Scientists have continued to note the lack of unbiased coverage, from both polarized sides.[30]And so this is the Law of Phase Harmony at work - Frequency is to Time as Momentum is to Wavelength. By creating an asymmetric phase wave you get force as antigravity propulsion.
In 2006, responding to the New Scientist piece, mathematical physicist John C. Baez at the University of California, Riverside, and Australian science-fiction writer Greg Egan, said the positive results reported by Shawyer were likely misinterpretations of experimental errors.[31]
In 2014, Harold White's conference paper suggested that resonant cavity thrusters could work by transferring momentum to the "quantum vacuum virtual plasma."[32] Baez and Carroll criticized this explanation, because in the standard description of vacuum fluctuations, virtual particles do not behave as a plasma; Carroll also noted that the quantum vacuum has no "rest frame", providing nothing to push against, so it can't be used for propulsion.[9][33] In the same way, physicists James F. Woodward and Heidi Fearn published two papers showing that the amount of electron-positron virtual pairs of the quantum vacuum, used by White as a virtual plasma propellant, cannot account for thrusts in any isolated, closed electromagnetic system such as a quantum vacuum thruster.[34][35]
Physicists Eric W. Davis at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, and Sean M. Carroll at the California Institute of Technology,[36] said in 2015 that the thrust reported in papers by both Tajmar and White were indicative of thermal effect errors.
There are 2 main views about this technology. One) the military already uses it based on Tesla's concept. I recently documented that Tesla's scalar energy - his free energy transmission - was the SAME equation as the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. I PERSONALLY know from experience the military has secret aircraft propulsion as I saw one of those black equilateral craft up so close I could have hit it with a rock! Summer 1997. Also my first physics class (and ONLY physics class) was from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein - who got his quantum entanglement research "classified" by the military as "top secret" without his own prior knowledge! He was surprised to discover it has been classified top secret! And now his quantum entanglement satellite communication technology is being tested by NASA - but as one of the top experimenters in this field - Alain Aspect - notes - this stuff - a lot of it is classified top secret.
Two) - It's all a fraud - this is the current "wikipedia" or "reddit" meme - the kind of "pop" science "off the shelf" technologists view of science promoted by Richard Dawkins and the fervid materialistic idealism Atheist crowd. Guess what? Richard Dawkins is actually a Platonist - not an Atheist! haha. I exposed that back over ten years ago.
And so we know that Metamaterials are also a lot of top secret classified military research - and we also know that the same principles are at work in Sonofusion.
And similarly Positronium - which is antimatter as a weapon. Joseph P. Farrell has made the claims and arguments - very much along the same lines as me - only he thinks that ancient civilizations were REALLY ADVANCED with spacecraft and cosmic battles, etc. No - I think that is actually CIA propaganda along the lines of the ET propaganda that is so prominent.
People REALLY want technology to "save" us in the face of the ecological crisis. As Dr. Gee McPherson - or Professor Emeritus Guy McFearSun - has emphasized - all the evidence is overwhelming that the Goose is Cooked - and we don't know when the problem became unfeasible.
In other words just as ADVANCED ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY continues to exist in the "top-secret fraud" realm - so too does ANCIENT ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY because we don't know if alchemists started this problem in the first place. I mean archaeologists call it the "symbolic revolution" - and you can see suggestions of this with Ramana Maharshi. He says that his I-thought eternal resonates or pulsates out of his Heart has his sense of formless awareness beyond death, the formless awareness of the Universe. I had the amazing experience of this "beyond the heart" formless awareness - the Qi of the Ether -
It actually happened a couple times - one was in my room at night - I was woken up by his qi energy working on me - and so I KNEW that his spirit was in the room - as he does long distance healing - but I could not see his spirit and yet I could FEEL his ether-qi that he activates for his long distance healing. haha. And the 2nd time is when the right side of my heart suddenly was overwhelmed by strong qi sensation - and so I shut up in silent shock, after I had been ranting about politics.
but that is just their MIND whereas their HEART as spirit intention can then reverse what their mind as personality was experiencing. This is the difference between "character" as the real intention of the spirit frequency of light - and "personality" as the - what in India is called "vasanas" - well I mean it is closely connected - the personality will change based on the social context while the Character is the subconscious that is hard wired - and so manifests as personality sometimes.
And so we as a human species have the same paradox. We face the end of the road and are destroying the road of life on Earth as we drive accelerating to the end of Time as a Spatial logarithmic measurement - based on the WRONG music theory! And so our personality is the CAR - sometimes it swerves to the Left, sometimes to the Right. This is the SAME metaphor of the chariot and horses in the Vedic sacred scripture.
And so Jenny Randles, the UFO (transmorphogenetic) researcher dubbed this the OZ EFFECT - as I discuss in my 2012 pdf, Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music. People hear the high pitch sound - the buzzing - and suddenly are having a kind of DMT-type vision where 4D spacetime seems "more real" and yet in the future and the past at the same time. And after it is over, a person is left TRULY STUNNED that our mind is not real, our physical body is not real - but ONLY the Cosmic Mother is real and no ONE will ever see her.
