As best I understand the processes, two things are necessary for antigravity the way that John Hutchison gets it to happen. (1) one must make persistent Dirac Sea holes, which before they interact with matter are truly negative energy, negative mass electrons --- NOT positrons. We "see" or observe them as positrons because we first interact them with matter to observe them. In matter interaction, the hole eats an electron, which leaves behind an excess lattice positive charge. Hence it is accounted as the "lattice positron" considered and dealt with in semiconductors. That is NOT a Dirac sea hole.
Technical discussion with John Hutchison (youtube).
Summing that up, physically a scalar thing is a thing that (1) is a vector in time, which is hidden from direct observation, (2) externally is just a magnitude spatially, and (3) has an internal spatial vector structure, and therefore a hyperspatial or virtual-state vector structure.So I posted in the old blog how Dirac referred to Whittaker, page 299 - I looked it up - referencing Poisson Brackets as a reciprocal time or noncommutative phase source. This became the secret foundation of quantum physics through Heisenberg matrices.
Adding Whittaker's engineerable hidden variable theory to classical electro-magnetics, quantum mechanics, and general relativity produces supersets of each discipline. These supersets are joined by the common Whittaker subset, producing a unified field theory that is engineerable and tested.
I was contacted by Nancy, the partner of John Hutchison, and she nicely invited me out to their new Oregon lab, where they are working to neutralize radiation from Fukushima.
The various scientists who witnessed and corroborated the Hutchison Effect were not sure if some telekinesis factor was involved or if the Effect just relied on very subtle calibration of the frequency tunings by Hutchison. But I think Tom Bearden's explanation is the best. (youtube)
Another factor of Boyd Bushmen speaking on the Hutchison Effect - while Bushmen explains that top secret aircraft due use nuclear propulsion. This leads me to believe that Winterberg's nuclear propulsion, using the same principle that Tom Bearden describes, has been put into development. And this goes back to Tesla utilizing this same phase conjugate principle.
But why "mainsteam science" is still completely (more or less) unaware of this effect is quite amazing. As Tom Bearden describes it - if you factor in time then you can self-amplify or resonate from the ether, as reverse time phase conjugate.
To provide the new Tesla AC power technology, which was to be taught in our universities and called "electrical engineering", Lorentz was preparing the equations for the mathematical model to be used. He was using Heaviside's original vector equations, which were still ASYMMETRIC and thus included asymmetric Maxwellian systems.
Tesla had discovered in the late 1880s and early 1890s how to build ASYMMETRIC systems which could take and use all the EM energy one wished, from the "active medium" (Tesla's term) and without consuming fuel. And Tesla was briefing technical societies to that effect. (See rigorous proof that Tesla could have given us free EM energy from the seething active medium: See T. W. Barrett, "Tesla's Nonlinear Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit (OSC) Theory," Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 16(1), 1991, p. 23-41.
Nancy wanted to know what "frequency" was the secret of my own research into this secret, as I did through meditation. Similarly a regular reader of my blog asked for what the special frequency was.
As I explained:
This is the "cognitive bias" that math professor Borzacchini realized happened in mathematics - the bias of geometry. So Connes says at every zero point in space there is a triple spectral in frequency. But one of them must be infinity - so you have zero and infinity as a micro-black hole parameter. And then you have two other frequencies based on noncommutative geometry.
So just as with 2, 3 infinity - you have the frequency of 2/3 and you have the frequency of 3/2 at the same time. So then listening is nonlinear amplification from quantum coherence as a micro black hole.
So then Bearden references this Los Alamos research that is now being improved:
the exact time scale of this problematic trapping process and suggest that a moderate (less than ten-fold) improvement in the electron mobility should allow for collecting photogenerated charge carriers prior to their relaxation into lower-energy states. This would produce a dramatic boost in the photovoltage and therefore increase the overall device efficiency.So this spin exchange resonance is the same secret of noncommutative phase. spin 1/2 is noncommutative phase. So then you have 2 spins at the same time as the electron interaction
Another interesting effect revealed by these studies is the influence of electron and hole "spins" on photoconductance. Usually spin properties of particles (they can be thought of as the rate and direction of particle rotation around its axis) are invoked in the case of interactions with a magnetic field. However, previously it was found that even a weak interaction between spins of an electron and a hole (so-called "spin-exchange" interaction) has a dramatic effect on light emission from the quantum dots.
So then even more recently - this MOnth - journal Nature - we have the Josephson Effect based on asymmetric spin
A tunable 0 − π Josephson junction has inherent potential applications as a cryogenic memory element which is an important component of a superconducting computer which would be much more energy efficient than supercomputers1,2,3 based on current semiconductor technology.
