A strong dose of ayahuasca or formosahuasca will enable 4 hours of nonstop full lotus meditation with a loud OM sound from the heart as the jing converts to shen via the 2nd chakra opening up -
Salvia in full lotus also activates the kundalini
But these are just tools to help activate the serotonin kundalini energy - whereas qi energy is more powerful than an electrochemical means.
But diet is key to the qi training - you want to build up serotonin and potassium - so salt will shut down your energy channels. Sugar creates free radicals against the qi - and cortisol. Coffee increases cortisol. Alcohol activates the sympathetic nervous system.
So pretty much modern civilization food goes against advanced training - food is a drug as much as just energy.
advanced meditation is based on fasting.
So - the San Bushmen did use some kind of psychedelic as a tool to help activate the N/om energy - but it was considered not the real thing.
But then again they also did not have sugar nor salt - you can get sodium from vegetables and - I mean they ate honey some times and fruit. But over all - food itself is a kind of drug - so ideally the diet is limited.
But if you do try a psychedelic visionary plant-root combo as used in the Amazon rainforest - this is a very strong medicine. It definitely takes you into a beyond death astral realm - but it is the qi energy that enables this realm to not just succumb to subconscious visions.
If you just rely on electrochemical means to access the spirit light - then your qi is not strong enough and so your thalamus subconscious becomes too real. The qi energy means you can consciously control your thalamus limbic brain and so over-ride the subconscious downloading of the images.
So you will have visions but you will also be able to analyze them in real time as subconscious visions - without thinking they are real.
Similarly we need to be able to control our dreams and analyze them - and so eating too much salt will keep a person awake or alcohol will destroy the dreams or have like salt - too much awake - depending on what part of the sleep cycle.
So caffeine is the most common psychotropic drug - and so it decreases blood flow to the brain by blocking the dopamine receptors. Alcohol blocks the GABA receptors.
So caffeine is not as bad from green tea - since it does not activate the cortisol as much as coffee does. But still for meditation you want to increase the serotonin - and so if you have caffeine it keeps the neurotransmitters stuck in the dopamine.
Of course if you do strong standing active exercise - you can more easily burn through these imbalances.
Like the Kervan transformations - deep oxygen plus electromagnetic increase transforms sodium into potassium.
Meditation is then using your ego - as a kind of controlled visionary quest - whereas a strong psychedelic will drop the blood flow to the brain and instead causes a deeper biophoton subconscious activation - just as a mantra will shut down the prefrontal cortex so these deeper connections can become dominant - but with a strong visionary plant-bark - you can not choose to stop the mantra - it has to wear off. The plant-bark drug is in control of your mind and you have to wait.
So meditation is rather seeking out no thing being in control - instead of switching your ego for a plant-bark drug - you tune your ego to switch to nothing being in control - or resonance with the source of reality itself.
This is why Master Nan, Huai-chin says for successful meditation you have to use a very strong ego - you have to be very selfish in order to have the focus to build up the energy to go beyond the Self as the ego. Or Ramana Maharshi says you have to use your mind to kill the mind - so to speak. It is a paradox since our ego disappears every night in deep dreamless sleep yet we can infer something must remain if we are aware in reality - we are not just biological machines?
So taking drugs is just switching over to a different kind of biological machine - it can take you into spiritual realms of visions but visions are not the ultimate reality - the mind can not be seen. But we can logically infer its existence, as we do from after deep dreamless sleep. We wake up going - oh I had a blissful sleep and I really needed that. So we were not aware of the bliss when it happened but only after the fact. And so in deep meditation - as Ramana Maharshi says - the mind gets so strong as spirit light that you can not feel your body, nor does even the physical universe exist anymore - and so also your sense of ego disappears into the light. And so just as in deep dreamless sleep - then you wake up realizing that the real you is neither your mind nor your body, nor your physical surroundings.
So no drug can do that because even if you are tripping out and everything is light - your mind is still gonna wonder - from where does the light come from? And the real question is who is thinking that? And so you can only logically infer the answer or listen to the source of the light, in silence, thereby resonating with the source of the light. So you could even have visions of the future that come true - which begs the question - which was more real? YOur vision of the future or when it happened in the present (the 2nd time). We might realize from strong drugs that our whole life has been a dream that ended in a flash of light, just as a dream does while asleep - but that still does not mean there is something that remains that we can not see.
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