, not classical physics that increases entropy via the Solar calendar symmetric logic.

Thing is that the infrared being 20 more photons is a classical conversion of quantum frequency into amplitude density as random entropy. That is my understanding. The energy is the same as you point out. But ideally that infrared light should NOT be classically measured as random entropy. Rather the Lunar-based life stores up the light via decarbonization - or rather let's the light pass through. Point being that if you store light in a box you can't tell the difference between matter and radiation since the mass stays the same (except for relativistic mass). Light does have relativistic mass - and so we are talking about Lunar's electrogravitic effect on Earth. Classical science with symmetric math is based on the solar calendar (logarithms, PI, etc.) Quantum non-locality is actually noncommutative math. Global warming is literally an "externality" of the wrong classical logarithmic-based symmetric logic.

Wien also found that the wavelength of the maximum emission of blackbody radiation is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature [e.g., Planck, 1913; Peixoto and Oort, 1992]. A firm theoretical foundation on blackbody radiation was subsequently established by Planck [1913], among others. In his classical book, Planck [1913] formulated the theory of blackbody radiation from the angles of both thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
 So as has been detailed on this blog Planck's Constant is due to a hidden "seconds" time parameter

So Planck's constant assumes a Joules energy conversion between the Quantum noncommutative time/frequency and the classical logarithmic standards. In this case it is the Lunar calendar that is non-commutative to the Solar.

arXiv:1405.4059  [
Fundamental Molecules of Life are Pigments which Arose and Evolved to Dissipate the Solar Spectrum
Abstract: The driving force behind the origin and evolution of life has been the thermodynamic imperative of increasing the entropy production of the biosphere through increasing the global solar photon dissipation rate. In the upper atmosphere of today, oxygen and ozone derived from life processes are performing the short wavelength UVC and UVB dissipation. On Earth's surface, water and organic pigments in water facilitate the near UV and visible photon dissipation. The first organic pigments probably formed, absorbed, and dissipated at those photochemically active wavelengths in the UVC that could have reached Earth's surface during the Archean. Proliferation of these pigments can be understood as an autocatalytic photochemical process obeying non-equilibrium thermodynamic directives related to increasing solar photon dissipation rate. Under these directives, organic pigments would have evolved over time to increase the global photon dissipation rate by; 1) increasing the ratio of their effective photon cross sections to their physical size, 2) decreasing their electronic excited state life times, 3) quenching non-radiative de-excitation channels (e.g. fluorescence), 4) covering ever more completely the solar spectrum, and 5) dispersing into an ever greater surface area of Earth. From knowledge of the evolution of the spectrum of G-type stars, and considering the most probable history of the transparency of Earths atmosphere, we construct the most probable surface solar spectrum as a function of time and compare this with the history of molecular absorption maxima obtained from the available data in the literature. This comparison supports the thermodynamic dissipation theory for the origin of life, constrains models for Earth's early atmosphere, and sheds some new light on the origin of photosynthesis. â–³ Less

So when science says "hydrological cycle" they really mean the lunar calendar.

and water means lunar:

pigments in water:

did I post this already?

and so chirality of life is due to chirality of quantum frequency energy:


So the UV Divergences of symmetric math are the psychological projection of UV chirality of RNA-DNA of life on Earth. Fascinating.

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