Thus, in this work we obviate the need for any ferromagnets or d-wave superconductors by implementing a Josephson π junction with a magnetic impurity. This magnetic impurity can be an effective model for a spin flipper or even a high spin molecule in certain limits.
The continuum contribution to the Josephson current is the collection of currents carried by both electron-like and hole-like quasiparticles outside the gap.
The hole continuum contribution is found to be equal to the electronic continuum contribution. Therefore, the total continuum current due to electron-like and hole-like excitations is given as follows:
the Free energy shows a bistable behavior, i.e., the Free energy minima occurs at both 0 and π meaning that the ground state of the system does not occur at either 0 or π exclusively but is shared by both. These bistable junctions have a major role to play in quantum computation applications
So sure enough - it is the spin 1/2 phase as the secret:
And back to Tom Bearden On Tesla:We choose phase difference φ = π/2 to see the sign change of the Josephson supercurrent.
We point out that T. W. Barrett, a great higher group symmetry electrodynamicists and one of the cofounders of ultrawideband radar, in fact did a proper higher group symmetry electrodynamics (quaternion electrodynamics) analysis of some of Tesla’s patented circuits, and proved that Tesla indeed could have done what he said. The reference is T. W. Barrett, “Tesla’s Nonlinear Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit (OSC) Theory,” Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 16(1), 1991, p. 23-41. Barrett shows that EM expressed in quaternions allows shuttling and storage of potentials in circuits, and also allows additional EM functioning of a circuit that a conventional EM analysis simply cannot and will not reveal. He shows that Tesla's patented circuits did exactly this.
Thus Whittaker anticipated the quantum mechanical Aharonov/Bohm effect by 55 years, including extending it to the macroscopic world instead of the mesoscopic realm where it has been established to date. [Ref. 3]
Any dipole -- the common dipole! -- is a proven broken symmetry, and hence it continually converts something previously virtual into something observable (which is part of the nature of a broken symmetry). Any dipole continually absorbs virtual photons from the vacuum, additively exciting above the quantum threshold, and then decaying its excitation by re-emitting real observable photons at a steady rate. Indeed, the so-called "static EM field" in electrical engineering -- and associated with every charge and dipole -- is actually a proven steady FREE emission of real, usable EM energy-from-the-vacuum, which continually creates and sustains the so-called "static" EM field. The field is not "static" at all, but is rather like a steady-state waterfall, seemingly fixed in form and intensity at each "point", but comprised of internal components in steady and continual motion.
So what Bearden calls scalar waves are actually noncommutative phase as an asymmetric spin of the 5th dimension.
This is exactly what de Broglie had discovered as well.This current flowed into a coil and produced a force on the needle movement, rotating the needle against a spring. At the same time, another current - a time-reversed, phase-conjugate current - was induced in the atomic nuclei of the atoms in the interaction area. This "inner current" flowed Whittaker- wise through the atomic nuclei of the instrument, producing an equal an opposite force. [This is the mechanism that produces Newton's third law in the first place, as suspected by Feynman.]
The second bidirectional interaction force moves ever inward, since it is a phase conjugate and reconcentrates inward ("crawfishes") rather than scattering outward. This forms a hidden Whittaker current through the atomic nuclei, producing a recoil on all of them. Precisely as much EM energy went into the inner system as went into the outer system. But we normally only measure and account for the external energy, and ignore the energy in the internal channel.And so Bearden's collaborator even calls this a Triode Amplifier - just as I used for my Gurdjieff article explanation.
E.T. Whittaker, of course, wrote the definitive engineering methodology of how to do all this with EM waves - how to infold the EM waves into a bidirectional wave structure that produces a standing wave of externally force-field-free scalar potential. The two Whittaker papers are (1) "On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics," Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57, 1903, p. 333-355; and (2) "On an expression of the electromagnetic field due to electrons by means of two scalar potential functions," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367-372.
Now these hidden internal wave structures exist in all scalar potentials, whether they are electromagnetic or not. For example, Ziolkowski has pointed out what is actually Whittaker's 1903 infolded bidirectional planar waves inside the acoustic scalar wave, in work on acoustic missiles. Acoustic missiles are slugs of very strong sound energy that stay together in a slug as they travel, and strike a target a terrible blow, just as if it were a "missile made of sound energy." [See Richard Ziolkowski, "Localized transmission of wave energy," Proc. SPIE Vol. 1061, Microwave and Particle Beam Sources and Directed Energy Concepts, Jan. 1989, p. 396-397. Ed.] A Soviet scientist, Ignatovich, has pointed out the same remarkable bidirectional wave structure inside the scalar potential associated with the Schroedinger wave equation itself. [See V.K. Ignatovich, "The remarkable capabilities of recursive relations," American Journal of Physics, Vol. 57, No. 10, Oct. 1989, p. 873-878. Ed.]
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