The whole purpose of extracting the Lead is to use it to replenish the Mercury. If you do not replenish the mercury then you will not be able to direct the generative fluid to return to the head. If the generative fluid does not return to the head, then how can the true vapor be born? ...
If you do not extract the lead, you will not be able to refine the mercury and repair the tan-t'ien. If the tan-t'ien is not repaired, how can the mercury be crystallized into cinnabar grains?
This kind of extracting and replenishing does not occur outside the body. Rather it involves moving something from the lower tan-t'ien to the upper tan-t'ien.
After lead is extracted, mercury will descend from the middle tan-t'ien to the lower tan-t'ien. If you can get the dragon and tiger to copulate at this time, then the two will be transformed into the Yellow Sprouts.
After three hundred days the immortal infant will be mature and the true vapor will be born.
In the beginning you must you lead to obtain mercury...Once the lead is directed to the upper palace, then the generative fluid will enter the head.
AFter ten months ....the body will radiate a white light.
When dragon and tiger copulate in the Yellow Chamber then lead and mercury are separated....
When yin is brought into Li then yang is born. This is the work of the waterwheel. It is the vehicle that carries the yin [saliva] into the Palace of Yang [heart-spirit-fire] carries the yang into the Palace of the Yin [lower tan t'ien].
If the medicine is about to whither, you should use the wheel to direct the vapor of the saliva to moisten it.
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The liquid in the heart is cinnabar yin; the wholesome positive energy in the liquid is mercury dragon yang.
Liquid silver cooks into metal vitality.
True Mercury comes from fire.
True Mercury functions in the water.
True Lead arises from water.
True Lead functions in fire, turning black to red.
This deserves careful thought.
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