Friday, March 25, 2022

Science probes the genetic evolutionary origins of sleep: Fasting proven to reduce the need for sleep

 The really remarkable thing about the work in C. elegans and Hydra is, it’s not just that they have these behavioral characteristics of sleep, but a lot of the molecular machinery involved in sleep appears to be conserved. So the same genes, from this little microscopic worm all the way up to humans, are involved. For example, if you give Hydra melatonin, they enter a sleep-like state. 

  So it’s called hypocretin and orexin. It’s a neuropeptide, so it’s released from neurons and binds to a receptor. And it was first identified in these really classic studies in dogs from Emmanuel Mignot’s group at Stanford. And they had these narcoleptic dogs, and he was hunting for the gene that caused narcolepsy. And he found a mutation in the receptor for hypocretin. And it caused the dogs, when they would get excited, to essentially fall asleep with cataplexy, so they wouldn’t move, they’d be paralyzed. And then later it was found that humans with narcolepsy often had a loss of hypocretin neurons in their hypothalamus.


And he found that the activity pattern in this area, the dorsal pallium, which is the evolutionary precursor to the mammalian neocortex, had these REM- and non-REM-like sleep patterns. He then used further drug treatments to find that the same drugs that would induce REM-like sleep would induce REM-like patterns in zebrafish. That really showed that there’s kind of a direct line. Not only in the behavior of sleeping, but in the structure of the brain’s activity during sleep, from non-mammalian models all the way up to humans.

 So fasting reduces the need for sleep!!

t if you starve a fruit fly, and it loses sleep, it doesn’t need to rebound from that. So it doesn’t need to make up that lost sleep. But if you were to sleep deprive it by mechanically shaking it, it would need to make up that reduced sleep. And the way I think most of us interpret that is, it’s evolutionarily built-in to find ways to compensate for sleep, when it’s part of the brain’s wiring. But when it’s not, when it’s something like mechanical shaking, the brain’s unprepared to do that. And so, there’s a consequence, which is you need to sleep more.

 Wow - when I did my Bigu fast I only needed five hours of sleep by the end of the fast - and my qi energy was the strongest - body had the Yuan Qi activated....

free radicals can be derived, also, not from oxygen, you know, from some other thing. But the critical thing there is that you have an unpaired electron in their outer orbital, in their valence orbital. So that’s the orbital that engages in chemical reactions. And you need electrons to be paired for stability. So these molecules are kind of wobbly. And they attack cellular molecules. They steal electrons, so to speak, from DNA from protein from, from fats, they oxidize them. So this is very similar to rusting, right? Or, like, when you cut an apple, you expose it to air, it gets oxidized. That’s the brown stuff, okay? So you turn these cellular molecules also into dangerous molecules, free radicals, which then attack other things.

 So when we increase the "yin qi" as negative ions we are essentially adding the electrons back into the body....This is why the Earthing movement says that the negative ions "neutralize" the free radicals. That's why when I eat sugar I immediately get an internal tingling sensation!!

Strogatz (20:52): Huh, very interesting. So sleep is really tied to digestion, or something.

Rogulja (20:58): Yeah, I think so. I think so.

Strogatz (21:00): Well, that would explain why every animal up and down the, whatever, the tree of life, is going to need to do this, we all have to eat. Everyone knows eating is important. Metabolism is important.

Rogulja (21:11): Well, there’s also something else, you know, like the gut is one of the first organs that, that appeared in animal evolution. And I used to think of it as — before this study, I would not have been fascinated by the gut because you just think, oh, you eat to survive. But think about, like, everything that you’re made of essentially, it has to come through your gut. You have to eat it, extract some molecules, turn it into yourself.

This is like a place close to the middle of your body where wild things happen. You have to break down tissues of other animals, of plants, of different things without harming yourself. It’s nothing else that you can think of in your body is exposed to anything approaching what your gut is exposed to.

