This is a great pdf for giving conversions of frequency of light into volts with Planck's Constant maintained.
In the JOhn Chang video the narrator makes a science error that I had not noticed before. He states that the LED light changes color based on the intensity of the charge. But LED diodes are activated based on frequency of the energy, not the amplitude as watts.
Basically, the number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to the number of photons. We assume/know that each photon is associated with removing an electron from the metal. As the number of photons increase(i.e the intensity increases) the number of electrons increases hence the current increases since I=ne.So if the intensity increased it would be the "rate" of photons per second - but that is not the "frequency" of the photons - and it is the frequency that activates the diode - therefore NOT the intensity of the current.
And so as I have pointed out before - the Electrical Volt assumes that the current is from Joules and charge - both measured in symmetric time as "seconds" - so seconds squared, or "time squared."
But in fact for the qigong alchemy training the time is quantum potential as reverse coherence - that is superluminal. So the "mean average energy" of light as Planck's Constant does not work when converted to Joules that assumes a symmetric time reversal. The light is squared due to the potential energy as the origin of charge from noncommutative phase that is superluminal. The "squaring" of light is only due to assuming mass is also squared as a symmetric measurement.
The measurement problem of quantum physics then is due to the attempt to "square" time whereas the speed of light can not be properly "squared" since the time reversal is not symmetric - hence the inherent noncommutative time-frequency math origin of position-momentum measurement.
But this also changes the energy measurement of the source of charge. So the energy source is from coherent frequency resonance with time - so there is a coherent phase change of time as the reversal of light back to zero time - with charge originating from reverse time and superluminal momentum of virtual photons.
This is why JOhn Chang says that "yin qi" is the secret to communicate with the spirit world as Zhang Hongbao said "yin matter" is the secret of superluminal information that is the "golden key" to healing - it creates new mass as a spacetime transformation from the light being reversed and capturing virtual photons.
And so Yuan Qi is the eternal present as eternal current but it is created only by undivided yin-yang - as John Chang says this is the secret of alchemy.
Or as Wang Mu states - the Yuan Shen has movement in non-doing - so at zero time (Yuan Qi current) in non-doing there is still superluminal movement of reverse time and yin matter that is from the future - momentum energy that is the "virtual information field" as Yan Xin qigong master calls it.
When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united;
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.
The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang).
"The whole process is ruled by Spirit....It's movement in 'non-doing' is called Original Spirit." Wang Mu, Foundations of Internal Alchemy.
The primal qi (li yuanqi) ....formless"Since is it the undivided yin-yang it is called the One Vitality."
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