So Kathy A. Grant lecture tells us the epigenetics - if there is heavy drinking before the brain is fully developed (by the early 20s) - then there is an epigenetic change towards alcoholism. With chronic drinking then the prefrontal cortex shrinks - it only takes six months of strong drinking to significantly shrink the prefrontal cortex for executive decision (in present time reality).
So this means there is a change in the genetic expression of the cortisol ratio to ACTH (which increases the serotonin levels). So then instead there is an increase in the reptilian striatum brain dopamine expression (and a decrease in the ACTH serotonin bliss).
So since it's epigenetics then this genetic change can probably be reversed.
So then
this lecture on Alcohol and the Female Brain
emphasizes that females get a much stronger cortisol stress effect from alcohol and this is due to females having a higher fat to muscle ratio than males. So the alcohol stays in the blood longer for females and therefore has a stronger effect on the brain for females than for males - that's the real reason why females are required to drink less alcohol than males.
If chronic use is kept low - a glass of wine or less a day - then the effect can be medicinal in lowering heart disease and strokes. But if higher than that level - once 3 drinks are reached - then the effect is brain damage.
So for an alcohol then their genetic expression is based on building up the enzyme needed to process alcohol. So they can respond in present time - and seem coherent - but they do not remember what they are saying. So they are functioning on an "automatic" or habitual level much the same as a person who drives a car without thinking about it.
The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Xiang-Yu EcoEcho harvest soon? aka Shiitake
The “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota will be soon I hope. I drill holes in a whole piece of forest wood and plant the hyphae of the xiānggū (香菇) inside. Afterwards, I move the wood to a humid spot in the forest and water it regularly.
Only 5% of all mushroom are grown the way mother nature intended….in hardwood logs, or stumps. The “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota mushrooms that survive these extreme conditions will have a chewy, tender texture, and a dynamic flavor close to the “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest mushrooms found in the wild.The smell of this special mushroom is very similar to garlic and is due to an ingredient called Lenthionine. Its aromatics are reminiscent of garlic and pine and it imparts a rich, smoky, umami flavor.
1 cup of “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota grown on trees in northern Minnesota equals 1 days FDA of protein!
“Fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota have twice the level of beta-glucans than sawdust block grown. The lentinan content of xiānggū (香菇) varies according to growing methods and conditions, and storage. Prior to storage, a content of 1.3% lentinan (dry weight) has been found. Lentinan, the beta-glucan of “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota, is an immunostimulant used to treat cancer, AIDS [anti-viral], diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, and other conditions with impressive results.
“Fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota has
β-D-glucan (as discussed as Lentinan);
eritadenine: this is a cholesterol reducing component and can be used to control cholesterol levels (considered important to control of heart disease)
RNA fractions; these are antiviral nucleic acids, which stimulate the cell to defend itself against viruses, making it more resistant.
Wu San Kwung who first began mushroom cultivation, in Zhejiang in the Sung dynasty about 1,000 years ago. Instead of focusing on button mushrooms, he grew “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) by impregnating logs with spores.
The other regions grow xiānggū (香菇) on mixed wood shavings in a plastic bag, which is placed in the greenhouse. The benefits of this approach are the short growing time and large amount of output. But that can’t compete with the nutrients “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota get from an intact piece of wood and the natural surroundings.
Thanks again!
Only 5% of all mushroom are grown the way mother nature intended….in hardwood logs, or stumps. The “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota mushrooms that survive these extreme conditions will have a chewy, tender texture, and a dynamic flavor close to the “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest mushrooms found in the wild.The smell of this special mushroom is very similar to garlic and is due to an ingredient called Lenthionine. Its aromatics are reminiscent of garlic and pine and it imparts a rich, smoky, umami flavor.
1 cup of “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota grown on trees in northern Minnesota equals 1 days FDA of protein!
“Fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota have twice the level of beta-glucans than sawdust block grown. The lentinan content of xiānggū (香菇) varies according to growing methods and conditions, and storage. Prior to storage, a content of 1.3% lentinan (dry weight) has been found. Lentinan, the beta-glucan of “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota, is an immunostimulant used to treat cancer, AIDS [anti-viral], diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, and other conditions with impressive results.
“Fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota has
β-D-glucan (as discussed as Lentinan);
eritadenine: this is a cholesterol reducing component and can be used to control cholesterol levels (considered important to control of heart disease)
RNA fractions; these are antiviral nucleic acids, which stimulate the cell to defend itself against viruses, making it more resistant.
Wu San Kwung who first began mushroom cultivation, in Zhejiang in the Sung dynasty about 1,000 years ago. Instead of focusing on button mushrooms, he grew “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) by impregnating logs with spores.
The other regions grow xiānggū (香菇) on mixed wood shavings in a plastic bag, which is placed in the greenhouse. The benefits of this approach are the short growing time and large amount of output. But that can’t compete with the nutrients “fragrant mushrooms” xiānggū (香菇) harvest in northern Minnesota get from an intact piece of wood and the natural surroundings.
Thanks again!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
ConspiraChi and the "Info-demic" (attempt to spin the word Pandemic into a virtual information war)
So the Liberal Imperial news ran a full story on how the Interwebs has created a crazed "pandemic" of conspiracy theories - a "hurricane" that is unstoppable - and of course fed by Faux News and the Credibly Alleged Child Rapist - Drumpf.
So two of the conspiracies mentioned were that garlic helps stop Covid-19 and also that we're all gonna get microchipped. The Spin was that the Coronavirus was CREATED as an EXCUSE for us to be microchipped.
Well the problem with debunking conspiracy theories is that the Debunking is often just as bad as the conspiracy theory itself!
I agree that the conspiracy theories trying to challenge the validity of the virus itself - they're bunk.
I've address that already.
But the garlic claim has some merit - and I've addressed that also.
I've also addressed the microchip claim. I never said the virus was CREATED as an EXCUSE to microchip everyone. That's different.
So what is the "origin" of the word conspiracy! It is literally to breathe together as to bond secretly to the land. I've gone into the origin of this word.
So with the pandemic - it is literally spread by Breath Fog but people don't understand that either.
So with Conspiracy actually meaning Spira (Breath) as Chi - from the Pythagorean Aion or Logos - we now face the deeper conspiracy.
Technology is now increasingly right brain dominant. Meaning people want their Youtube Vids with lots of eye candy. So that's why I load up my blog posts onto youtube - it freaks people out to think they have to READ on youtube. haha.
So the technology is taking over thinking for us. TV first started this big time. We go into Alpha brain wave trance to the Boob Tube - the serotonin levels go up.
So then we have are critical thinking turned off and with lots of Corporate propaganda as "news" - CANNED Video Releases - then we are all easily brainwashed.
Then with Cell phones are brains are literally FRIED and we are turned into right brain dominant (one finger) click zombies.
And so yes the final step to microchip all of us is really an accumulation from the beginning of Western civilization - what I exposed as the Actual Matrix Plan from the music logarithmic spiral. It's HARD-wired into the mathematical logic of reality (or science is our religion of technology).
So while the TV or newspapers TRY to correct the "conspiracy" lies - and the internet TRIES to correct the "lies" - the real issue is that the Medium is the Message itself.
So everyone ACCEPTS cell phones so much that you literally can not own a computer unless you sign up to microsoft with a cell phone to get a Text Message - it has to be a SMART phone. And so now smart phones can all be tracked - via common apps (programs on phones). Even the name of "computer program" has been changed due to cell phones!!
And so when everyone gets microchipped - it will also be accepted at first with some reluctance and then it will be praised as the means to create a holographic reality, etc. And the Actual Matrix Plan will be here!
the New Age is based on the Liberal Imperialist idea that only the "smart" with the "best technology" will survive as a SPIRITUAL science movement and the mass genocide is to be expected as a spiritual "cleansing" - that is painful but necessary (cue the crocodile tears).