So they're saying that we sleep after the gut releases the antioxidant enzymes when digesting food....

 it was actually really, really quick that we got to this surprising answer, which was the bad things were happening in the gut, specifically.

 animals start massively dying, sleep-deprived animals, so there’s a huge, huge, huge increase in reactive oxygen species, specifically in the gut.





Arctic-News latest blog posts on the accelerating Eco-Apocalypse

 Indisputable Unstoppable Irreversible global destruction: Abrupt global warming rate of change is accelerating 

One of my readers tells me that global warming is not going to kill us before war from lack of food. Yes these issues are all related. The science is now crystal clear - modern humans from creating agriculture have now caused the fastest acceleration of global warming on Earth - due to CO2-equivalent emissions (methane primarily, along with CO2).

The irony is that when a solar-calendar based agriculture spread around the world it did so along with patriarchy as the tools used for the farming have been patriarchal. 

So we lost our original human culture secret of alchemical meditation based on the Cosmic Mother who will Never Be Unveiled - our primate origins in the rainforest were based on listening as our dominant perception.

I'm going "farm sitting" again - and this farm even won an award recently as the "rising star" by our state Farm Union! The farm is based on intensive rotation to mimic the ecological effects of a predator-prey system. So the grass never gets eaten down below say knee level. That way the roots are the main priority for growing and the roots then store the carbon into the soil via the soil mycelium. They have had even soil tests to prove this. I have helped out there over the past five years.

I've blogged on all this before - it's all "regenerative agriculture." 

My previous blog on the Chestnut Tree farm - that Badgersett farm appears to not be "active" anymore - at least not in cyberspace. If they can't email me back then I suppose I could call them. Still I will continue my mushroom harvest and I just published my first book as my new book writing business.

So that Badgersett Chestnut Farm noted such trees would store I think 9 tons of carbon a year? Anyway I have given for for tree farms along the equator were the growth rate is fast. Where I was going to plant the trees it would take ten years for any significant harvest.

I don't think we have ten years at our current accelerating of global warming on Earth!! See the links to see the science as to why. So that's why I rely on meditation as the truth of a post-death reality of the Cosmic Yuan Qi that will never be Unveiled.



Wednesday, March 23, 2022

converting to a Chestnut tree farm at EcoEcho Cultivation: Phil Rutter and Badgersett Farm

I emailed Badgersett and I never got a response yet. We'll see - I'll wait a week. I guess this won't happen. It would be very labor intensive anyway. I'm going to file taxes as a freelance writer instead of a mushroom farmer. thanks.

Badgersett Tree Nut farm interview 

I planted over 20 chestnut trees on our previous land and I used deer fencing - since the deer were feasting. I also had to hand kill the bugs eating the new tubelings. I recently checked on the trees and they seemed to be doing well - I could only see a few over the neighbors fence at our previous land. I didn't want to disturb the new owners as that's their privacy to choose what to do with the trees. As far as I can tell they were excited about the "agroecology farm" report I had left them - they told us just as much. 

 So that's the most recent "news" I can find! Their website and facebook and twitter were last active in 2018. But there is gossip of people still buying from them during the pandemic in 2020....

Now in his late 60s, he is a fascinating man with an extraordinarily active mind.Although I’m frequently lost when he gets into his experiments with genetic modifications, or how geological formations affect cultures, or Eastern musical scales, etc., our conversations always make me think.

 Maybe he read my research! haha.

Phil doesn’t have air conditioning – or a refrigerator, or a telephone or many other conveniences and distractions. Like many ‘thinkers,” he shakes his head as those around him tamper with the environment. Nature and evolution, he says, have been experimenting with things for millions of years. We see the successes all around us; the failures disappear. This relatively new creature who calls himself “homo sapiens” has been “improving” things for the past four or five centuries.

 Ah so that's why they haven't updated their blog? Probably lost the "help" that was doing their "tech" stuff....


 trees that can produce 2,000 pounds per acre,

 Chestnut Peeling Vid - Phil Rutter's youtube channel

 Chestnut trees line snowy pathways.

