If R1a is absent in the Indus Valley sample, it suggests that it was brought into South Asia, perhaps by a proto-Indo- European speaking group, from elsewhere. “How do I say it? See, I am a nationalist,” Rai says over the phone. “People will be upset. But that’s how it is. All the studies are showing that people came here from elsewhere.”The new DNA analysis of the Indu-Valley civilization is finally published
1 ) The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) people were a mix of eastern West Asian (from modern Iran) people and native South Asian peoples (~80% of South Asian mtDNA are haplogroup M).http://www.brownpundits.com/2018/04/27/closing-the-genetic-chapter/
2) ~1500 BC a major incursion from the steppe occurred and overlaid upon #1 to various extents as a function of region, language, and caste.
3) ~0 to 500 AD the strong endogamy that characterizes modern South Asians seems to have established itself.
Commenting on this, Rai said, “any model of migration of Indo-Europeans from South Asia simply cannot fit the data that is now available.”https://www.gnxp.com/WordPress/2018/04/27/rakhigarhi-sample-doesnt-have-steppe-ancestry-probably-indus-periphery/
Niraj Rai, the head of the Ancient DNA Laboratory at Lucknow’s Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), where the DNA samples from the Harappan site of Rakhigarhi in Haryana are being analysed, has revealed that a forthcoming paper on the work will show that there is no steppe contribution to the DNA of the Harappan people….
The earliest spoke-wheeled chariots date to ca. 2000 BC.
So in Central Asia - the chariot then spread down into India....
And then around 2000 years ago the caste system was created - as a kind of formal Brahmin Vedic culture in INdia, even though the Brahmins spread into India around 1700 BCE.
So this also spread "monotheism" into Egypt as well - but it didn't last long there....
factsanddetails.com › Asian Topics › Asia and Asians - Ancient History
From around 2000 to 1700 BCE, charioteers from Central Eurasia moved into northern Iran, Afghanistan, the Indus Valley in modern Pakistan, and North India. By c. 1000 BCE the invaders ...
So this is what Archaeology told us - but people in India did not want to believe in - instead claiming that it was a lie spread by British colonialism. But now DNA science has finally corroborated the archaeology.
And so the patriarchy become full-fledged during the Bronze age with the Bronze plow much improved over the wood or stone plow - and then the chariot wheel using a type of Pythagorean math based on the Solar calendar - to "square" the circle - or make the lunar circle "squared" by the sun.....
Once again it is official -
Rai said that he and his team at the BSIP agreed to be a part of the March 2018 paper “after two years of intense discussion and analysis of our own data sets.” He continued, “There is no question of the model being flawed. It is a most solid piece of work—no new study will overturn it. Our own work which will be out very soon provides solid evidence for the model.”
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