Interview on facebook - "it is a way of life"
how you relate to the environment and that's a big problem right now.
The only constancy is change.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Interview on facebook - "it is a way of life"
how you relate to the environment and that's a big problem right now.
The only constancy is change.
In 2020 Covenant House had 10 people making over $200K a year! by constantly calling people all the time begging for $$? Nice way to achieve the "American Dream."
James M. White | Executive VP, Strategic Planning | $334,734 | |
2 | Jill Vorndran | Chief Development Officer | $321,501 |
3 | Deirdre Cronin | COO | $294,536 |
I tried to find that "vast wasteland" supposed quote from Mark Twain. It's all over the internet - people saying, "And I quote" - but of course they are NOT quoting at all! Just saying "and I quote" is not the same as actually providing a reference. People fall for that since it's the "interwebs" hahaha. So here is the actual quote from Mark Twain that I could find (keep in mind there is no use of the word "wasteland" in his book at all)
"Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation that has an expression about it of being sorrowful and despondent. The Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee sleep in the midst of a vast stretch of hill and plain wherein the eye rests upon no pleasant tint, no striking object, no soft picture dreaming in a purple haze or mottled with the shadows of the clouds. Every outline is harsh, every feature is distinct, there is no perspective — distance works no enchantment here. It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land."
. Innocents Abroad brought global attention to the sorry state of Palestine and proved that Palestine was a land without a people for a people without a land just 15 years before the First Aliya and subsequent waves of Jewish immigration.
No it didn't! Twain never called Palestine a "vast wasteland"
a vast stretch of hill and plain
is not a wasteland
The central Jezreel Valley, roughly 380 square kilometers in size
Riding on horseback through the Jezreel Valley, Twain observed, “There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent – not for 30 miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride 10 miles, hereabouts, and not see 10 human beings.”
This is the "proof" that Palestine is a wasteland? 30 miles square of 300 people?
2,324 mi²
So 6070.932 square kilometers... which is about 15 Jezreel Valleys.... clearly the population of that Valley is not demonstrative of all of Palestine considering:
Palestine demographics of 1882 | show 24,000 Jews | 276,000 | non-Jews 300,000 | total people 8.0% Jews |
300,000 people is a lot more than 300 people x 15 or 4500 people.
Throughout Innocents Abroad, Twain explicitly states that the area was desolate and devoid of inhabitants.
Mark Twain:Palestine is desolate and unlovely. And why should it be otherwise ? Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land ?p. 608 desolate is not the same as "devoid of people" -
Rather Desolate means "devoid" of perspective in landscape! Mark Twain:these low, shaven, yellow hillocks of rocks and sand, so devoid of perspective,can not suggest the grand peaks that compass Tahoe like a wall, and whose ribbed and chasmed fronts are clad with stately pines that seem to grow small and smaller as they climb,Note that's the only use of the word "devoid" in that book by Mark Twain.
Joseph Farrah et. al.
In an article “The Jews took no one’s land”, Farrah wrote: “Let me state this plainly and clearly: The Jews in Israel took no one’s land. When Mark Twain visited the Holy Land in the 19th century, he was greatly disappointed. He didn’t see any people. He referred to it as a vast wasteland.
No he didn't!
Twain had encountered in Europe, along with the teeming cities and towns of Turkey and Syria, the land of the bible was not just a jarring contrast, it was inconceivable in light of the rich history with which it was associated. Western civilization owed itself to countless centuries of events that had occurred in this exact geographic location, and yet it was a veritable wasteland, whose inhabitants – of all faiths and cultures – were primitive and unsophisticated.
Is it a "veritable" wasteland or a "vast" wasteland?
“this wasteland of Palestine,”
Wasteland is literally NOT a word in Mark Twain's book!!
Strange since Netanyahu's book does not claim Mark Twain said "vast wasteland" and he gives the page number references!
Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1984), pp. 385, 398.
Page 447
57. Twain, Innocents Abroad, pp. 384, 403, 414, 442, 480, 485-86.
Page 462
6. Twain, Innocents Abroad, p. 379.
Netanyahu and Joan Peters quote Twain saying the Jezreel Valley was without “a single permanent habitation.” But James Gelvin of UCLA’s recent history of Israel-Palestine discusses how the valley was extensively cultivated and that Palestinian villagers who lived throughout the hill areas built khirab (sing. khirba), meaning ruins in Arabic, as temporary shelter for planting and harvest.