 See those look a LOT closer than 25 feet yet 25 feet is what people say online... so I emailed to ask. My trees I planted were too far away even though I did get a few chestnuts after a few years! haha.

I think these "hybrid" chestnuts are more like bushes? So closer together?

I have to read their blog more. 





Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Post-Doom Dynamic

 well as Sandy and Jen read - most of the arctic is in Russia and Russia indeed sees the future of the arctic as a future of extracting resources - mainly methane or natural gas. The "war" is just an acceleration of "progress" in terms of Missile Envy against Mother Nature. Mother Nature will win and modern civilization based on farming and the solar calendar will lose. 

We primates have our females synchronized precisely with the moon that governs water cycles for life on Earth - when the female humans live in nature as a group. Civilization is based on the female chimpanzees using spears to hunt whereas previously the males hunted to bring the meat home. The females got sick of being raped by the males and so the females decided to hunt with spears instead of relying on the male muscle that also led to the females being raped. 

The problem with civilization is that the female technology does not solve the cause of the problem - mainly the male ejaculation addiction is the true cause of the escalating violence on Earth as Missile Envy. Our left brain dominance appears to be rational while dependent on right-hand technology - thereby wiping out all left-handed amino acid based life on Earth with right brain dominance. 

This left-handed amino acid dominance originates out of the asymmetric of antimatter quarks with protons - thereby creating the supposed linear direction of time since the Big Bang. In fact the virtual photons have relativistic mass as the magnetic moment or monopole - so the virtual photons store information as a singularity beyond the Big Bang. Sir Roger Penrose says the signals from BEFORE the Big Bang should therefore be visible in the cosmic background radiation in the microwaves.

Our technology to track the accelerating expansion of the universe is therefore inversely proportional to the acceleration of time on Earth both with the destruction of 3D space. Only the 5th dimension of time-frequency remains as Penrose emphasizes mass actually originates from quantum frequency as the true gravitational potential or reverse time "negative entropy" that creates the quantum entanglement for solar fusion power. 

Thus our technological right-hand dominance with left brain rationalism - manifested as the "communist" agenda - returns us back to our nonlocal origins of the Cosmic Mother. Just as in deep dreamless sleep when we have no idea that spacetime exists so to our true nature is the eternal formless awareness that we never wake up from.

Handbooks for Daoist Practice, pdf: Chapter 42, Tao Te Ching and Noncommutativity

 chapter 42: Tao Te Ching

The Dao generated the One (yi );
The One generated the two (er );
The two generated the three (san );
The three generated the ten thousand beings (wanwu 萬物).
The ten thousand beings carry yin and embrace yang ,
And it is the empty qi (chongqi 沖氣) that harmonizes these. 

p. 217

We know the secret truth of the above is noncommutative time-frequency music theory as the explanation! Meditation is the means to know this truth.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

The EcoEcho HermitHut was completely buried in snow - after I cleaned off the roof


That's the chimney to the right...

That's the "whole" Hermit Hut - again completely buried in snow!!

That's the passage way to get to the front door. I devised this Buckyfuller design for a porch overhang - using Tensegrity principle and so far this is the second winter it's held up!! I actually didn't clear the snow off that overhang this time. So we'll see how well it holds up. Should start melting soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Andrija Puharich realized the "proton magnetic asymmetry" of life is due to the asymmetry in quarks - now proven as a constant (and new repulsive force?) of the cosmos!

 The experiment determined that there are always more anti-down quarks in the proton than anti-up quarks, no matter the quarks’ momentums.

These theories will inform further experiments on asymmetry in the proton and other particles, adding to our understanding of the theory surrounding quarks.

Clues about the nature of quarks in the proton ultimately lead to better understanding of the atomic nucleus. Understanding the nucleus can demystify properties of the atom and how different chemical elements react with each other. Proton research touches upon fields including chemistry, astronomy, cosmology and biology, leading to advances in medicine, materials science and more.

