So the issue is that it is proven for musicians who begin training before age 7 on an instrument for mind-body harmonization - I started classical piano at age 5 - we develop a much larger corpus callosum. Only music does that! It is proven that the Octave/Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth intervals resonate the neurons with the strongest amplitude of any harmonics. And so the first physics course I took was quantum mechanics from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein, at my first year of college at Hampshire College. He emphasized that EVERYONE should take quantum mechanics as their FIRST physics course otherwise they are brainwashed by the wrong math of classical physics, taught in high school. I KNEW the math was wrong when we were taught the Pythagorean Theorem, since I had already done advanced music theory training. haha. So I tested 98% in biology on the ACT and 92% in math and 96% in social science - but when I learned about quantum entanglement Professor Herbert J. Bernstein actually singled me out in class as he laughed at the shocked look on my face. haha. And so physicist Lee Smolin also had his first college physics professor as Herbert J. Bernstein and he too recounts his shock at learning about quantum entanglement. Smolin, you might notice, has made a career out of the dilemma of what "Time" means in physics. Bernstein is now having his math-physics model tested for satellite quantum telepathy communication. Instead of using a Bloch Sphere he uses a toroid donut since it is noncommutative phase.
And this brings me back to Nobel physicist Brian Josephson. He thanked me for pointing out to him that former physics professor Lawrence Domash had discovered, via quantum biology, the real secret of the Josephson Junction (used to enable all MRI machines and also used to measure what the Volt is by NIST)....
"...superconductivity within one neuron could become phase coherent with that in an adjoining cell by virtue of quantum tunnelling, and this could be stimulated by the macroscopic analog of stimulated emission (alluded to before in connection with the mantra), that is an AC Josephson effect. ...At a more interesting level, the quantum vacuum state may be said to be empty (of excitation) and yet full in the sense of pure potentiality; it contains "virtual" (unphysical) representatives of all possible modes of matter and excitation in the form of vacuum fluctuations or "virtual particles" (zero-point excitations of each field mode, assigned one-half quanta of energy, due directly to the non-commutative property of the field operators)."
Former Hampshire College physicist Lawrence Domash, confirms superluminal quantum sound as noncommutative meditation! 1975, pdf and then there is this new research on the Josephson Junction!
"We discussed the quantum tunnelling paths in phase space and found that the quantum tunnelling rate is a complex number due to the noncommutative geometry of phase space."
"The coordinate system of a phase space lattice has a noncommutative geometry which is fundamentally different from spatial lattices. It is this noncommutative phase space which creates an artificial magnetic field and is responsible for the asymmetry of the quasienergy band structure.... which is a result of the noncommutative geometry of phase space. ..... been studied in voltage biased Josephson junctions [34, 35]."Synthesizing lattice structures in phase space - IOPscience
by L Guo - 2016
So this then is closely related to the "Time Crystal" research which ties into de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony based on the superluminal phase wave that is from the future. Olivier de Costa Beauregard, the protege of de Broglie, emphasized that this explains precognition! And so the "scientism" that passes for science today is HILARIOUS when the most advanced research in science acknowledges the reality of paranormal phenomenon.
SCIENCE and PARANORMAL PHENOMENA - CERN Document ServerAnd so when pianist Helene Gimbaud says show loves Ravel's adagio movement of the Piano Concerto in G - and this is a piece I also performed in high school - she also says this:
by HP Noyes - 1999 - Related articles
T,Noyes. SCIENCE and PARANORMAL PHENOMENA. ∗ †. H. Pierre Noyes. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309 ... In order to ground my approach to the study of paranormal phenomena, I .... example of the extreme non-locality of quantum mechanics the eternal triangle effect,.
"I think what makes a concert so special is that is has to be an emotional event, first of all. I think few people realize how it has to do with a fraction of a section. If something really special happens, time is all of a sudden being suspended. You know it can actually alter time. It can stop for a moment. When all these people are being touched by something you have this element of shared freedom. There is an equality to it, something very marvelous. You have to push, sort of go to the limit, more than willing to relinquish that control. So you can react to the inspiration of the moment."
Now must people would dismiss that as someone who needs to study physics more. On the contrary she intuitively understands the most sophisticated physics which is quantum biology as noncommutative phase quantum coherence.
Paranormal Aspects - Alternative Natural Philosophy Association
We found it necessary to postulate a 'pre-geometry'.....
This limit to the observation sequence is the point at which we depend on having a combinatorial account of spin....
Now the way is open to describe the very general area of the paranormal. It arises when we relax condition 1. above, which requires a monolinear or sequential time. We still see things in spatio-temporal terms but the rigidity of the metrical conditions has disappeared.
Void Bits (after Spencer-Brown)You have no clue whether a Leprechaun is hiding in my room or not! So a blanket assertion that there is NO leprechaun - is as BAD as claiming that all Leprechauns eat lucky charms! Stay tuned for the NEXT episode of....... FINDING LEPRECHAUNS IN MY ROOM (the on going saga into the fascinating research of how Lucky Charms strewn behind my bed and behind the shelf holding books, actually are OMNIUM portals (a la the great Irish writer Flann O'Brien's book the Third Policeman) into super advanced top secret positronium research of antimatter bombs.
Juan Mascaro translation of Bhagavad Gita:
"Even as the rational mind can see that all matter is energy, the spirit can see that all energy is love, and everything in creation can be a mathematical equation for the mind and a song of love for the soul."quoted by Peter Mercer who states:
From quantum holography it becomes clear that quantum teleportation could be an important mechanism with reference to biological systems. This is not because it allows instantaneous transfer of information from A to B, since this is only possible, because quantum information and classical information are inseparable, so that the whole process of teleportation is ultimately governed by the speed with which the classical information has to be sent, but because it allows twice as much information to be sent as by classical information alone.And Professor Michael Manthey (Aalborg University, Denmark, math/computer science) says:
My definition of ego: the ego is to Self as the hand is to the body. This explains why most people - in that they are continuously immersed in ego-consciousness when they are not asleep - are unable to perceive auras.I would clarify this as the ego is to Self as the RIGHT hand is to the LEFT mind's perception of the body. The spiritual ego is to Self as the LEFT hand is to the RIGHT mind's perception of the body.
To solve this limitation realize that the deep UNCONSCIOUS is the lower body as yin (for males) and the upper body is yang while the left hand is yang and right hand is yin.
esoteric traditions agree that the sense of hearing is the deepest, organizing entity of perceptive consciousness. In that hearing is wave-based this implies that "higher" consciousness has a wave-like character. I note that the wave state is inherently non-local.And from
Algebraically, co-occurrences are spin 1 objects, which is the fundamental criterion for having a wave-like character (whereas co-exclusions have spin 1/2, which is a particle-like criterion). ...Co-occurrences by definition, occur neither before nor after each other, have a timeless character....Co-occurrence then is the LIGHT turn back onto itself as zero time while the spin 1/2 are the superluminal phonons as eternal time.
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