The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
I uploaded my transcription of Alain Connes "mind-blowing mathematical fact" lecture on von Neumann Type II
This is his most important lecture in my view.
He says he was very hesitant to give this lecture!
He himself calls it "mind-blowing" as a "Mathematical fact" - several times.
His argument is that linear time is not the truth of reality and even more so the noncommutative phase only appears to be random due to our limit of observation.
Alain Connes then presents his music theory noncommutativity factorization as the most simple example of a Type II factorization quantum formalism.
Monday, August 29, 2022
Several Cities legalize 120 square foot tiny homes with no permit needed (building code is still required except for agricultural purposes!))
no mention of the 120 sq foot here
Currently all private residential buildings are required to be built on a permanent foundation, making it illegal for an RV-dweller to live in most places in Oakland, except in rare cases like some empty lots where there isn’t an existing house or other structure.
Under the new ordinance, one or more RVs or tiny houses could be stationed temporarily or permanently on a private lot. Each RV would count as a housing unit in the city’s zoning code, and in many cases they would qualify as “ADUs,” or accessory dwelling units, which are permitted across the city.
VRFs include motorhomes, trailers, and tiny homes on wheels. They contain less than 320 square feet of internal living area and 400 square feet or less of gross horizontal area.
Building Permits are required to prepare the site (e.g., Grading Permit) and install utilities (e.g., Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit).
OK https://www.tinyhouseallianceusa.org/st-paul-approves-zoning-code-changes-for-tiny-homes/
Another code tweak changes the maximum permitted size for an accessory dwelling unit from 800 square feet to 75% of the principal unit.
Exemptions from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Building permits shall not be required for the following:
1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.
to build a tiny
house on a permanent foundation, all
construction must be done according to the
International Residential Code (IRC), the
plumbing, electrical, and fire code. The 2015
IRC requires a minimum of 120 square feet
for a room. Adding in the requirements for a
kitchen, bathroom and laundry room/closet,
a tiny house that is compliant with the code
is likely to be a minimum of 300 square feet
Permanent foundation means permanent masonry, concrete, or a locally approved footing or foundation, to which a manufactured or mobile home may be affixed.
Non-Permanent Foundations
Non-permanent foundations can be detached from your home, meaning they are on the whole easier to transport.
Pier (or footer) Foundations – These foundations can vary in their shapes and materials and may include steel frames, concrete blocks, or a combination of both.
The International Residential Code (IRC) addresses dwelling units and requires that “permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation” be provided in a dwelling, along with other requirements such as heating, mechanical and energy efficiency provisions. For example, park model recreation vehicles are only required to meet minimal insulation requirements of R-5 for floor, R-5 for walls and R-7 for ceilings. In contrast, dwellings are held to a much more efficient requirement of R-30 for floors, R-21 for walls and R-49 for ceiling, providing greater energy sustainability
Oakland expands 'Tuff Shed' program to large homeless camp
I wonder why they don't just use RV's. Cheap and no code requirements.
the fact that it denies sanitary and water districts the chance to collect fees is a killer, the lobbyists for these political entities will spend a fortune to kill it.
Does Duluth MN allow tiny homes?If a tiny house is built as an accessory dwelling unit an existing single or two family dwelling, it may not exceed 800 square feet. Up until early 2020, the zoning code required all new one family dwellings to be at least 20 feet wide; that is no longer a requirement in Duluth.Jun 26, 2020
Temporary foundation means: Footing not below frostline or protected from frost heave and shall be permitted on private property for no more than six months
Subdivision 1.Application.
(a) The State Building Code is the standard that applies statewide for the construction, reconstruction,
alteration, repair, and use of buildings and other structures of the type governed by the code.
(b) The State Building Code supersedes the building code of any municipality.
(c) The State Building Code does not apply to agricultural buildings except:
(1) with respect to state inspections required or rulemaking authorized by sections
103F.141; 216C.19, subdivision 9; and 326B.36 (Electrical); and
(2) Translucent panels or other skylights without raised curbs shall be supported to have
equivalent load-bearing capacity as the surrounding roof.