You may think that the Uncertainty Principle has nothing to do with music. But the formula can be transformed into the relation between time and frequency of waves. ...Now we have found out the fact that it is impossible for us to know the exact frequencies in our sound wave at an exact moment in time.... In other words, theoretically we cannot get the perfect fifth tone with a frequency f from a root tone with a frequency f0 by calculating f = f0 × 3/2.
The Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev also discovered the secret of this superluminal ether as a scalar wave - Time is a form of energy. "Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in Linear Approximation"
N.A. Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matter where it functions as a transformer of time-form energy into heat-energy. It is concluded that the transformation involves several electrodynamical processes, but, generally, any closed mechanical system can produce energy also if it is an asymmetrical system. The asymmetry for mechanics by Kozyrev is cause-effect asymmetry and if the mechanical system includes the non-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the energy from time-flow. By my opinion, this is the theoretical basis for any kind of perpetual motion system. Joseph P. Farrell extrapolates on Kozyrev's research to speculate on secret military powers and ancient civilizations - his "Grid of the Gods" 2011 book link
Farrell argues for an ancient global high civilization based on alchemy and then he includes a section called: B. Music, the Alchemical Medium, and Astronomy:
The Vedic tradition is full of allusions to the "luminous nature of sound". Indeed, the word for light (svar) is similar to the word for sound (svara). — This as I have observed elsewhere, is another clue that perhaps we are viewing a legacy of a lost sophistication in physics, for the idea of a "sound-light" can also be understood as "electro-acoustic," i.e., as longitudinal electrical
waves in the medium, recalling the "Sound- Eye" spoken of in the Egyptian Edfu texts.—...In other words, our "ancient topological metaphor" is also a musical metaphor....the use of musical codes in the Platonic and Pythagorean traditions — rather than the quantum mechanical and astronomical encoding, that points directly to the next necessary stage in our speculative case that pyramidal structures are hyper-dimensional machines, designed to manipulate the medium itself, in all its effects, including consciousness.... The Pythagoreans, in other words, were preserving a secret of hyper-dimensional geometry....
The key point of Kozyrev is that, unlike Western science, the scalar is asymmetric resonance and it was the key insight to explain paranormal research in the Soviet Union.
Asymmetry is a basic property of life. This can't be a chance thing, Dr. Kozyrev thought. ... Perhaps the energy of "time" flows in this pattern.
Tim Maudlin - NYU Philosophy of Science Professor - The Directionality of Time as the Fundamental of Reality - time is asymmetric order:
I think this is a really nice place to go fundamental....We shouldn't try to give a further explanation or account of the direction of's doing a job that doesn't need anything underneath it to further produce. The other thing about taking the direction of time, this is where we ought to end, at this asymmetrical before/after relation...It is the fundamental ordering principle.
Quantum Coherence self-amplifies as negentropic energy
And so Joseph P. Farrell was CORROBORATED by the Professor of Sanskrit that I blogged on.The "luminous nature of sound" is what he translated as the OM of LIGHT.
And then I discover a Tamil scholar calling it the Primal Unvoiced Sound. This is what I first experienced from my own religious spiritual music training - on piano and voice and guitar and studying music theory privately on the college level while I was still an INNOCENT young male. So I was able to innocently ponder the logical paradox of the Pythagorean Tetrktys - without realizing I was initiated myself into the Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy secret of reality.
Human body is also called veena, a musical instrument as it produces musical notes through vocal cords. The stringed and wind blown instruments naturally produce pleasant notes so they get upper hand in musical instruments. Chitra veena has seven strings and is played by fingers. Vipanchi has nine strings and is played by kona (plectrum). These veenas can be seen in early sculptures of Sanchi, Barhat, Amaravati, Nagarjunkonda etc. In Buddhist literature, there is a mention of a seven stringed veena. It describes there that Buddha broke the seven strings one by one and still the notes continued. It shows that the influence of music lasted even after the actual music stopped.
Meditate on Brahma as made of light - a light consisting of OM, that is the luminous Jnana. When the kundalini joins the SELF she exits through the sockets of the eyes. This subtle jnana is to be kept secret. Dr. James Mallinson
process of creation depends on Nada and Bindu from the union of which
Siva and Shakti appear....Only Nada, manifested by the gross (and
inaudible) varnas is the denote of meaning. ...primal unvoiced sound
(Nada), in almost gross sound (Bindu)....hence the Nada becomes the
power of Sakti....sound both as Siva and Sakti....Dualism comes under
the literature created after the pluralistic amalgamation of Saivagamas,
is not in the earlier Tamil works."
International Journal of Science and Research Publicatons, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012, "The Concept of Nada and Bindu in Tirumantiram" pdf
Nirmala V., Dept. of Sanskrit Sahitya, Research Scholar, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, India
5th Century A.D.!!
Tirumantiram - A Tamil Scriptural Classic - Google Books Result
Tirumular - 2016 - Religion
1277 Bija — Causal and Caused Two the Bijas from Nada arise, One the Bija that ascends upward; And with Nada alike arises, The Seed behind as (Caused) Bindu expands. ______ Of the two bijas that arise from nada, one ascends upward; and with nada equal, the seed behind expands as caused bindu. விரித வி ..
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