You need experiment to lead the thinking and constrain theory, and here, we were looking for nature to give us insight into the proton’s dynamics,” said Geesaman. It’s an interlacing cycle of experiment and theory that leads to impactful research.”

A paper on the study, The asymmetry of antimatter in the proton”, was published in Nature on Feb. 24.

And what did Andrija Puharich state?

ELF Magnetic Model of Matter and Mind 

"the protonic "GO" command to divide......This has now been identified as the magnetic fields emanating from the magnetic monopoles residing in quarks within the proton as omegons (also called preons)."

In reality, the proton’s interior swirls with a fluctuating number of six kinds of quarks, their oppositely charged antimatter counterparts (antiquarks), and “gluon” particles that bind the others together, morph into them and readily multiply. Somehow, the roiling maelstrom winds up perfectly stable and superficially simple — mimicking, in certain respects, a trio of quarks. “How it all works out, that’s quite frankly something of a miracle,” said Donald Geesaman, a nuclear physicist at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. Thirty years ago, researchers discovered a striking feature of this “proton sea.” Theorists had expected it to contain an even spread of different types of antimatter; instead, down antiquarks seemed to significantly outnumber up antiquarks.

 So that's what Puharich is referring to...and he believes that is what is being changed by healers changing the proton spin coupling! Fascinating. John Cramer...

hypercharge, a conserved property of certain particles. The neutral "matter" kaon is the Ko theoretically a system composed of a "down" quark and an "anti-strange" quark, has a hypercharge of +1. Its antimatter twin, the Kõ, a strange quark and an anti-down quark, has a hypercharge of -1. Both Ko's have the same electrical charge (Q=0), the same spin (s=0), and the same mass (about half that of a proton). From all external clues these two theoretical particles are indistinguishable except in their hypercharge, which is not directly observable.

    In this situation where two states of matter cannot be distinguished externally, quantum mechanics tells us that a very interesting thing happens. The two indistinguishable states are "mixed" to make two new states of matter which are distinguishable. This mixing produces from the combination (Ko-Kõ) the particle KS which decays in about 10-10 seconds (and so is called K-short). And it produces from the combination (Ko+ Kõ) the particle KL which decays 581 times more slowly (and therefore is called K-long). The KL particle has been found to be very peculiar in its decay into other particles, showing a favoritism for one direction of time over another and for matter over antimatter. These violations of symmetry principles of nature (time-reversal and charge invariance) are not understood in any fundamental way.

the variation of G and the velocity dependence of the kaon system, with a single theory. They start with the fact that kaons, neutrons, and protons all have hypercharge. Perhaps, the paper speculates, there is new and very weak force associated with hypercharge which is responsible for the anomalies in both the gravitational and the kaon measurements. Starting from this point, they calculate the properties which such a "fifth" force must have to be consistent with these observations. They conclude that this new force would be very much like gravity, but with four important differences: (1) it depends on hypercharge rather than mass; (2) it is a repulsive force, in that objects with the same hypercharge are repelled from each other; (3) it has a strength only 0.7% that of gravity; and (4) it is a "short range" force which cuts off exponentially at distances on the order of 200 meters.

 Wow - is this the same claim that Puharich is making? 

Puharich then states:

We now know (1987) that ELF fields of precise frequencies trigger H2 division. ...this sets up a possible ELF mechanism for superconductivity at body temperature and protons can shift like a zipper opening up the ladder of H bonds....

proton superconductivity of ELF fields is a necessary condition for such rapid and complex imprinting of the fertilized egg. 
proton spin coupling - the obsession of Andrija Puharich




Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Fasting with Cayenne: Vagus nerve activation - Stop all hunger pains!

 From my vagus nerve brain research - I realized that cayenne would activate the brain vagus nerve as the easiest method. Sure enough I was able to stop all hunger sensations so I could easily just fast all day.

