Friday, September 22, 2023

The Path of the Masters: Julian Johnson book on sound-current nondualism as the Audible Life Stream

What is Surat Shabd Yoga? | Ishwar Puri (Sound-Current nondualism) vid 

 The "divine strain" hums all around us, yet we are of so gross a nature that we hear it not! Only by entering into the divine silence and closing our ears to the world of illusions can we catch the celestial melody or else we are yielding to the illusions of our imagination and reaping bitter misery.



THE Audible Life Stream is the cardinal, central fact in the Science of the Masters. It is the keystone of the arch. It is the cornerstone of the structure. It is the structure itself. And it is the Path of the Masters. One might say that the Master and the Life Stream constitute the Path of the Masters. The great spiritual Current is not only the central fact in the Science of the Masters but it is the supreme fact and factor of the entire universe. It is the very essence and life of all things.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Tremendous Physical Implications! Inversion Symmetry breaking secret behind Neutrino-Photon energy interaction and Costa de Beauregard's alchemy

solar corona heating puzzle,” says Ishikawa. “This is a long-standing mystery concerning the mechanism by which the outermost atmosphere of the sun—its corona—is at a much higher temperature than the sun’s surface... Our work shows that the interaction between neutrinos and photons liberates energy that heats up the solar corona.”

  inversion symmetry breaking....a parity violating shift of the polarization direction of the photon,... the transition probability of a massive neutrino to a neutrino and photon that is derived from ...are not constrained by masses....

 The electroweak Hall Lagrangian shows a new interaction between a neutrino and photon in magnetized plasma. This causes an electroweak Hall effect between the photon and a pair of neutrinos with the same origin as the electronic Hall effect in the semiconductor. 

 Topological interaction of neutrino with photon in a magnetic field — Electroweak Hall effect” by Kenzo Ishikawa and Yutaka Tobita, 12 August 2023, Physics Open.

French physicist Oliver Costa de Beauregard, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Institut de Physique Theorique Henri Poincare (Faculty of Sciences, Paris) who is also Director of the Centre National de la Reserche Scientifique (C.N.R.S.). Costa de Beauregard suggests that such transmutations neither takes place through strong interactions, nor through electromagnetic forces, but through the weak interaction. This takes place through the neutral current of the intermediate vector boson, the so called Zo, particle recently discovered by particle physicists. Kervran's reaction for a biological transmutation from Potassium (K) to Calcium (Ca) in germinating oats is thus explained as being Initiated by neutrino capture (from cosmic rays) and the weak interaction follows mediated by the Z, neutral current (the Zo probably existing as a virtual particle):-

 involving the absorption of photons of light from the sun, but also weak interactions that can effect the nuclear structure of matter, activated through the participation of cosmic energy in the form of neutrinos that stream down upon the earth from the depths of the universe.


 neutrinos being the same "v" as in this equation:

not invariant under three dimensional rotations and inversions.
it's a noncommutative Wick rotation!

 parity violating shift of the polarization direction of the photon, Farady


Quantum Faraday and Kerr rotations in graphene

Louis Kervran, "Biological evidence of low energy transmutations", Maloine, 1975
(See "Final Note" by Costa de Beauregard)

Ishikawa, K. (1985). Axial anomaly in three dimensions and planar fermions. Physical Review D, 31(6), 1432–1442. doi:10.1103/physrevd.31.1432

We have revealed, however, how neutrinos and photons can be induced to interact in the uniform magnetic fields of the extremely large scale—as large as 103 km—found in the form of matter known as plasma, which occurs around stars.” Plasma is an ionized gas, meaning that all of its atoms have acquired either an excess or a deficiency of electrons, making them negatively or positively charged ions, rather than the neutral atoms that can occur under everyday conditions on Earth.

 the extra term arising out of the noncommutative
geometry is the direct result of the dark energy which thus also features in
the modified standard model Lagrangian.

 B.G. Sidharth on the noncommutative neutrino

 Examples of noncommutative geometrical spaces
Joseph C. V´arilly






       The presence of negative indices of refraction in one-dimensional (1D) disordered metamaterials strongly sup-presses Anderson localization due to the lack of phase ac-cumulation during wave propagation, which thus weak-ens interference effects necessary for localization [14]. Asa consequence, an unusual behaviour of the localizationlengthξat long-wavelengthsλhas been observed [14–16]. This is unlike the well-known quadratic asymptoticbehaviourξλ2for standard isotropic layers (see,e.g.[17]). It can be seen that the metamaterial configurationshave an effect on the magneto-optical transport propertiesof the electromagnetic waves.The presence of negative indices of refraction in one-dimensional (1D) disordered metamaterials strongly sup-presses Anderson localization due to the lack of phase ac-cumulation during wave propagation, which thus weak-ens interference effects necessary for localization [14]. Asa consequence, an unusual behaviour of the localizationlengthξat long-wavelengthsλhas been observed [14–16]. This is unlike the well-known quadratic asymptoticbehaviourξλ2for standard isotropic layers (see,e.g.[17]). It can be seen that the metamaterial configurationshave an effect on the magneto-optical transport propertiesof the electromagnetic waves.