Dreams and the Lost ORigin of Western Culture - new from Peter KIngsley
Peter Kingsley, a Ph.D. philosopher, had his thesis on Pythagorean philosophy published by Oxford University Press in 1997, Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic. In that book Kingsley says:
Edward Ticks practicing "incubation" for Vietnam Vets - ancient Pre-Socratic Greek healing of Western Asia....
Something can be split and grafted ONTO the "growing words" in the lower belly - a tree growing inside the abdomen.... - the INNER FARMING.
Peter Kingsley says he was talking to Larry Dossey about his new book.
One Mind and the Survival of Personality - nondual talk 2017
93 (5); mafia (1); Magic Lantern (1); magic squares (2); Magpie Mason 2.0 (2); magpie minds (1); magus (1); Mahler (1); Mandaeans (2); Manhattan Center (1) ...
From Parabola Volume 31, No. 1, “Coming To Our Senses,” Spring 2006.
https://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/390/like-wandering-ghosts“By the time of Plato and Aristotle, the doors of understanding were closed.... Argument [became] more important than appreciation, reinterpretation, an easy substitute for understanding.... [The devolution] destroyed the mythical dialectic.” p. 108,
Edward Ticks practicing "incubation" for Vietnam Vets - ancient Pre-Socratic Greek healing of Western Asia....
Dream healing was reserved for people for whom no other healing methods would work. They could travel to the sanctuaries of Asclepius and participate in a ritual process called “incubation.” First they were cleansed, purified, and treated with hydrotherapy, nutrition and exercise, acupressure, color therapy, and so on. These were used not as healing methods themselves but to prepare the patients for the vision quest. Then the patients would enter into incubation chambers, which in the earliest times were caves or holes carved into rocks. In later years the patients were swaddled on couches. Either way, they were put into intense isolation to fast, pray, and wait for a dream or vision in which the god of healing, or some surrogate, came and either healed them in the dream or gave them a prescription for how they could heal themselves later. We have records of more than a thousand of these prescriptions dating from 600 B.C. to 500 A.D., when the tradition was destroyed by the early Christian church. Then the church started to do its own form of dream healing, but now it was Christian saints who came instead of the Greek gods.Empedocles words have to be held down, pressed down underneath the diaphragm, low in the diaphragm or abdomen and "split" there - and "split" in a sense that the Greeks used to refer to the grafting of an apple tree onto root stock...
Something can be split and grafted ONTO the "growing words" in the lower belly - a tree growing inside the abdomen.... - the INNER FARMING.
Peter Kingsley says he was talking to Larry Dossey about his new book.
One Mind and the Survival of Personality - nondual talk 2017
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Spiritual Freemasonry - - Masonic Symbolism
May 26, 2018 - All the great teachers of humanity, Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, Aristotle, ... These are the same Mandaeans who believed St John the Baptist, ... Freemasonry officially, started on 24 June, St John's Day, 1717; which is ...
[PDF]Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual - Cedar City Lodge #35
Pythagoras, plato, Socrates a^: _ the Essenes, early ...... 47th problem of Euclid, as credited to Pythagoras, was also a ..... inside the cathedral on St. John's day- June 24th . ..... Mandean Gnostic tradition of the Middle East, one of the names for.
Temple Legend: Notes - Rudolf Steiner Archive
... the latter as St. John's Day; because the early Christians judiciously adopted not only the ... In fact, their doctrines were chiefly those of Pythagoras. ..... this has the significance: 'an Aeon of the Mandeans: Mana raba, which is as much as to ...
Full text of "Secret Societies - Nesta Webster" - Internet Archive
Early masonic tradition traces Freemasonry partly to Pythagoras, who is said to have ...... 1 The multiplicity of names given to the Mandaeans arises apparently from the fact that in their ...... On St. John's Day, 1307, they held their first chapter.
The Magpie Mason: 'Second Circle: St. Andrew's Day ... 2010'
months to tell you what happened! Posted by Magpie Mind at 3:06 PM.
Labels: Masonic Society, Second Circle Gatherings, St. Andrew's Day, St. John's Day ...
The Magpie Mason: 'You won't believe what The Masonic Society is ...
93 (5); mafia (1); Magic Lantern (1); magic squares (2); Magpie Mason 2.0 (2); magpie minds (1); magus (1); Mahler (1); Mandaeans (2); Manhattan Center (1) ...
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secret letters of the Hebrew alphabet regarded by the Pythagoreans as uncontaminated by the ...... Josephus, the Koran, Kurdish Jews, Yezidis and Mandaean. Sabians all hold that the true ...... on St. John's Day, 1307. Robert Bruce then took ...The Magpie Mason: 'Truman on Truman'
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From Parabola Volume 31, No. 1, “Coming To Our Senses,” Spring 2006.
Empedocles in particular was very specific. He explained that our senses are still closed. For him, we humans are plants: human plants. Actually we are seeds and have not yet become plants. We have not budded yet, have not yet started to open and blossom. We have the potential to become full human beings but the potential has not been realized. And I find this amazing and terrifying, that someone 2,500 years ago—someone who was laying the foundations for all our philosophical and scientific disciplines—said we’re not yet human, because what he said then applies just as much to us today.
However, Empedocles explains that we don’t use our senses but instead are used by them. He says quite specifically we are dragged along by them, that the art is how to use the senses rather than be used by them. This requires very subtle changes in our consciousness where instead of letting the senses just bombard us with data and carry us along, we actually turn our attention back to face what is coming toward us.
Every sound is an opportunity to be conscious. It’s the cosmos calling.PDF - a review of Kingley's book Reality
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