I mixed it with ginger - so I guess the ginger helps with fasting also.

Since I now know the vagus nerve is in the lower front part of the brain - I could really feel the vagus nerve in the brain being activated by the cayenne. It was awesome - and I got a very nice relaxation going on....

I use very strong cayenne , 90000 rated - so it's very easy to overdose. So when I felt queasy then I just added water....

Olivier Costa de Beauregard Weak Force neutrinos as key to biological transmutation

 Recently a possible explanation for this phenomenon within the framework of modern
physics has been evolved by French physicist Oliver Costa de Beauregard, Professor
of Theoretical Physics at the Institut de Physique Theorique Henri Poincare (Faculty

of Sciences, Paris) who is also Director of the Centre National de la Reserche

Scientifique (C.N.R.S.). Costa de Beauregard suggests that such transmutations
neither takes place through strong interactions, nor through electromagnetic forces,

but through the weak interaction. This takes place through the neutral current of the
intermediate vector boson, the so called Zo, particle recently discovered by particle
physicists. Kervran's reaction for a biological transmutation from Potassium (K) to
Calcium (Ca) in germinating oats is thus explained as being Initiated by neutrino
capture (from cosmic rays) and the weak interaction follows mediated by the Z,
neutral current (the Zo probably existing as a virtual particle):-

It would seem that this formula has brought the reality of these transmutations into the
theoretical framework of modern physics. We thus see that in living matter there not
only occurs the chemical reactions (electromagnetic forces) of photosynthesis
involving the absorption of photons of light from the sun, but also weak interactions
that can effect the nuclear structure of matter, activated through the participation of
cosmic energy in the form of neutrinos that stream down upon the earth from the
depths of the universe. A full awareness of the consequences of these ideas should
have a profound influence upon many domains of modern science, not least in
agriculture, dietetics and healing.

 A noted French physicist, O Costa De Beauregard, suggested a mechanism for the transmutations, using weak force interactions and advanced waves.

No one - even Kervran himself - thought of negative energy/ negative time interactions. The
jury is still out on the actual mechanism, but it is absolutely clear that the transmutation does
indeed occur

  Louis Kervran, "Biological evidence of low energy transmutations", Maloine, 1975 (See "Final Note" by Costa de Beauregard)



Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Front to Back brain polarity of cosmic Yuan Qi: Yogananda


In the book called "The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita - explained by Paramhansa Yogananda -Swami Kriyananda" on page 205 it says : 

"When the prana and apana are neutralized in breathlessness, the body is sustained by a higher, cosmic energy. What happens is the body's energy is then connected directly to the medulla oblongata, by which connection energy flows directly from a higher source and sustains the body cells from within.

Paramhansa Yogananda developed a system which he called "energization exercises." These, when practiced faithfully, keep the body fit and sustained by higher energy".

On page 304 of that same book, it says this:

"In ordinay, unenlightened human beings, the ego is centered in the medulla oblongata. The yogi looks forward, as it were, from that point to the Kutastha, of "Christ Center" between the eyebrows. The more he concentrates on that point, the more his consciousness becomes identified with it -to the point where his center of self awareness shifts from ego to superconsciousness. Most people, in whatever they do, radiate energy outward from the medulla oblongata at the back of the head -the seat of the ego in the body. An enlightened master, by contrast, radiates energy outward from his transformed self-awareness, which is centered in the Kutastha at the point between the eyebrows. This still is the ego, which even the enlightened man needs in order to keep his body functioning. The divine Self, as differentiated from the enlightened ego, has its center in the heart."


Here is a quote from the energization exercises supplement 8-A:

"To obtain maximum results, each exercise should be performed with deepest attention and will power. Keep the eyes closed and focused upward at the Christ Consciousness center between the eyebrows. This center is the polar opposite of the medulla center at the base of the brain. The Christ center is the center of will in man. The medulla is the principle point of entry of cosmic energy into the body. Will is the power that operates the floodgate of the medulla. By keeping the eyes focused at the Christ Center, and visualizing the cosmic energy flowing into the body through the medulla, a direct connection is maintained between the will and the flow of life energy.

