This study tests essential oils that I have also tested on myself!
Thymol - it didn't seem effective enough.
Peppermint - smells good but definitely not strong enough.
Tea tree oil - it is stronger as antiseptic but smells bad and also has strong psychotropic effects.
The winner....
Clove oil!!
I finally bought some clove oil - not sure why I didn't notice before. It's from a different company so maybe the previous company didn't sell it on its own.
I noticed that it seemed very effective as an antiseptic.
Eugenol is widely used and well-known for its medicinal properties. Traditional uses of clove oil include the use in dental care, as an antiseptic and analgesic.[33] It is active against oral bacteria associated with dental caries and periodontal disease[34] and effective against a large number of other bacteria[35,36,37,38] and virus.[39] Previous studies have reported biological activities of eugenol including antifungal,[40,41,42] anti-carcinogenic,[43] anti-allergic,[44,45] anti-mutagenic activity,[46] antioxidant[47] and insecticidal[48] properties. In our study, eugenol oil showed antimicrobial activity at the lowest concentration against all organisms compared with all essential oils such as for C. albicans with MIC, MFC: 0.1 μl/ml, for S. aureus with MIC, MBC: 0.4 μl/ml, for E. coli and for E. facelis with MIC, MBC: 1 μl/ml respectively.This is very good news because clove oil actually smells good - in my opinion - but I combine it with peppermint - just in case. Also clove oil doesn't cause symptoms of drunkenness - or shutting down the lungs from O.D. - like tea tree oil does!! haha.
Toxicity. Large doses of undiluted clove oil can cause toxic effects. As listed by NIH, these side effects can include nausea, vomiting, sore throat, sedation, difficulty breathing, fluid in the lungs and seizures. Large amounts of undiluted clove oil also can cause blood disorders, kidney failure and liver damage.OK but not as bad as tea tree oil........ as far as GABA receptor activation.....but when I looked at the above I realized Clove Oil must activate the vagus nerve!! Indeed.
Sep 29, 2015 - By applying it to the vagal nerve clove is able to increase energy, relieve fatigue, uplift the mood, and stimulate circulation. ... Clove essential oil: Allows for better elimination.
Parasympathetic Blend for Vagus Tone - Vibrant Blue Essential Oils
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