Gelvin notes that the “forsaken state of these satellite villages created an impression on Palestine among Western visitors and Zionist settlers far removed from reality…. Little did tourists like Twain or advocates of settlement like the early Zionists comprehend that the seemingly abandoned and ramshackle villages on the plain indicated an increase in security and prosperity, not an absence of habitation.”
Many of the year-round villages were not in places mentioned in the Bible, so Western visitors didn’t see them. Thus the ill-informed anecdotes of Mark Twain (whom I otherwise love) inform the self-serving justifications of Netanyahu’s expansionist and, frankly, chauvinist policies. How sad.
Thanks - I actually focused on Bach for my classical private piano training. My teacher promoted me to a chamber music training camp since I memorized Bach fast. I was already questioning Western turning though by age 16 as I listened to free jazz, avant-garde and noise (hardcore punk), blues, global nonwestern music, etc.
that's interesting! I never really noticed Bach relying on the 1-4-5 although I would be surprised if that was not true. Yes Slavoj Zizek tries to emphasize the secret of Bach is that his harmonics are spread out horizontally in the counterpoint - so for example Bach can slip in the Tritone, etc. Do you know if there are any recordings of Bach using the actual well-tempered tunings? I haven't even looked. I know that the "Just Tuning" scene that Adam Neely dives into does not quite engage with the secret of the 1-4-5 music intervals.
In my master's thesis I cite how for example the tritone overtones are harmonic - and so this is called the "Paradox of the Poles" by Lendvai's book on Bartok. Erno Lendvai. He was dismissed by academy since his "golden mean" argument about Bartok seems a bit forced but his "Paradox of the Poles" claim on Bartok makes a lot of sense I think. The key point that Alain Connes is making is that contrary to the Pythagorean Comma simply being divided "back" into the octave, rather the Perfect Fifth is noncommutative to the root tonic and thus actually music has a geometric dimension of zero.
"In order to maintain a sense of self-respect and independence, many newspeople deny the realities of class power under which they manufacture the news. “The mass media are capitalist institutions,” notes Chomsky. “The fact that these institutions reflect the ideology of dominant economic interests is hardly surprising.” (Parenti, 1986, p. 58).
Parenti quotes Chomsky - how?
Disinformation: The Manufacture of Consent was actually published in 1984
It was an exhibit in NYC?
Chomsky, Noam and Herman, Edward S. and Berkowitz, Terry and Lebron, Michael and Ostrow, Saul and Rodriguez, Geno and Torres, Francesc. Disinformation : The Manufacture of Consent. New York, NY: The Alternative Museum, 1984.
Exhibition dates: 2 - 30 Mar. 1985, Alternative Museum (New York).
Curator Rodriguez describes his work with artists to produce politically-charged pieces as a critique of the US media. Chomsky and Herman offer several case histories of US media propaganda. Commentary by some of the artists. Biographical notes. 2 bibl. ref.
What does Parenti cite in 1986?
Full Parenti book can be "checked out" on archive
This critique builds on work that came before it. I want to express my gratitude to persons who played no active role in the preparation of this manuscript but whose efforts provided a valuable foundation and inspiration for my own, specifically George Seldes, James Aronson, Noam Chomsky, Herbert Gans,
48. Noam Chomsky, "1984: Orwell's and Ours," forthcoming in The Thoreau Quarterly, vol. 16.
Page 186
48. Other writers have criticized the media's treatment of the Third World: see Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, After the Cataclysm (Boston: South End Press, 1979) on media distortion of Indochina events and U.S. policies; Herman, The Real Terror Network on Latin America;
And as for East Timor, Noam Chomsky observed that the New York Times index gave six full columns of citations to remote Timor in 1975 when Fretilin was emerging the victor and the situation was of great concern to the State Department and the CIA. In 1977, however, as the Indonesian army's war of annihilation reached awe- some proportions, the Times index gave Timor only five lines.6 Politics rather than geography determined the amount of coverage.
5. For a thorough treatment of East Timor, see Chomsky and Herman, The Washington Connection . . . pp. 132-204;
Parenti talk in 1993:
An accountant testified under oath to Congress today that he laundered billions of dollars in illegal drug profits through Panama's banking system with the help of Gen. Antonio Manuel Noriega, commander of the country's army and police and de facto leader.