Visualize the cosmic energy entering the body through the medulla oblongata, and direct it, by the power of your will, to the body part that you are exercising. Concentrate the energy on the central portion of that body part."

 So the Will is the Yin qi and the life force is the Yang Qi - and you connect the two to create the Yuan Qi....

So I was focusing on my pineal gland and my neck was sore the next day. haha. I did create a lot of lower tan tien tummo heat.

So now I will try focusing on the center of my forehead. I think that will activate the serotonin more via the hypothalamus. 

The nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nucleus both contribute fibers to the vagus nerve, which exerts parasympathetic control of the heart by decreasing heart rate.

Visual overview of sympathetic and parasympathetic brain-heart connections. Anatomical and functional connections between the brain, spinal cord and the heart for the sympathetic pathway (accelerator nerve, indicated in green) and the parasympathetic pathway (vagus nerve, indicated in blue). AMB: nucleus ambiguus; AMY: basolateral amygdala and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA); CVLM: caudal ventrolateral medullary neurons; dACC: dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DVMN: dorsal vagal motor nuclei; Hyp: hypothalamus (lateral and paraventricular); IML: intermediolateral cell column of the spinal

OH SO that's the part of the brain I need to focus on to activate the vagus nerve!!

Swami Satyananda Saraswati says: “The pineal gland acts as a lock on the pituitary. As long as the pineal gland is healthy, the functions of the pituitary are controlled. However, in most of us, the pineal gland started to degenerate when we reached the age of eight, nine or ten. Then the pituitary began to function and to secrete various hormones which instigated our sexual consciousness, our sensuality and worldly personality. At this time, we began to lose touch with our spiritual heritage. However, through various yogic techniques, such as trataka and shambhavi mudra (third eye gazing), it is possible to regenerate or maintain the health of the pineal gland.”


Monday, March 7, 2022

Our current crisis of Life on Earth

 Mother Nature is taking revenge against solar-based farm "civilization" that humans developed worldwide - based on patriarchy and plow technology. For example Inca males could only get married if they provided imperial military service and farm crops to the Inca imperialist rulers - thereby enabling subjugation of the lunar-based ecology matrilineal tribes. 

The Aztecs spread pederasty into the Mayan culture. Western "so-called" civilization is just the world worst example. So now Mother Nature is taking revenge. We don't have to do anything. Documenting the structural trajectory of the apocalypse is simply based on the true justice that is blind. 

We can listen to the Truth but we can't observe it. For example when in deep dreamless sleep Mother Nature is providing our true consciousness. Written language caused humans to think their speaking brain is their true consciousness. So modern humans with left-brain dominance are all insane. We live in a Chimpanzee culture. 

Female chimpanzees make spears to hunt so they are not dependent on the male chimps bringing home the meat and raping the females. Our modern "civilization" is the same problem. The females rely on technology with the hopes it will protect them from the rapist primate males as modern humans. Unfortunately the technology just destroys ecology and instead only treats the symptom of the problem while increasing injustice in human culture. 

So Mother Nature will start life over on Earth now that the dominant life on Earth is wiping out the rest of life on Earth as well. The Earth works in conjunction with the MOon that controls the water cycles and water is a macroquantum molecule. There is a secret power to water for creating life on Earth. Our solar based farming patriarchy ignores that secret lunar control of life on Earth and only female humans are synchronized - when living in Mother Nature as a group - with the lunar cycle. This is due to the pineal gland third eye psychic energy that has visions from the future. 

Mother Nature guides life from the future and by listening we can resonate and store up that energy from the future. Instead our modern human culture defines reality based on vision and so "seeing is believing" is actually mass insanity with the inherent destruction of life on Earth.