What is an agricultural structure? MN Statutes 326B.103 defines an agricultural building as a structure on
agricultural land; designed, constructed and used to house farm implements, livestock, or agricultural products;
and used by the owner, lessee, and sub-lessee of the building and members of their immediate families, their
employees, and person engaged in the pickup or delivery of agricultural products
The Algebraic Way: Professor Basil J. Hiley leads me to his noncommutative algebra paper revealing Nonlocality as the truth of reality
It is the spin that led me to the idea of no ‘waves’. One of the important things which keeps the ‘wave’ idea alive is the notion of ‘phase’, of interference, but in the case of non-relativistic spin there two ‘phases’— R(1)exp[iS(1)] and the second component R(2)exp[iS(2)]. So how do you think of two ‘phases’ in interference phenomena; in Dirac there are four 'phases’. OK so you can think of 'four waves’. Why ‘four’, but what has happened to the simple idea of interference? The whole picture has suddenly become more complicated and confused. Four waves to be ‘collapsed’? The story seems bogus to me, but that is just my opinion. The simple picture loses it appeal, like the epicycles of Ptolemy. They work but nobody now believes in that story.Of course you have to explore the algebraic way and see if it makes more sense. I do and to me it fits more naturally into the mathematical scheme I am developing. By the way it is not just me. Look, for example, at Rudolf Haag’s book, “Local Quantum Physics, Fields, particles and Algebras.” Chapter III onwards is the area I have been studying. But there is much more interesting ideas being developed i.e. Alan Connes “Noncommutative Geometry."Basil Hiley.
The assumption that Fψ(x, p) is a probability density then
opens up a debate as to the validity of the whole approach. However
we will show that Fψ(x, p) is not a probability distribution, but the
kernel of a density matrix which is not necessarily positive definite or
even real. Thus it is the interpretation of Fψ(x, p) being a probability distribution that is not valid, not the method in which it arises, so we can follow Feynman [17] and use equation (7) as a valid way to evaluate the quantum expectation values without worrying about the appearance of negative values of Fψ(x, p). We need to remember that we are dealing with a non-commutative structure and not simply averaging over classical coordinates.
Some Notes on Quantum Information in Spacetime
Aug 6, 2020- Entropy 22 (2020) 8, 864
- Published: Aug 6, 2020
In particular, considering the four-dimensional dynamics as the explication (in a Bohmian sense) of a De Sitter non-perturbative vacuum offers an improvement of Hartle–Hawking proposal in quantum cosmology and a solution to the informational paradox in the BH [27 – 29 ]. This line of reasoning is also promising for an event-based reading of Quantum Mechanics [30].
For a long time, holography and emergentism appeared as two styles of explanation irreconcilable with respect to the locality, but an emergency of time could offer new perspectives with a duality between imaginary time and real time, in a diachronic/synchronic complementarity [31–33].
Hiley, B. J. and Callaghan, R. E., The Clifford Algebra Approach to
Quantum Mechanics B: The Dirac Particle and its relation to the Bohm
Approach, (2010) arXiv: 1011.4033.
[28] Hiley, B. J., Process, Distinction, Groupoids and Clifford Algebras: an
Alternative View of the Quantum Formalism, in New Structures for
Physics, ed Coecke, B., Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 813, pp. 705-750,
Springer 2011.
[29] Hiley, B. J., and Callaghan, R. E., Clifford Algebras and the Dirac-
Bohm Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Equation. Foundations of Physics,
42 (2012) 192-208.
the orthogonal Clifford algebra used to describe the spin and relativistic
properties of quantum phenomena [29]. A detailed discussion of how one
chooses these ideals will be found in that paper. ...In a series of papers Hiley and Callaghan [26, 27, 29] have shown how the orthogonal Clifford algebras can be used to describe the spin and relativistic properties of quantum systems
Moyal’s contribution was to show how the algebra generalised classical
statistics to a non-commutative statistics that emerges from a more general
non-commutative probability theory [15]. By recognising this generalisation,
we have shown that the Wigner function emerges from a representation of
the kernel of the density matrix. We argue that it is therefore incorrect to
regard this kernel as a probability density. Furthermore this fact explains
why the negative values of the Wigner function present no difficulty
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Why Jon Belof's scheme to harvest energy from humans for stablecoin is logically flawed: Ecosphere is not technology
irreversible. This gate has two inputs but only a single output. Therefore, information
is irretrievably lost during its operation, and reversing the operation would be
impossible. All reversible logic gates must be bijective. One example of a reversible
logic gate is the Fredkin gate, which can be used to map any irreversible Boolean logic
locally stored “waste data” until after Alice has reversibly erased her “waste data”.)
Therefore, using Bob’s instructions, Alice can reversibly erase all of her “waste data”
without dissipating energy."
ecosphere versus natural lifean open air, personalized prisonan ethnography of predatory philanthro-capitalism and synthetic biology and blockchainharvesting emotional data to fulfill the requirements of social impact finance deals and to train machine learning.
Dirac remembered that a more abstract
formulation of classical mechanics than Newton’s had long been developed, namely Hamiltonian’s formulation of classical mechanics. Hamilton’s formulation of classical mechanics made use of a mathematical tool called Poisson brackets. Dirac showed that the laws of classical mechanics, once formulated in their Hamiltonian form, can be repaired by suitably introducing h into its equations, thereby yielding quantum mechanics correctly.
See Basil J. Hiley on Dirac and Hiley's emphasis that quantum physics is NOT "mechanics" at all but rather quantum physics is organic like biology, due to noncommutativity.