Ramon Milian Rodriguez, a 36-year-old American who was born in Cuba and is now serving a 43-year sentence for money-laundering, told a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee that a ''ballpark figure'' of what he paid General Noriega for his services was between $320 million and $350 million.
Although other witnesses have described General Noriega's complicity in money laundering, drug dealing and corruption during four days of testimony, it was the sheer volume of Mr. Rodriguez's operation that seemed to stun the subcommittee.
In hundreds of trips to Panama, Mr. Rodriguez said, he moved about $11 billion in drug profits from secret safehouses around the United States run by the Medellin cartel from Colombia, through Miami to Panama. He said he personally earned about $2 million to $3 million a month, and that toward the end of his career, he was laundering $200 million a month. On Board of Companies
All the time, Mr. Rodriguez said, he ran what people thought was a respectable legal accounting practice in Miami and served on the board of several Miami banks and companies.
Describing General Noriega, who was indicted last week on drug charges, as ''sort of a slippery and tricky fellow,'' Mr. Rodriguez testified that he paid a commission of between 1 to 10 percent to the Panamanian leader, depending on the transaction. In exchange, General Noriega gave him the use of Panama's airports, banking system and security officers to facilitate the money-laundering, and provided information about the identity of American drug agents, radio frequencies and the schedules of Coast Guard and American Navy surveillance vessels. 'I'm Paying Him Back Now
Mr. Rodriguez said he laundered money not only through Panama, but also through Curacao, Switzerland, Hong Kong and the Bahamas.
Mr. Rodriguez said General Noriega first agreed to the money-laundering deal in 1979 when he was a colonel heading the country's military intelligence. The relationship abruptly ended four years later when, said Mr. Rodriguez, the Panamanian leader revealed his identity to American authorities and he was arrested for illegally transporting $5.4 million in cash.
''I'm paying him back now,'' Mr. Rodriguez, who was accompanied to today's hearing by Federal marshals, said of his testimony. ''If you wish to call that a personal vendetta, well then, that's fine.''
Mr. Rodriguez, who called himself a supporter of the anti-Sandinista rebels known as contras, also said he channeled laundered drug money to them through a shrimp processing warehouse that he set up as a front company to aid the transfers. ''Narcotics proceeds were used to shore up contra efforts,'' he said. ''I have laundered money for that network. I made it possible to transfer funds.''
When asked by Senator Kerry how the money was moved to the contras, Mr. Rodriguez replied, ''I had a liaison with the U.S. intelligence - let's not call him U.S. intelligence. Let's call him whoever was running the resupply.'' He added that the middlemen to the contras knew that the funds came from drug profits. Statements Not Pursued
The subcommittee did not pursue Mr. Rodriguez's statements about financing the contras with drug money with the help of American intelligence, an sensitive issue that Administration officials have repeatedly denied.
On Tuesday, however, the subcommittee heard sworn testimony from Jose I. Blandon, a former close aide to General Noriega, who identified a former leader of a contra group as a drug trafficker who now lives in Panama.
And in testimony on Monday, Paul Gorman, a retired general who headed the United States Southern Command headquarters in Panama from 1983 to 1985, said he would not find it surprising if the contras' operating on the southern front in Costa Rica were dependent on drug profits. ''Particularly if they'd been on someone's payroll and had their funds cut off, that would be the natural recourse of those people.''
In an indication of the increased strain in American-Panamanian relations after the Noriega indictments, Secretary of State George P. Shultz yesterday called the action appropriate. In an interview with American newspaper chains, he added that the indictment of a key figure in an important country was unprecedented.
Senator Kerry is expected to focus on the involvement of the contras in drug trafficking when he convenes subsequent hearings in March.
Mr. Rodriguez was the final witness in four days of dramatic hearings that included sworn testimony from General Gorman, Manhattan District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau, Mr. Blandon, convicted drug dealers and pilots who either were involved in or had knowledge of money laundering and drug trafficking.
Taken together, their story paints an extraordinarily detailed picture of how in the last decade and a half, the Panamanian leader apparently transformed his country into a clearinghouse for drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations.
Billions of dollars involved in the trade, fueled by American demand have made officials from countries like Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, and the Bahamas ripe for corruption.
Brigade 2506 (Brigada Asalto 2506) was a CIA-sponsored group of Cuban exiles formed in 1960 to attempt the military overthrow of the Cuban government headed ..
John Kerry interview of Ramon Rodriguez
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
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