Xici, Appendix of Yijing, (3rd BCE) is first appearance of Taiji in an extant text. Change is the fundamental state, the exact opposite of Platonic metaphysics...The implication that taiji/bipolarity is somehow also nondual....Yin-yang qi is a manifestation of the unitary principle of bipolarity.
emphasis in original.https://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Nonfiction.Ebook.SUNY.PRESS.Nov.2015-SLOWRO/SUNY Press.Reconstructing the Confucian Dao - Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi - Joseph A. Adler - (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture).pdf
And so contrary to the claim of Pregadio (as per our correspondence):
This concerns the "nonduality" of yin-yang and stillness-activity pairs: the difference between them is real, but they are united in being the two inseparable poles of taiji.
I use "nonduality" here in the sense of the yin-yang model: the difference between them is real, but they cannot exist separately and each implies the other. This differs from the advaita form of nondualism found in Sankara (eighth century CE), which is really monism (all differences are illusory).His most recent book is Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi (State University of New York Press, 2014).
Joseph A. Adler (B.A., University of Rochester; M.A., Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara
Dear Professor Emeritus Joseph A. Adler: I am very happy to have discovered your excellent research. The "spiritual crisis" that you refer to regarding Zhu Xi reminds me of what occurred in 2000. I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota by doing intensive meditation via http://springforestqigong.com and then Chunyi Lin said I had an "enlightenment experience" but my "mind was confused." This sent me on a ten year research project of literally reading one scholarly book a day while I sat in full lotus. haha. I was reading mainly western science and I got very deep into "noncommutative geometry." I corroborated his claim by reading the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality. So most people on the "interwebs" laugh when they say I emailed "so and so" because who would respond when I have such a silly moniker? And yet YOU of all people understand. haha. Thanks and take care, drew hempel
Earlier paper as basis of his book (pdf)
[Wuji er Taiji] Calling it [Taiji] "non-polar" correctly clarifies its non-spatial form. It exists prior to things, and yet at no time is it not established after the existence of things.Zhu Xi
Thank you Professor Emeritus Joseph Adler!
I forgot to
tell you - my background is music theory. I noticed that the logic was
wrong to explain music theory - the mathematical logic. So then Alain
Connes, the Fields Medal math professor corroborated my insight by
explaining how music theory logic is actually noncommutative phase. This
is "nonwestern" music theory. Meaning all nonwestern cultures use
complementary opposites for the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect
Fourth. Only Alain Connes states this explains the highest level of
physics as a unified field theory - noncommutative geometry as
relativistic quantum physics. This is found in quantum biology as well.
So it's not the "symmetric" math logic that people learn from the
irrational magnitude, calculus, etc. I did a blog on this - my older
blog focuses on it more - but the links are found through
http://elixirfield.blogspot.com thanks again, drew hempel
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