The 1970s movie Soylent Green captured this Liberal Imperialist view well - with the virtual reality deaths of the elderly - and so now the right wing is openly calling for the mass killing of the elderly (by going against the stay at home orders) - so in other words Herd Immunity - spread it around as much as possible and see who survives.
The problem is that now the Meat industry is going down since it's not just old people dying (they are 20% of the deaths) - Covid-19 will unexpectedly dramatically shut down a person's body - their vital organs will stop working - in some cases just a few days after the virus takes over.
So now Drumpf is forcing the meat workers to get the Covid-19 and therefore he is openly forcing people to DIE so that others can get their Factory Farm fake meat.
And so 250 million people face starvation - give or take a billion people. A Billion people are now estimated to become Covid-19 positive.
We should all assume we have it - since testing it still way below what it needs to be.
And there really is NO ESCAPE from our current dialectical convergence of Spiritual Technology as Big Brother Matrix take over of our bodies and minds - AND Mother Nature taking revenge via abrupt global warming.
The military calls this the final battle between Humans vs. Nature vs. Machines.
And the military wants the machines to win - of course it won't say that openly.
And in the end who wins? Mother Nature as the Emptiness. Not Nature as life forms - although extreme life deep in the oceans will most likely survive. Still the planet could go the way of Mars.
Considering Earth is just a speck of dust in the Universe - then to be fixated on the Emptiness or Spacetime as the Awareness of the Universe is not so bad.
And that is the real ConspiraChi.
The real "breath" of Life is also the Negentropy that powers the Sun.
So this is a noncommutative geometry cosmology lecture.
Noncommutative geometry is POINTLESS - literally - meaning it is really quantum algebra.... (using matrices)....
But then spacetime has to be RECOVERED or CREATED - and to do so means to convert back to commutative math.
So also this is all occurring at the Planck Scale - 10 to the minus 33. So experimentally we can not OBSERVE it (yet)....
Yet as a philosophy of Pythagorean music - it still can be practiced!!! And there's no NEED to convert it back to the commutative math. haha.
That's what's so funny about noncommutative geometry.
So two of the conspiracies mentioned were that garlic helps stop Covid-19 and also that we're all gonna get microchipped. The Spin was that the Coronavirus was CREATED as an EXCUSE for us to be microchipped.
Well the problem with debunking conspiracy theories is that the Debunking is often just as bad as the conspiracy theory itself!
So the first point is that the Stay at HOme orders are based on 19th century science - the microbe origin of the pandemic spread by social relations.Mar 28, 2020 - ... information about the virus. “We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO.Feb 2, 2020 - The 2019-nCoV outbreak and response has been accompanied by a massive 'infodemic' - an over-abundance of information – some accurate ... by J Zarocostas - 2020 - Cited by 28Feb 29, 2020 - “We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic”, said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the Munich ...Apr 10, 2020 - Tech giants struggle to stem 'infodemic' of false coronavirus claims. Critics say efforts are too little, too late as research reveals vast majority of ...
I agree that the conspiracy theories trying to challenge the validity of the virus itself - they're bunk.
I've address that already.
But the garlic claim has some merit - and I've addressed that also.
I've also addressed the microchip claim. I never said the virus was CREATED as an EXCUSE to microchip everyone. That's different.
So what is the "origin" of the word conspiracy! It is literally to breathe together as to bond secretly to the land. I've gone into the origin of this word.
So with the pandemic - it is literally spread by Breath Fog but people don't understand that either.
So with Conspiracy actually meaning Spira (Breath) as Chi - from the Pythagorean Aion or Logos - we now face the deeper conspiracy.
Technology is now increasingly right brain dominant. Meaning people want their Youtube Vids with lots of eye candy. So that's why I load up my blog posts onto youtube - it freaks people out to think they have to READ on youtube. haha.
So the technology is taking over thinking for us. TV first started this big time. We go into Alpha brain wave trance to the Boob Tube - the serotonin levels go up.
So then we have are critical thinking turned off and with lots of Corporate propaganda as "news" - CANNED Video Releases - then we are all easily brainwashed.
Then with Cell phones are brains are literally FRIED and we are turned into right brain dominant (one finger) click zombies.