  Actually the concept that time doesn't exist is the mainstream science view called the Block Universe. So for example Plato wrote, "Time is the image of eternity." The mainstream science view is that time only exists as a scientific measurement based on symmetric geometry. My view of time is definitely not that view at all. 

For example there was a study of whether people's perceptions increase when they experience time slowing down due to a blast of adrenaline. The study found no change in perceptual ability speeding up and thus the perception of external time slowing down was an illusion. I disagree with that view. I think that Professor Emeritus Stuart Hameroff got the proper view - based on the studies of Benjamin Libet. What Libet found based on brain experiments - that if the fingertip gets stimulated while the brain is also stimulated - the fingertip stimulation awareness is before the brain awareness in the cortex. Stimulation of the thalamus produces no awareness. 

So Benjamin Libet argued there is a Backwards or reverse time signal from the fingertip neuron stimulation to the brain prefrontal cortex signal. And so our true consciousness is actually our true free will but it is NOT our conscious thinking that only occurs 500 milliseconds or 2 Hertz - AFTER the fingertip stimulation. 

And so in qigong there is the "finger growing game" whereby the qigong master emits qi into the room as a Qi Field and tells people to concentrate on growing their fingertips - and sure enough a significant growth in the finger tip is perceived. haha. So what is happening is our "protoconsciousness" is based on virtual photons as the signal from the future. 

Professor Olivier Costa de Beauregard argued that due to relativistic quantum physics therefore the paranormal is de facto a precognitive signal from the future as a "negative entropy" organizing force. Sir Roger Penrose, the Nobel Physicist, also makes the same argument in his collaboration with Stuart Hameroff.This negative entropy is due to the noncommutative time-frequency signal as a newly discovered quantum force. 

It can't be called energy because it's before the amplitude is squared as the intensity probability energy in quantum physics. So since we can listen up to ten times faster than time-frequency uncertainty or Fourier Uncertainty then our brains can resonate with this reverse time force through meditation on listening with our eyes closed. Our brains use 25 watts of power based on laser biophoton energy and two-thirds of that power is for external vision. 

So by turning the laser light around and listening to its source there is then a relativistic quantum nonlocal energy that is resonated from the future. Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie called this the "pilot wave" based on the Law of Phase Harmony. His protege was Olivier Costa de Beauregard. 

So Roger Penrose now argues that there are signals from before the Big Bang - that should be detectable in the microwave background radiation of the Universe - due to this "gravitational entropy" that is the negative entropy of matter. So the fusion energy of the Sun is due to the quantum entanglement from the gravitational entropy or a reverse time organizing force power. The same negative entropy is what powers and creates life on Earth.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Reviewing Alain Connes more: Music of Shapes lecture (Wow I understood MORE words now!) haha

  Because you can an operator with a Discrete Spectrum in Hilbert Space and in the same Hilbert Space an operator with continuous spectrum, but of course they can not commute.

The finite invariant is allowing you to reconstruct the geometry from the spectrum....this is how the notion of point will emerge, by a correlation from different frequencies. The space will be given by the scale, the spectrum. The music of the space will actually be done by the various chords that are possible. It's not enough to give the scale. You also have to give which chords are possible. ...The invariant which is complementary to the spectrum invariant....that's why I call it the scaling invariant. So how do we get back to points in the geometric space.... When you have a point in space you have a matrix of rank four, the matrix of the inner products of that point. A matrix of complex numbers, a nice self-adjoint... A point should be thought of as a correlation between frequencies.....There is a fine structure in spectral.... 
We are in fact working with a huge microscope (at CERN) ... in order to understand this fine have to rethink about geometry... geometry is born from Hilbert space and only observable quantities because it chooses invariant quantities in Hilbert Space...

Music of Shapes lecture


the propagator is the inverse of the Dirac operator... by sending a wave...with a constraint... not faster than one. Less than one. It works for discrete spaces. It works for noncommutative quantum states...

