Sunday, October 30, 2022

Earth Overshoot Day versus the Infinite Abundance lie of New Age healing "wealth" aka the Prosperity Gospel

 Qigong Master Chunyi Lin promotes money, wealth and abundance for qigong healers:

If only the Earth could provide wealth for everyone? How many more Earth's do we need?
  In 2022, Earth Overshoot Day fell on July 28. Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity has exhausted nature's budget for the year. For the rest of the year, we are maintaining our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A good, happy and wealthy life...welcome abundance to your life
HILARIOUS!!! In fact we face immediate biological annihilation due to "wealth abundance."
Qigong as GreenWashing - when's the next Cruise Ship for the monks? hahaha.

  yes our modern "world" is completely based on burning up hundreds of millions of years of solar energy from algae dying in the past 200 years. So Roger Penrose explains how the solar energy is originally not from thermonuclear reactions but rather from the gravitational potential energy or dark energy that is also negative entropy. Penrose explains that mass as spacetime originates from frequency and Penrose then with his new "palatial" twistor model relying on noncommutativity as time being highly asymmetric to frequency that is also nonlocal! So this ties into global warming even - as Penrose also explains. Basically gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter and thus all our high tech precision to decrease the entropy of matter is accelerating time on Earth as increased gravitational entropy - a logarithmic singularity of accelerating doom. The science of global warming is completely based on the quantum frequency resonance of molecules with photons. Peter Wadhams actually did a great recent presentation - you know Wadhams shared his office with Stephen Hawking and so he probably knows Roger Penrose also. Wadhams went to the arctic 50 times to study the ice and then he published his book, "Farewell to Ice" and he was "relieved" from Cambridge after that. haha. Apparently they didn't like his grim outlook on things. Fascinatingly Wadhams also studied the history of parapsychology research at Cambridge - I got a new book on that also that I need to dig into. Qigong master Chunyi Lin said when he was working to heal a hurricane - several years ago - I think it was Sandy - that he saw "millions" of "angry spirits" powering the hurricane! So indeed all matter is originally from photons or light. The stored up emotional energy (electrochemical) of light is then the secret superluminal spin of light or the secret noncommutative time-frequency of light as 1/2 spin. This is why even ghosts need to be healed by the qigong masters!! Yeah here is Peter Wadham's recent lecture giving an overview on global warming science. The science itself was proven in detail by Arrhenius in the 1890s or so. "He received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903, becoming the first Swedish Nobel laureate." But the real details are from quantum frequency and that's what Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert goes into. The deeper level of the negentropy of the sun and how civilization is the increase of entropy that is based on the wrong mathematics is actually the focus of physics professor Albert Bartlett's lecture that he repeated over 1000 times in person as his "career"!! Population, Arithmetic and Energy. Several versions are on youtube. It's basically just the exponential function as the foundation of Western science. haha. The truth of reality is noncommutativity math and most scientists don't even know about noncommutativity math - as Alain Connes points out they find the math "strange" and a "nuisance." Jim Massa did a great talk recently on how James Hansen is now emphasizing how the Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously though - meaning that our "switch" to cleaner energy to clean up sulfur pollution from burning coal and diesel is rapidly heating up Earth even more!! So yeah I agree that global warming is the big taboo in science since most physicists don't focus on our ecological crisis and in fact Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert didn't even respond back to me when I asked him about how the Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously thought! Instead he got self-righteous about it and said he was too busy to respond and he was offended that I expected an answer so soon when he was swamped, etc. hahaha. The truth of Mother Nature doesn't care about our lower frequency emotional energy blockages or rather our subconscious projection of those lower frequency blockages as right-hand dominant technology via left-brain dominance is now killing off the left-hand dominant amino acids of life on Earth from right-brain dominant animals. This is what my 2012 free book goes into, "The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music." Will something like cold fusion or HHO or other types of antigravity technology save us? There is a "diminishing rate of return" on or "net rate of return" on energy investment now. Peter Wadhams thinks that possible some kind of "albedo modification" will save us while Raymond Pierrehumbert thinks any kind of "albedo modification" will lock Earth into a "Terminal Shock" scenario. Meaning that the CO2 emissions have a 10000 year life cycle in the biosphere since the oceans absorb 50% of the CO2 emissions and then slowly release the CO2 back and also the increased heat in the oceans with the oceans absorbing 90% of the heat - 240 Zettajoules of heat has now been absorbed into the oceans due to modern human global warming emissions. Here is Peter Wadham's most recent livestream talk on the Arctic Ice. Paul Beckwith actually is a laser physicist - so the label "climatologist" is really a catch all term. haha. They are pushing the albedo modification technology. I agree with Raymond Pierrehumbert on this - it's just an excuse for civilization to keep increasing CO2 emissions.

SciAm profile of Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson Part 2: John Horgan tells me it was his favorite?


Tell Brian that this is one of my all-time favorite profiles. He sounds much more reasonable to me now than he did then.