. You can see my own investigation of this claim - five years ago....
A more recent documentary interview with Tom Harpur
Everyone complains the music is too loud - too bad! haha.
So I should still have my copy of Christ in Egypt around -
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection
D. M. Murdock, Acharya S - 2008 - History
4 Explaining the correlation between Sirius and Orion, Egyptologist Dr. Bojana Mojsov comments: Both Sirius and Orion were related to the Nile flood."St. Cyprian spoke of Christ as the true sun (sol verus)." Cyprian also writes, "O, how wonderfully acted Providence than on that day on which that Sun was born...Christ should be born." "St. Ambrose says precisely, 'He is our new sun (Hic sol novus noster).' Similar figures are employed by Gregory of Nazianzus, Zeon of Verona, Leo the Great, Gregory the Great, etc." Christ in Egypt page 112-113 Clement of Alexandria calls Christ the "Sun of the Resurrection"For those of us who did the deep meditation training - we can FEEL the Solstice as "holy" - so the pineal gland magnetic bliss is much stronger during the full moon and the Solstices and Equinoxes. So we know that this is the origin of religion.
The church father Tertullian (c. 155-230 AD/CE) writes in a rather defensive manner to the charge of worshipping the sun, "...Others, with greater regard to good manners, it must be confessed, suppose that the sun is the god of the Christians, because it is a well-known fact that we pray towards the east, or because we make Sunday a day of festivity. What then? Do you do less than this? Do not many among you, with an affectation of sometimes worshipping the heavenly bodies likewise, move your lips in the direction of the sunrise?" Ad Nationes 1:13 Augustine (354-430 AD/CE) had to refute the same charges even later in Tractates on the Gospel of John.
When we consider the Egyptian winter solstice celebration we find Epiphanius, Plutarch, and Macrobius describing a similar ceremony that further indicates why Pagans would accuse Christians of worshiping the Sun. Macrobius writes in Saturnalia (1:18:10), " the winter solstice the sun would seem to be a little child, like that which the Egyptians bring forth from a shrine on an appointed day, since the day is then at its shortest and the god is accordingly shown as a tiny infant." In the case of Epiphanius the passages describing this celebration in Alexandria are deleted in the Migne edition which presents a case of deliberate and egregious censorship. Dr. Bradford Keeney has a fascinating new blog post - with his wife - on Jesus as a Dung Beetle.....
And here we have D.M. Murdock addressing the criticisms of Tom Harpur - and refers to this vid.
So she is interviewed in the above vid link - amazing!! More from D.M. MurdockOsiris: Death and Afterlife of a God: Bojana Mojsov: 9781405131797 ...
Bojana Mojsov tells the story of the cult of Osiris from beginning to end, sketching ... The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt.
Egyptologist Dr. Bojana Mojsov concludes:
As the redemptive figured of the Egyptian god [Osiris] loomed large over the ancient world, Isis came to be worshipped as the Primordial Virgin and their child as the Savior of the World.
The cult of Isis and Horus-the-Child was especially popular. Hundreds of bronze figurines of Isis nursing her infant found in temples and households became models for the Christian figures of the Virgin and child. Steadily, the story of Osiris had spread beyond Egypt and arond the entire Mediterranean.
"The Pyramid Texts speak of "the great virgin" three times 682c, 728a, 2002a"
"In a text in the Abydos Temple of Seti I, Isis herself declares: "I am the great virgin"- Christ in Egypt, page 152
"The Egyptian goddess who was equally 'the Great Virgin' (hwnt) and 'Mother of the God' was the object of the very same praise bestowed upon her successor [Mary, Virgin Mother of Jesus]."
- Dr. Witt, an Egyptologist, Christ in Egypt, 120
The harmonic ratio 2/3 was sacred in Egypt.
Ramana Maharshi said SILENCE is the greatest teacher - and the most powerful message. And so as Westerners we assume that being a "hermit" means to not "know" what is going on. But each night when we go into deep dreamless sleep - where do we go? Who is it that does not know what is going on? Are we just biological machines? Or is the true KNOWER that which is remains aware during deep dreamless sleep!! Ramana Maharshi said that if we have total darkness during deep dreamless sleep then we are just ignorant of the truth of reality - whereas if we know the truth then during deep dreamless sleep - we experience a light as bright as the sun - and in this bright light just as in deep dreamless sleep - we also LOSE any sense of our personal knowledge. Our personal knowledge is the light that rises up into our skull - from our lower body - when we wake up in the morning. We are not aware of this happening when we wake up! And yet this "light" that rises up as our personal sense of self can also be "turned around" - back to its source! The light as our personal awareness is just a dim bulb compared to the source as the True Knowledge of reality! And yet - what is the difference in the brightness! It is not "power" but rather "truth" - or as quantum physics has shown - intensity of energy is from frequency NOT amplitude - and even more so than "frequency" - the truth is from harmonic complementary opposites. This is what is called "noncommutative phase" - but actually it is as simple as 1:2:3:4. ALL human cultures rely on the Octave as 1:2 and the Perfect Fifth as 2:3 and the Perfect Fourth as 3:4 - and so in India these are the "three gunas" - rajas, tamas and sattva - and in China these are the Emptiness, yang and yin - but in reality - it is all from Music. Only humans have this "center of pitch recognition" - well actually other animals use the harmonic series as well and recognize octaves, etc. And so there is an ancient "science" based on music theory. Not the Western music theory - but the natural harmonics of natural numbers - the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth. Not as equal-tempered tuning - but from syncopated rhythm. The Moon was the Original Sin of humanity (according to Patriarchal religion). The moon is the "yin" music as the muses - is it the "subharmonic" that resonates the solar energy - through the Earth. Yes so the lies of Western civilization go back to Plato, Archytas, Eudoxus - we are lied to in school. The logic is wrong and is the basis of logarithmic math. Western science is from the wrong music theory - defining time as equal-tempered tuning with logarithms!! This is from Philolaus and Archytas. The truth is simple yet very radical. So reality is based on complementary opposites. We think science is "objective" but it is left brain dominant and so is cut off from the lower body subconscious emotions. So in fact science is right hand technology dependent with the left brain dominance. Ecology as life is dependent on right brain dominance with left-handed amino acids! And so Western science is literally against ecology - structurally - and yet science "claims" it is objective and based on symmetric math. haha. This is a deep lie indeed.
Yep I'm back at the U of MN "cavern" for old book storage, reading Bishop Lightfoot's attack on W.R. Cassel's "Supernatural Religion." Lightfoot readily admits that Eusebius was parsing through the writings "of the Ancients" to decide what was authentic or not. Just based on that simple fact alone the spurious nature of the Gospels is evident. Yet Lightfoot argues:
"Of the Gospels the historian will only record anecdotes concerning them. On the other hand, in the case of the Apocalypse mere references and quotations will be mentioned, because they afford important data for arriving at a decision concerning its Canonical authority." (p. 39)
That seems a back-handed strategy at best and at worse a strange way to treat supposedly sacred works. According to Lightfoot the sources for the 4 Gospels are, as per Eusebius:
"As regards these, he [Eusebius]contents himself with preserving any anecdotes which he may have found illustrating the circumstances under which they were written, e.g. the notices of St. Matthew and St. Mark in Papias, and of the Four Gospels in Irenaeus." (p. 46)
Considering how much Lightfoot questions the authenticity of Ignatius and others, besides the fact the Eusebius openly was questioning his sources as being not authentic, the origin of the Gospels disappears into a cloud of smoke. There is much speculation about Papias and Irenaeus and Polycarp but that the Roman Church was fighting off the ascetic Gnostics is quite clear.
Thanks Achayra S.,
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