This study has really CHANGED ME. I spent 25 years doing environmental social justice activism. I got arrested 8 times. I organized coalitions and campaigns. I got some policy changes achieved - working with others. I worked at half a dozen nonprofits - lived in a hippy commune and did organic compost farming, worked in an organic food warehouse. I see road kill all the time - I rode bicycle every day for 10 years and I dumpster dived food for 10 years. Now I see dead animals on the road. The other day I discovered 8 big wild turkey eggs - the mom very patiently tending to them - next to my chestnut trees.
We are animals - we are primates - we are very much like the war mongering rapist chimpanzees. Humans USED to be like bonobos - our first human culture. Then we changed. Ghosts are real - we know this - those who have done the training. We humans are 1 ten thousandth of a percent of LIFE on Earth. We destroyed 83% of mammals on Earth and most of the birds. We are wiping out the rest of life on Earth. But some life will survive - perhaps worst case scenario - deep extremophile bacteria in the ocean vents. But most likely mushrooms and some insects - and maybe even like the asteroid collision - maybe small mammals might live underground and adapt. We are only .01% of LIFE on Earth in terms of biomass.
So we can work as hard as POSSIBLE to destroy life on EArth - which we have done. We can TRY to replace wildlife diversity with a dozen farm crops, a dozen different farm animals and 9 billion humans. But it's not gonna last long. We are now living in a HUGE cesspool of toxic waste - plastic pollution is everywhere - depleted uranium - depleted soil. We destroy soil and treat it like DIRT. We obsess over "sanitation" to get rid of all bacteria and viruses - so everyone gets allergies easily. We are SCARED of Mother Nature and we should be. But there is NO ESCAPE.
We are part of Nature and we always will be. The Universe is eternal. Life is eternal as Proto-Consciousness - a "spark" of the 5th dimension that we can not see. When we are in deep sleep at night - we are still "aware" as proto-consciousness. We are not biological machines that "Turn on" in the morning. Our SPIRIT as a ghost - rises up from our lower body - and fills our skull and SHINES out of our eyes!! That is what it means to "wake up" in the morning! We all realize our spiritual ghost nature when our bodies decay and die and we LEAVE our bodies and we live in the UNIVERSE.
We are part of the eternal universe - and physical reality is a dream. LIGHT has no mass and so experiences no space and no time. WE ARE LIGHT. Light creates MATTER through the illusion of space and time. We can have visions of the FUTURE because that is the illusion of our MATTER - that already exists in space and time. The Universe inside us already experiences the FUTURE. We are cosmic dream warriors - dreaming our own existence as an eternal psychedelic orgasmic bliss cosmic trip.
Mushrooms communicate with trees through BioPHotons!! Science knows this. We eat Mushrooms - as primates - and we MELT back into the Cosmic Universe that tells us Earth is a SPECK OF DUST in the dream world of the Universe that is eternal. We are all dreaming right now. We can not SEE the truth. We can LISTEN to the truth. LIstening creates LIGHT. The Sigh-Lens is our truth as the Cosmic Womb-Tomb - the Cosmic Mother exists inside us and we exist inside the Womb-Tomb of the cosmic Universe.
Our pain is a symptom of our FUTURE healing. We are already unconditional love eternally. We EMBODY the Emptiness that is eternal. We can heal ourselves by resonating with our Formless Source that we can not see. We can visualize light inside ourselves so that we turn ourselves INside Out!! We are a Klein Bottle - the 5th dimension is real. Life on Earth can not be destroyed because Life is a Dream World and the Dream is eternal - cycling through waking and dreaming. The greatest Love we will ever experience is when we die and leave our bodies through our hearts.
We are a Cosmic Rainbow Vortex and the LIGHT is dreaming our existence. Light has "Mass" as matter due to the eternal spacetime vortex that appears to exist as matter - the dreaming of light - is the appearance of mass due to the spacetime vortex. The source of light can not be seen but it emanates a sacred sound. We LISTEN to ourselves eternally as the silence that creates the future - already existing and guiding and healing our past.
Only this listening is real as the 5th dimension. The future is a dream that already exists and we can see the future as precognition - if we dream deeply enough. Only the Formless DREAMLESS state is the truth as the eternal Cosmic Mother that will never be unveiled. This is the true meaning of the ecological crisis - it is the END of the illusion that we think MASS as defined by Western science is real. We will argue over what "science" means until the bitter end. haha. We thought we were free to do what we wanted - we THOUGHT we were in control. WE still "think" we can SAVE the planet. haha. We are just specks of dust in a dream world that is a speck of dust - shining in the shimmering scintillating light of a vast eternal Emptiness that can not be seen and yet we can listen to it. Listening is Freed-OM.
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