And so yes the final step to microchip all of us is really an accumulation from the beginning of Western civilization - what I exposed as the Actual Matrix Plan from the music logarithmic spiral. It's HARD-wired into the mathematical logic of reality (or science is our religion of technology).
So while the TV or newspapers TRY to correct the "conspiracy" lies - and the internet TRIES to correct the "lies" - the real issue is that the Medium is the Message itself.
So everyone ACCEPTS cell phones so much that you literally can not own a computer unless you sign up to microsoft with a cell phone to get a Text Message - it has to be a SMART phone. And so now smart phones can all be tracked - via common apps (programs on phones). Even the name of "computer program" has been changed due to cell phones!!
And so when everyone gets microchipped - it will also be accepted at first with some reluctance and then it will be praised as the means to create a holographic reality, etc. And the Actual Matrix Plan will be here!
the New Age is based on the Liberal Imperialist idea that only the "smart" with the "best technology" will survive as a SPIRITUAL science movement and the mass genocide is to be expected as a spiritual "cleansing" - that is painful but necessary (cue the crocodile tears).
The 1970s movie Soylent Green captured this Liberal Imperialist view well - with the virtual reality deaths of the elderly - and so now the right wing is openly calling for the mass killing of the elderly (by going against the stay at home orders) - so in other words Herd Immunity - spread it around as much as possible and see who survives.
The problem is that now the Meat industry is going down since it's not just old people dying (they are 20% of the deaths) - Covid-19 will unexpectedly dramatically shut down a person's body - their vital organs will stop working - in some cases just a few days after the virus takes over.
So now Drumpf is forcing the meat workers to get the Covid-19 and therefore he is openly forcing people to DIE so that others can get their Factory Farm fake meat.
And so 250 million people face starvation - give or take a billion people. A Billion people are now estimated to become Covid-19 positive.
We should all assume we have it - since testing it still way below what it needs to be.
And there really is NO ESCAPE from our current dialectical convergence of Spiritual Technology as Big Brother Matrix take over of our bodies and minds - AND Mother Nature taking revenge via abrupt global warming.
The military calls this the final battle between Humans vs. Nature vs. Machines.
And the military wants the machines to win - of course it won't say that openly.
And in the end who wins? Mother Nature as the Emptiness. Not Nature as life forms - although extreme life deep in the oceans will most likely survive. Still the planet could go the way of Mars.
Considering Earth is just a speck of dust in the Universe - then to be fixated on the Emptiness or Spacetime as the Awareness of the Universe is not so bad.
And that is the real ConspiraChi.
The real "breath" of Life is also the Negentropy that powers the Sun.
So this is a noncommutative geometry cosmology lecture.
Noncommutative geometry is POINTLESS - literally - meaning it is really quantum algebra.... (using matrices)....
But then spacetime has to be RECOVERED or CREATED - and to do so means to convert back to commutative math.
So also this is all occurring at the Planck Scale - 10 to the minus 33. So experimentally we can not OBSERVE it (yet)....
Yet as a philosophy of Pythagorean music - it still can be practiced!!! And there's no NEED to convert it back to the commutative math. haha.
That's what's so funny about noncommutative geometry.
Liar of the Lyre As the Cretan Liar Paradox!: Teacher of Pythagoras, Epimenides, 700 BCE, followed Cretan (west Asian) Zeus - NOT Apollo of Delphi: Andrei B. Lebedev
This corroborates my research from two years ago - on the difference of the Apollo versus Pythagorean tradition....
yep - a cover-up as usual - of the truth!
Fertilizing Force of the Wind that breaks open the cosmic Egg
So this truly takes us back to the original human culture San Bushmen cosmology - the cracking open of the cosmic Ostrich Egg by N/om.... (the snake-wind Aion energy)....
The authors therefore conclude that the Minoan civilisation was a local development, originated by inhabitants who probably reached the island around 9,000 years ago, in Neolithic times.Ancient Lineage of Pythagorean Cave Meditation "Listening" to the Goddess -