You have a manifold times a finite space.... the finite space is never commutative. ...The simplest finite space which has dimension zero, as far as the spectrum is concerned, because it is finite... 2 x 2 matrix as quaternions plus 4 x 4 matrices [for the inverse frequency eigenvariables] ...

 Note that the expression is actually abuse of notation for i.e. the matrix inverse of . What you showed is that so you are free to leave out the in your final expression.

 the underlying theory behind our approach which uses ideas from quantum field theory and
non-commutative geometry, in particular the notion of an odd K-cycle which is based on the
Dirac operator (and its inverse, the Dirac propagator). Using physics terminology, the key
point in our strategy is this: instead of measuring ordinary length in space-time we measure the
“algebraic (or spectral) length” in the space of quantum states of some fermion acted upon by
the Dirac propagator.


 Our brain is an incredible UTENSIL which perceives things in momentum space - all the photons that we receive - and manufactures a mental picture which is geometric. But what I'm telling you, ....I believe from what I said that the fundamental thing is Spectral and that the fundamental thing is of that nature. And that somehow in order to think we have to do this innermost Fourier Transform.... A Fourier Transform not for functions but a Fourier Transform on geometry.... The Music of Shapes is really a Fourier Transform on a Shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse and this is a function that the brain does amazingly well because we think geometrically.
Ritz-Rydberg Law ... Two variables...Some frequencies add....

 Heisenberg said ALL frequencies would add as a Group - by Fourier Transform we'd come back to the Hamiltonian of this space that would be a Torus.... Because the Ritz-Rydberg did not allow this then Heisenberg discovered the noncommutative matrices....the quantum observables do not commute. 

The Phase Space is a noncommutative system and that's what's behind the space all the time.

 A. Chamseddine and A. Connes, The Spectral action principle, Comm. Math. Phys. 186 (1997), 731–750.


 Alain Connes gives Music of Shapes lecture in French

Ritz-Rydberg Law: When expressed in frequencies NOT wavelengths, certain spectral lines add up to give a new spectral line. If you want to understand that kind of law, you had to use not one index (alpha or beta) but TWO indices. If you study spectral lines in that point of view, certain lines are the addition of two different spectral lines. This was a miraculous, a wonderful discovery that was made, thanks to Heisenberg. Heisenberg understood that this law of composition which was called Ritz-Rydberg Law lead immediately to - if you're a physicist you concentrate on observable values - led to Matrix Mechanics. Of course mathematicians know about that but not physicists. If you make a product of two matrices you use precisely this Ritz-Rydberg Law. You obtain the IK from the sum of IJ and JK.

The discovery of Heisenberg was these matrices were not commuting.

 The order of the terms...has vital part to play. E=mc(squared) but you can't inverse the terms of this equation in this specific case. Commutativity does no longer hold in the phases of a microscopic system.

This might be a difficult challenge. But we tend to know that kind of phenomenon. Because when we right things down, using language, we know that we have to take into account the order in which we write the letters. If we don't, we have, some times the cases of anagrams.

 So the inverse of the frequency as noncommutative wavelength or "line element" for the square root that is more dense!! So fascinating!!!

He says it's fairly hard to define the difference between spectrum and "relative spectrum" based on chords.... 

The universe communicates with us through bar codes ... a very well known example is the red shift - that was sent to these spectra and bar codes that were shifted to the red....


 the emergence of spacetime. The Real world started out with mathematics and our very existence is a sort of window into this real world. And this gives us a glimpse of eternity....

The spectrum of unbounded self-adjoint operators is similar to
bounded operators, for example, the spectrum of unbounded self-adjoint operators is real.
Unitary operators are bounded linear operators whose spectrum lie on the unit circle. The
spectrum of the unitary operators can then be mapped onto the real line using a Cayley
transform and, hence, the spectrum of an unbounded operator may be written using the
spectral theorem of unitary operators as the basis.